Unofficial translation
In compliance with paragraph 5 of Article 96 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan HEREBY DECREES:
1. That the enclosed rules, forms of support and other conditions required for the state non-financial support to private entrepreneurship entities granted in various sectors of the economy, which fall within the competence of several sectoral public authorities shall be approved.
2. That The Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be in charge of control over the implementation of this decree.
3. This Decree shall come into effect since January 1, 2025 and shall be subject to official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
O. Bektenov |
Approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 626 of August 5, 2024 |
Rules, forms of support and other conditions required for the state non-financial support
to private entrepreneurship entities granted in various sectors of the economy, which fall
within the competence of several sectoral public authorities Chapter 1. General provisions
1. These Rules, forms of support and other conditions required for the state non-financial support to private entrepreneurship entities granted in various sectors of the economy, which fall within the competence of several sectoral public authorities (hereinafter - the Rules), specify the procedure for granting non-financial support measures for entrepreneurship.
2. The following basic concepts are used herein:
1) an account is a personal page of the online platform user, which is created after registration on the online platform;
2) Women's Entrepreneurship Development Centre is a platform for offering non-financial support to women in obtaining services to stimulate participation in entrepreneurial activities and increase economic activity;
3) a social entrepreneurship entity means individual entrepreneurs and legal entities (excluding large businesses) included in the register of social entrepreneurship entities;
4) business review consultant is a natural person with experience in conducting business reviews at small and medium-sized enterprises in Kazakhstan;
5) a brand committee is a permanent collegial consultative and advisory body under the chambers of entrepreneurs of oblasts, cities of national importance and the capital, selecting products within the framework of the project “One Village - One Product”;
6) a working group is a commission that reviews and evaluates the products of potential participants of the “One Village - One Product” project (hereinafter - OVOP), deciding the list of participants of the OVOP project that scored the highest number of points in the regional exhibition;
7) Entrepreneurship Service Centre (hereinafter - ESC) is an infrastructure complex for rendering state support measures and offering state services, including in online mode, to entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative, established under the RCE;
8) the department of the Entrepreneurship Service Centre (hereinafter referred to as the ESC department) is a working place for rendering state support measures, rendering state services to entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative, established in the places of the largest concentration of entrepreneurs in regional centres, cities of national importance and the capital city;
9) a designated authority on entrepreneurship (hereinafter - designated authority) is a public authority in charge of management and inter-sectoral coordination in the field of development and support of private entrepreneurship;
10) a consulting company is a legal entity and (or) an individual entrepreneur engaged in consulting services of a certain specialisation, having confirmed successfully implemented projects and passed qualification selection pursuant to the terms of reference for the implementation of the instrument “Business Advisory Services Programme of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to support small and medium-sized enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
11) a cooperation project is a plan with specific goals and ways to achieve them, based on a pre-designed step-by-step programme, which is implemented due to cooperation with foreign partners;
12) the register of delivered services is an electronic document containing aggregate data on applications, delivered services, users and other information;
13) a service recipient is a person who has applied for non-financial support measures;
14) a non-financial support operator is the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, responsible for state non-financial support to entrepreneurs apart from the component “Business Advisory Services Programme of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to support small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
15) a web portal of a non-financial support operator is an online platform of a non-financial support operator where non-financial measures of state support are made available to users in electronic format;
16) an instrument is a measure of non-financial support offered to entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative;
17) a consultanting manager is a natural person offering consulting, information and explanatory services to individuals applying for entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurs under an agreement on rendering services on a reimbursable basis concluded between the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the consultanting manager;
18) a mentee is a female entrepreneur with knowledge and skills in the field of entrepreneurship, willing to acquire new knowledge and willingness for self-development and independent work and teamwork;
19) a mentor is a female entrepreneur with successful entrepreneurial experience, engaged to deliver a mentoring service to transfer knowledge and experience in entrepreneurship;
20) mentoring is a service to accompany a mentee to transfer knowledge and experience in entrepreneurship;
21) a training certificate (hereinafter - certificate is a document confirming the completion of training;
22) Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs (hereinafter - RCE) is a regional chamber of entrepreneurs of oblasts, cities of national importance and the capital city of the operator of non-financial support, including a workplace for rendering state support measures and granting state services to entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative, established in places of the largest concentration of entrepreneurs in oblast centres, cities of national importance and the capital city, as well as in single-industry towns, small towns and district centres;
23) an application form is a written application accompanied by the documents required to receive non-financial support measures envisaged hereby, signed in handwriting or by electronic digital signature;
24) international foreign organisations (hereinafter - IFOs) - foreign organisations that assist small and medium-sized enterprises in organising foreign internships, establishing business relations with foreign partners and (or) aiming to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.;
25) a foreign and (or) domestic expert is a participant of the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmety’ instrument, engaged to advise on the implementation of new management methods, production technologies, equipment and personnel training;
26) an electronic digital signature (hereinafter - EDS is a complex of electronic digital symbols created using electronic digital signature means and confirming the authenticity of an electronic document, its ownership and invariability of its content.
3. Non-financial measures to support entrepreneurship shall envisage the provision of state non-financial support to entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative in the following areas:
1) increasing entrepreneurial potential;
2) development of women's entrepreneurship;
3) supporting producers of products from local and local resources;
4) Strengthening entrepreneurial capacity via counselling and service provision;
5) Expanding business linkages and increasing the productivity of entrepreneurs.
Chapter 2. Direction “Enhancing Entrepreneurial Potential”
4. The operator of non-financial support shall implement the ‘Kasipke Bagyt’ instrument within the framework of the direction “Enhancement of Entrepreneurial Potential”.
5. The ‘Kasipke Bagyt’ instrument covers a set of advisory, educational services offered to entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative on a free-of-charge basis.
6. The ‘Kasipke Bagyt’ instrument shall be offered by the operator of non-financial support and RCE in regional centres, cities of national importance and the capital, as well as with visits to district centres based on the needs revealed.
7. The ‘Kasipke Bagyt’ instrument shall be granted on a free-of-charge basis to the population with entrepreneurial initiative, as well as to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).
8. Implementation of the ‘Kasipke Bagyt’ instrument shall be financed from the funds of the republican and (or) local budget by concluding a contract on public procurement, using a single-source method under Article 41 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Public Procurement” (hereinafter - the Law).
9. The operator of non-financial support shall ensure delivery of services based on applications by engaging consulting and educational service providers and highly qualified experts, including foreign ones.
10. The non-financial support operator shall inform on the progress of the implementation of the instrument on the website and/or social networks of the non-financial support operator, and/or via mass media (hereinafter - mass media).
11. The ‘Kasipke Bagyt’ instrument shall render the following types of services:
1) consulting;
2) sectoral (profile) training;
3) training on fundraising;
4) social entrepreneurship training;
5) business review.
Paragraph 1. Procedure for rendering services by way of consultations
12. Consultation shall cover:
1) clarification of sectoral and regional business support programmes on the specifics of the regions;
2) revealing the needs for other services of the ‘Kasipke Bagyt’ instrument.
13. The mechanism of counselling shall be implemented in the following order:
1) the service recipient applies to the ESC and is served in the order of priority by the manager-consultant;
2) the manager-consultant grants the service-recipient an application form for the provision of services for compulsory completion in the form as per Annex 1 hereto with obligatory photo fixation;
3) the service recipient fills in an application form and supplies the following types of documents:
an identity card or its electronic copy from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
a certificate/notification of entrepreneur registration (if available);
a notarised power of attorney (if required).
14. The sequence of receiving services shall be established based on the results of completing the application form and the needs of the service recipient.
15. In case of revealing the service recipient's need that is not included in the list of services of the ‘Kasipke Bagyt’ instrument, the manager-consultant shall redirect the service recipient to other instruments of non-financial support measures.
Paragraph 2: Procedure for rendering sectoral (profile) training services
16. Sectoral (profile) training shall be granted for the purpose of increasing the entrepreneurial potential of small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SME) and (or) its representatives.
17. Sectoral (profile) training shall be organised for SMEs and (or) their representatives in a RCE and (or) in an existing farm and (or) enterprise.
18. The recipients of sectoral (profile) training shall be entrepreneurs or their representatives.
19. Mechanism of implementation of sectoral (profile) training:
1) the non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall notify entrepreneurs on the commencement of enrolment in sectoral (profile) training via regional mass media and (or) the website of the non-financial support operator;
2) the service recipient shall apply to the ESC and shall be served in the order of priority by the manager-consultant;
3) the manager-consultant shall issue to the service-recipient a service application form for mandatory filling out in the form as per Annex 1 hereto with obligatory photo fixation;
4) the service recipient shall complete the application form and submit the following types of documents:
an identity card or its electronic copy from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
a certificate/notification on SME registration;
a notarised power of attorney (if required).
5) the operator of non-financial support and (or) RCE shall form a group, schedule and format of sectoral (profile) training based on the received applications.
6) the result of the service shall be a certificate of training, issued when the threshold value of not less than 70 (seventy) per cent is reached based on the results of the conducted testing.
20. The total length of the training process shall be at least 24 (twenty-four) hours.
21. Training of SMEs and (or) their representatives shall be organised not more than once a year in one sectoral (profile) direction.
22. If sectoral (profile) training is held in settlements outside the place of residence of SMEs and (or) their representatives, SMEs and (or) their representatives shall pay their own transport and accommodation costs.
Paragraph 3: Procedures for delivery of the services of fundraising training
23. The services of fundraising training shall be made available to SMEs and population with entrepreneurial initiative.
24. Fundraising training shall be offered online and/or offline in an interactive form in line with the training programme approved by the non-financial support operator.
25. Mechanism of implementation of the training on fundraising:
1) the non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall inform entrepreneurs and the population with an entrepreneurial initiative on the commencement of enrolment in fundraising training via regional mass media and (or) the website of the non-financial support operator;
2) the service recipient shall apply to the ESC and shall be served in the order of priority by the manager-consultant;
3) the consulting manager shall issue to the service-recipient a service application form for mandatory completion in the form as per Annex 1 hereto with obligatory photo fixation;
4) the service recipient shall fill in the application form and submit the following types of documents:
an identity card or its electronic copy from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
a certificate/notification of SME registration (if available).
5) the non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall form the schedule, group and format of training based on the received requests;
6) training shall be offered to the service recipient not more than once a year;
7) the result of the service shall be a certificate of training, issued when the threshold value of not less than 70 (seventy) per cent is reached based on the results of the conducted testing.
26. The total duration of the training process shall be at least 24 (twenty-four) hours.
27. Should the training take place in settlements outside of the service recipient's place of residence, the service recipient shall pay the transport and accommodation costs on his/her own.
Paragraph 4. Procedure for rendering social entrepreneurship training services
28. Training in social entrepreneurship shall be organised to implement social ideas with the aim of creating a culture of non-dependency, creating jobs for the poor, large families, orphans, people with special needs, promoting their self-realisation and the development of effective inclusion.
29. Training shall be offered online and/or offline in an interactive format in line with the training programme approved by the non-financial support operator.
30. The recipients of social entrepreneurship training shall be entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative.
31. Mechanism for the implementation of social entrepreneurship training:
1) the non-financial support operator and (or) RCE shall inform entrepreneurs and population with an entrepreneurial initiative on the commencement of enrollment in social entrepreneurship training via regional mass media and (or) the website of the non-financial support operator;
2) the service recipient shall apply to the ESC and shall be served in the order of priority by the consulting manager;
3) the consulting manager shall issue to the service-recipient a service application form for mandatory completion in the form as per Annex 1 hereto with obligatory photo fixation;
4) the service recipient shall complete an application form and present the following types of documents:
an identity card or its electronic copy from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
a certificate/notification of entrepreneur registration (if available).
5) the non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall draw up the schedule, group and format of training based on the received requests;
6) training shall be offered to the service recipient not more than once a year;
7) the result of the service shall be a certificate of training, issued when the threshold value of not less than 70 (seventy) per cent is reached based on the results of the conducted testing.
32. The total duration of the training process shall be at least sixteen (16) hours.
33. Should the training take place in settlements outside the service recipient's place of residence, the service recipient shall pay for the transport and accommodation expenses on his/her own.
Paragraph 5: Procedure for delivery of business review services
34. The business review shall be organised with the aim of making recommendations to improve the potential of the enterprise, the professional competence of its employees and the sustainability of the business.
35. Business review service recipients shall be SMEs that have been functioning for at least two years and have at least 5 (five) employees on a permanent basis and (or) under a service provision agreement.
36. The business review shall be organised at the service recipient's premises and conducted by a business review consultant with experience in conducting business valuations of small and medium-sized enterprises.
37. Mechanism of implementation of the business review service:
1) the non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall inform entrepreneurs on the commencement of recruitment for the business review of enterprises through regional mass media and (or) the website of the non-financial support operator;
2) the service recipient shall apply to the ESC and shall be served in the order of priority by the consulting manager;
3) the consulting manager shall issue to the service-recipient a service application form for mandatory completion in the form as per Annex 1 hereto with obligatory photo fixation;
4) the service recipient shall fill in the application form and submit the following types of documents:
an identity card or its electronic copy from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
a certificate/notification of registration of the entrepreneur;
5) the non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall form a list of enterprises for business review;
6) the business review consultant shall organise the business review for not more than 30 (thirty) calendar days at the service recipient's enterprise;
7) a report shall be drawn up after the business review, which includes recommendations for improving the business.
38. The operator of non-financial support and (or) RCE shall ensure continuous delivery of services to the service recipients for entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative within 12 (twelve) months of the financial year within the framework of financing of the ‘Kasipke Bagyt’ instrument.
Chapter 3. Direction “Development of Women's Entrepreneurship”
39. The operator of non-financial support shall implement the ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument as part of the direction “Development of Women's Entrepreneurship”.
40. The ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument shall cover services to support and develop women's entrepreneurship and increase the capacity of women entrepreneurs.
41. The operator of non-financial support shall implement the ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument as part of the direction “Development of Women's Entrepreneurship”.
40. The ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument shall cover services to support and develop women's entrepreneurship and increase the capacity of women entrepreneurs.
42. Implementation of the ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument shall be financed at the expense of the republican and (or) local budget through signing a contract on public procurement, by means of a single-source method pursuant to Article 41 of the Law.
43. The ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument shall offer the following types of services:
1) counselling;
2) professional and business training;
3) mentoring;
4) informing women entrepreneurs on international projects.
Paragraph 6: Procedure for rendering services in the form of consultations
44. The non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall inform women on the services offered, scheduled types of training and other activities within the framework of the ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument through the regional mass media and (or) the website of the non-financial support operator.
The counselling shall involve:
1) clarification of financial or non-financial support measures for the development of women's entrepreneurship;
2) identification of women's needs for other services of the ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument.
45. The mechanism of counselling shall be implemented in the following order:
1) a service recipient applies to the Women's Entrepreneurship Development Centre located in the ESC and is served in the order of priority by the consulting manager;
2) the consulting manager issues to the service recipient a service application form for mandatory completion in the form as per Annex 2 hereto with obligatory photo fixation;
3) the service recipient completes the application form and submits the following types of documents:
an identity card or its electronic copy from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
a certificate/notification of entrepreneur registration (if available).
46. The sequence of receiving services shall be decided based on the results of completing the application form and the needs of the service recipient.
47. In case of revealing the need of women, which is not included in the list of services of the ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument, the manager-consultant shall redirect the service recipient to other instruments of non-financial support measures.
Paragraph 7: Procedure for rendering vocational and business training services
48. Vocational and business training shall involve increasing competence, increasing knowledge in the current area of work and gaining knowledge on how to run a business.
49. Mechanism of implementation of vocational and business training:
1) the non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall reveal the most demanded training areas, considering the requests received from the service recipients;
2) the operator of non-financial support and (or) the regional chamber of entrepreneurs shall form a group, schedule and format of vocational and business training;
3) the service recipients shall be tested following the vocational and business training results;
4) the result of the service shall be a certificate of training, issued when the threshold value of not less than 70 (seventy) per cent of the test results is reached.
50. The total length of the training process shall be at least twenty-four (24) hours. The training schedule shall be arranged with due regard to the parental and family responsibilities of women.
51. Service recipients shall be offered no more than one area of vocational and business training per year.
52. Should the training be organised in settlements outside the service recipient's place of residence, the service recipient shall pay for transport and accommodation expenses on his/her own.
Paragraph 8: Procedure for the delivery of mentoring services
53. The mentoring service shall involve accompanying the mentee to transfer knowledge and experience in the field of entrepreneurship.
54. The mentor shall be appointed by the non-financial support operator and shall accompany the mentee for a maximum of 6 months.
55. The non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall form a list of mentees to accompany the mentor from the applications received.
56. The mentor shall evaluate the competency of the mentee's business manager and develop proposals to improve his/her competency.
57. Should a mentee refuse the mentoring service, the mentee shall be replaced by another willing mentee.
Paragraph 9. Procedure for rendering services to inform women entrepreneurs on international projects
58. The service of informing women entrepreneurs on international projects shall involve the delivery of information on forums, conferences and other international events oriented towards the development of business potential of women entrepreneurship in business areas of interest.
59. The operator of non-financial support and (or) RCE shall inform service recipients on international projects, forums, conferences, competitions and other events by means of sms-notifications and (or) e-mails.
60. The operator of non-financial support and (or) RCE shall ensure continuous delivery of services for women entrepreneurs and women with entrepreneurial initiative to the service recipients within 12 (twelve) months of the financial year as part of the financing of the ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument.
61. The non-financial support operator shall present a report to the competent authority on the evaluation of the quality of services rendered via a telephone survey or sms-messages.
Chapter 4. Direction “Support for Manufacturers of Products from Domestic and Local Resources”
62. The non-financial support operator shall implement the OVOP project as part of the “Support to Manufacturers of Products from Local and Local Resources” direction.
63. The OVOP project shall be rendered by the operator of non-financial support and (or) RCE in oblast centres, cities of national importance and the capital city, as well as with visits to district centres.
64. Implementation of the OVOP project shall be financed from the republican and (or) local budget by concluding a public procurement agreement in line with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on public procurement.
65. The OVOP project shall involve the organisation of the following activities and services:
1) consultancy;
2) organising regional exhibitions;
3) product specification;
4) training and marketing support for OVOP project finalists to facilitate product launch into domestic and/or foreign markets.
66. Potential participants of the OVOP project shall consist of entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative, manufacturing products/goods from local and local resources.
67. The OVOP project shall be designed to highlight regional products from local and local resources, including at the village level, as well as to contribute to the upgrading of production technologies and to promote entry into foreign and/or domestic markets.
Paragraph 10. OVOP project implementation mechanism
68. The non-financial support operator and (or) RCE shall inform entrepreneurs and the population with an entrepreneurial initiative on the launch of the OVOP project via regional mass media and (or) the website of the non-financial support operator.
69. The non-financial support operator and/or RCE shall search for producers of products/goods from local and local resources at the regional level.
70. Potential participants shall contact the ESC and be served on a first-come, first-served basis by the RCE.
71. The RCE shall submit to the potential participant a questionnaire-application for services for compulsory completion in the form as per Annex 3 hereto, with obligatory photo fixation.
A potential participant shall complete an application form and present the following types of documents:
1) an identity card or its electronic copy from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
2) a certificate/notification of entrepreneur registration (if available).
72. The non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall generate a list of potential participants within the period of the regional exhibition.
73. The operator of non-financial support and/or the RCE shall organise and hold regional exhibitions for potential participants of the OVOP project.
74. Based on the results of the regional exhibition, the working group shall select no more than 10 products/goods. The RCE shall create a working group, which shall be approved by the order of the head of the RCE, in an odd number, consisting of employees of the operator of non-financial support and the RCE, as well as representatives of regional industry associations.
75. The products/goods selected by the working group shall be presented at the meeting of the brand committee, where no more than 3 (three) products/goods shall be selected and finalist certificates (hereinafter referred to as finalists) shall be issued.
76. Finalists of the OVOP project shall be supported by the non-financial support operator and (or) RCE in terms of marketing support, preparation of design and (or) redesign of product brands.
77. Training shall be organised and conducted by the non-financial support operator for OVOP project finalists.
78. The non-financial support operator and (or) the RCE shall facilitate the participation of OVOP project finalists in regional, national and (or) international exhibitions, forums and conferences.
Chapter 5. Direction “Strengthening Entrepreneurial Capacity through Counselling and Services”
79. Direction “Strengthening Entrepreneurial Capacity through Counselling and Services” shall encompass the following instruments:
1) information and counselling services for entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative;
2) rendering of service support for entrepreneurial activities.
Paragraph 11. Procedure for rendering advisory and information services for entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative
80. The “Information and Advisory Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative” instrument, including social entrepreneurship entities shall encompass a set of information and advisory services offered on a free-of-charge basis.
81. The services under the “Information and Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with an Entrepreneurial Initiative” instrument shall be offered in the branches of the RCE, the branch of the Entrepreneurial Service Centres and/or in the places of the largest concentration of entrepreneurs and population with an entrepreneurial initiative, and online - via the web portal of the non-financial support operator.
82. “Information and Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative” instrument shall be financed from the republican and (or) local budgets.
83. When financing the “Information and Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative” instrument at the expense of the republican and local budgets, the relevant contract shall be concluded in a single-source manner in line with Article 41 of the Law.
84. Expenses for rendering non-financial support measures under the “Information and Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative” instrument incurred by the operator of non-financial support, prior to the entry into force of the agreement on reimbursable services concluded between the competent authority for entrepreneurship and the operator of non-financial support, shall be reimbursed by the competent authority under the concluded agreement on reimbursable services for the current financial year, upon provision of documentary support.
85. Expenses for non-financial support measures under the ‘Information and Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative’ instrument incurred by the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs prior to the entry into force of a reimbursable service agreement between the local executive body for entrepreneurship and the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, shall be reimbursed by the local executive body on entrepreneurship within the framework of the concluded agreement on reimbursable services for the current financial year upon provision of documentary evidence.
86. Information and counselling services for entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative shall cover the following services:
1) information and counselling services on state support measures by consulting on financial and non-financial measures of state support, starting a business (selection under the Common Classifier of Economic Activity and optimal taxation system), preparation of sample contracts and primary accounting documents;
2) collection of the required documents prior to and after financing in second-tier banks, financial organisations and development institutions, business planning services;
3) services on legal issues and obtaining permits, by consulting on starting and stopping business activities, obtaining licences and certificates;
4) services on collection of documents and execution of an application for participation in procurements/competitions/tenders and obtaining land plots;
5) services in obtaining permits, technical conditions for connection to engineering networks (gas supply, water supply, sewerage, electricity supply).
87. Rendering information and counselling services with personal presence of entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative shall be performed in the following order:
1) to obtain services, the service recipient applies to the ESC of the RCE branches and/or in the places of the largest concentration of entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative and is served by a consulting manager on a first-come, first-served basis;
2) a service recipient applying for services presents the following documents:
an identity card or its electronic version from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
a certificate/notification of SME registration (if available);
a notarised power of attorney (if required);
3) a consulting manager submits to the service-recipient a questionnaire-application for rendering services under the “Information and Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative” instrument for compulsory filling in the form as per Annex 4 hereto with obligatory photo-fixation of the service-recipient when receiving the service;
4) the consulting manager shall submit a book of complaints and suggestions at the request of the service recipient;
5) upon provision of the service, the consulting manager enters the data of the service recipient into the register of rendered services within the framework of the ‘Information and Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative’ instrument in the form as per Annex 5 hereto;
6) the service recipient receives services without limitation within a calendar year on a permanent basis;
7) to evaluate the quality of services delivered to SMEs, the non-financial support operator conducts a quality audit by means of a telephone survey or a sms-message survey within the framework of the financing instrument.
88. Information and counselling services shall be delivered online via the web portal of the non-financial support operator in the following order:
1) to receive services in electronic form, the service recipient registers on the web portal of the non-financial support operator;
2) upon registration on the web-portal of the non-financial support operator, the service-recipient selects the required counselling/service as per paragraph 86 hereof and completes an electronic questionnaire-application for services under the “Information and Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative” instrument in the form as per Annex 4 hereto;
3) the service recipient encloses an electronic copy of the following documents to the electronic application:
an identity card or its electronic version from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
a certificate/notification of SME registration (if available);
a notarised power of attorney (if required);
4) the service recipient signs the electronic application for rendering services through personal identification by means of two-factor authentication or by using EDS on the web portal of the non-financial support operator;
5) an electronic application received on the web portal of the non-financial support operator is allocated in the order of priority and workload among the consulting managers within 24 hours from the moment of application submission;
6) once the electronic application has been distributed on the web portal of the non-financial support operator, the service recipient is notified of the receipt of his/her application by e-mail or mobile phone;
7) information on the status of the application is displayed in the personal cabinet of the service recipient on the web portal of the non-financial support operator;
8) within 1 (one) working day, the consulting manager of the non-financial support operator verifies the submitted data via the web portal of the non-financial support operator (in cases of incompleteness and/or non-compliance of the documents presented with sub-paragraph 3) of this paragraph hereof, the consulting manager sends the application for revision with indication of the reason for refusal;
9) the result of the review of the electronic application is sent to the service recipient by a notification to his/her account on the web portal of the non-financial support operator via sms-message or e-mail, specifying the status of an electronic application;
10) the service recipient evaluates the quality of the service rendered by the consulting manager of the non-financial support operator on his/her account;
11) in the event of dissatisfaction with the service rendered, the service recipient may appeal against the actions of the consulting manager by filing an appeal via the non-financial support operator's web portal or by contacting the support service at the contacts listed on the non-financial support operator's web portal.
89. Within the framework of implementation of information and consulting services for entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative, not later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting month, the operator of non-financial support shall send to the competent authority a report on the implementation of the instrument on a quarterly basis, not later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting month, using the form specified in the contract on public procurement of services under the Information and Consulting Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative’ instrument.
90. Within 12 (twelve) months of the financial year, the non-financial support operator shall ensure continuous provision of information and counselling services to the service recipients as part of the financing of the instrument.
91. The operator of non-financial support shall quarterly inform entrepreneurs and population with entrepreneurial initiative on the information and consulting services rendered, the commencement and place of service delivery through mass media or by placing information on the Internet resources and (or) in social networks of the operator of non-financial support.
Paragraph 12. Procedure for rendering service support for entrepreneurial activities
92. ‘Provision of Service Support for Entrepreneurial Activities’ instrument shall be designed to render services to support entrepreneurs, including social entrepreneurship entities, provided on a free-of-charge basis.
93. ‘Provision of Service Support for Entrepreneurship’ instrument shall be financed from the republican and (or) local budgets.
94. When financing the ‘Provision of Service Support for Entrepreneurial Activities’ instrument at the expense of the republican and local budgets, an appropriate public procurement agreement shall be concluded using a single-source method under Article 41 of the Law.
95. Expenditures for the delivery of non-financial support measures under the ‘Provision of Service Support for Entrepreneurship’ instrument incurred by the non-financial support operator prior to the entry into force of the service reimbursement agreement concluded between the Authorised Entrepreneurship Authority and the non-financial support operator shall be reimbursed by the Authorised Entrepreneurship Authority under the concluded service reimbursement agreement for the current financial year upon submission of documentary evidence.
96. Expenditures incurred by the regional chamber of entrepreneurs for the provision of non-financial support measures as part of the ‘Provision of Service Support for Entrepreneurship’ instrument, prior to the entry into force of the service agreement between the local executive body for entrepreneurship and the regional chamber of entrepreneurs shall be reimbursed by the local executive body on entrepreneurship within the framework of the concluded agreement on reimbursable services for the current financial year upon delivery of documentary evidence.
97. Service support for entrepreneurs shall be delivered locally via regional chambers of entrepreneurs in oblast centres, cities of national importance and the capital as required, and online via the web portal of the operator of non-financial support.
98. The following services shall be rendered to entrepreneurs within the framework of service support:
1) associated with accounting and tax accounting, as well as the preparation of statistical reports, including:
consultations on accounting and tax legislation;
consultations on the processing of primary documents, tax accrual and other budgetary deductions;
consultations on bookkeeping;
consultations on working with the ‘1C:Accounting’ programme;
consultations on preparation and submission of tax reports;
consultations on preparation and submission of statistical reports;
consulting on preparation of additional reports on financial activities for third-party organisations;
preparation of tax and statistical reports;
2) on legal issues and competitive (tender) procedures, including:
consultations on obtaining licences and permits;
support in obtaining licences, certificates and permits;
preparation of documents for registration, re-registration of a business entity;
consultations on liquidation of a business entity;
drafting agreements in electronic format;
consulting in the field of civil, labour and business law;
consultations related to public procurement;
preparation of applications for participation in a competition/tender;
services for appealing against actions/inaction of procurement organisers;
3) on the issues of financing and receiving state support measures, including:
consultations on organising and conducting entrepreneurial activities;
support in preparing documents for financing at second-tier banks, other financial organisations and development institutions;
4) on business plan development, including:
advice on gathering information to develop a business plan;
consultations on business plan development;
business plan development;
consultations on analysing the plan for promotion of goods and (or) works, and (or) services;
development of a plan to analyse a plan for the promotion of goods and (or) works, and (or) services.
99. The operator of non-financial support shall inform entrepreneurs on a quarterly basis on the services offered, the commencement and place of service provision through the mass media or by placing information on the internet resources of the operator of non-financial support.
100. Entrepreneurs shall permanently receive comprehensive service support as part of the approved services for conducting entrepreneurial activities, apart from the service for developing a business plan, as well as analysing the plan for promoting goods and (or) works and (or) services, which entrepreneurs shall receive only 1 (once) in 1 (one) calendar year.
101. Maintaining services shall be rendered in the personal presence of the entrepreneur in the following order:
1) entrepreneurs interested in receiving services apply to the ESC or a branch of the ESC and are served in the order of priority by a manager-consultant;
2) entrepreneurs applying for the service submit the following types of documents:
an identity card or its electronic copy from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
a certificate/notification of registration of the business entity;
a notarised power of attorney (original) (if required);
3) the consulting manager submits to the service-recipient an application form for the provision of services for business entities in the form as per Annex 6 hereto with obligatory photo fixation of the service-recipient when receiving the service;
4) the consulting manager provides a book of complaints and suggestions at the request of the entrepreneur;
5) upon rendering the service in full, an act of rendered services is signed between the consulting manager and the entrepreneur in the form pursuant to Annex 7 hereto;
6) to evaluate the quality of services rendered to the entrepreneur, the non-financial support operator conducts a quality audit by means of a telephone survey or a survey by means of sms-messages within the framework of the financing instrument;
7) upon delivery of the service, the consulting manager enters the data of the entrepreneur into the register of rendered services as part of the ‘Provision of Service Support for Entrepreneurship’ instrument in the form as per Annex 8 hereto.
102. Rendering services online via the web portal of the non-financial support operator shall be provided in the following order:
1) for receiving the service, the entrepreneur registers on the web portal of the non-financial support operator (when registering on the web portal of the non-financial support operator, the entrepreneur fills in the required data and creates an account on the web portal of the non-financial support operator);
2) the entrepreneur selects the required service and fills in an electronic application form for granting maintenance services for entrepreneurs in the form pursuant to Annex 6 hereto and encloses an electronic copy of the documents specified in sub-paragraph 2) of paragraph 101 hereof;
3) an electronic application for rendering services hereunder is signed through personal identification by means of two-factor authentication or by using EDS on the web-portal of the non-financial support operator;
4) an electronic application placed on the web portal of the non-financial support operator is assigned in the order of priority and workload to the manager-consultants within 24 hours from the moment of submission of the application;
5) the entrepreneur receives a notification by e-mail or mobile phone that his/her electronic application has been accepted for work after the electronic application has been distributed to the consulting manager;
6) information on the status of the electronic application is displayed in the entrepreneur's account on the web portal of the non-financial support operator;
7) within 1 (one) working day after receiving an electronic application, the consulting manager verifies the documents submitted for completeness as per sub-paragraph 2) of paragraph 101 hereof (in cases of incompleteness and (or) inconsistency of the documents submitted, the consulting manager sends the electronic application for revision, specifying the reason for the refusal);
8) the consulting manager renders the service and sends the result of the service to the entrepreneur in his/her account on the web portal of the non-financial support operator (information via sms-message or email with the status of the electronic application);
9) upon receipt of the results of the rendered service to the entrepreneur on the web portal account of the non-financial support operator, confirm the fact of work performance by signing the act of rendered services in the form as per Annex 7 hereto through personal identification using the two-factor authentication method or by using EDS;
10) the entrepreneur evaluates the quality of the service offered by the manager-consultant on the account of the web portal of the non-financial support operator;
11) should the entrepreneur be dissatisfied with the quality of the service rendered, he/she may appeal against the actions of the consulting manager by submitting an appeal via the web portal of the non-financial support operator or by contacting the support service at the contacts specified on the web portal of the non-financial support operator.
103. As part of the contract on public procurement of services for rendering service support for entrepreneurial activity, the operator of non-financial support shall send to the competent authority a report on the implementation of the instrument of service support for entrepreneurial activity on a quarterly basis, not later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting month, in the form specified in the agreement on public procurement of services for rendering service support for entrepreneurial activity.
104. The operator of non-financial support shall ensure continuous delivery of service support to entrepreneurs within twelve (12) months of the financial year.
105. No later than June of the reporting year, the non-financial support operator shall develop and post on Internet resources informative videos of at least three (3) minutes duration on the services of the ‘Provision of Service Support for Entrepreneurship’ instrument.
106. Development and placement of informative video clips in coordination with the competent authority shall be performed within the framework of financing of the ‘Provision of Service Support for Entrepreneurship’ instrument.
107. The operator of non-financial support shall report information to the competent authority on the developed and placed informative video clips at the end of the first half of the financial year.
Chapter 6. Direction “Expanding Business Relations and Enhancing the Productivity of Entrepreneurs”
108. Direction “Enhancing Business Relations and Productivity of Entrepreneurs” shall cover the following instruments:
1) ‘Business Relations’;
2) ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’.
3) Programme of business consulting services of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to support small and medium-sized enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Paragraph 13. Procedure for rendering services under the ‘Business Relations’ instrument
109. The Business Relations instrument aims to support SMEs by establishing business relations with foreign partners with the support of IFO.
110. The participants of the instrument shall be senior managers of SMEs with the following criteria:
1) with an average annual income of at least 10,000 (ten thousand) monthly calculation indices;
2) matching the entrepreneur's sectoral activities with the sectoral opportunities of the host country.
111. The Business Relations instrument shall envisage thematic business internships abroad, as well as visits to enterprises of similar profile and establishment of business relations with foreign partners on the issues of:
1) technology transfer and equipment purchase;
2) reciprocal supply of goods, works and services;
3) acquiring franchises;
4) establishing joint ventures.
The format as well as the timing of the internship shall be decided by the host country by sending a letter to the non-financial support operator.
112. The organisation of foreign internships for SME shall be organised by the IFO, considering the level of development of industries in the host countries.
113. Cooperation with IFO shall be implemented as part of existing international cooperation agreements between the authorised body for entrepreneurship and the competent authority of the host country, as well as within the framework of agreements between the operator of non-financial support and the IFO.
114. The activities of the ‘Business Relations’ instrument shall be financed from the republican budget through the conclusion of a contract on public procurement of services between the competent authority and the operator of non-financial support in a single-source manner as per Article 41 of the Law, as well as from the funds financed by the IFO.
115. Expenditures for rendering non-financial support measures as part of the Business Relations instrument incurred by the non-financial support operator prior to the entry into force of the agreement on the reimbursable rendering of services concluded between the competent authority and the non-financial support operator shall be reimbursed by the competent authority within the framework of the concluded agreement on the reimbursable rendering of services for the current financial year upon submission of documentary evidence.
116. 1 (one) month prior to the commencement of acceptance of applications for participation in the Business Relations instrument, the non-financial support operator shall inform potential participants on the possibility of their participation in the instrument by placing information on the non-financial support operator's Internet resources and/or social networks.
117. An application for a non-financial support measure under the ‘Business Relations’ instrument shall be filed via regional chambers of entrepreneurs in oblast centres, cities of the national importance and the capital city, and branches of the RCE.
118. The procedure for applying for a non-financial support measure under the ‘Business Relations’ instrument via the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs shall be as follows:
1) the service recipient shall file an application for participation in the internship for advanced training of top and middle managers of small and medium-sized enterprises as part of the Business Relations instrument in the form as per Annex 9 hereto, a written commitment of the participant as part of the implementation of the Business Relations instrument in the form as per Annex 10 hereto;
2) the application shall be considered by the non-financial support operator within 10 (ten) working days.
119. Upon applications accepted, the operator of non-financial support jointly with the IFO shall organise the defence of cooperation projects and select the best cooperation projects developed by the participants. The criteria for the selection of the service recipient shall be:
1) intention to co-operate with foreign companies;
2) potential of the manager;
3) knowledge of a foreign language (in case of internship in a foreign language).
120. Once the best cooperation projects are identified, the non-financial support operator shall send the lists of selected SMEs to the competent authority for approval to participate in business internships abroad.
121. The IFO shall prepare a calendar of group programmes and seek partner enterprises for thematic business internships in the first quarter of the financial year.
122. The non-financial support operator shall send participants to overseas internships.
123. International transportation expenditures shall be financed from the participants' own funds.
124. Participants of the Business Relations instrument shall pay their own transport and accommodation expenses in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the point of origin for the foreign internship.
125. Upon the results of the internship, participants of the Business Relations instrument shall draw up a detailed plan for the development of the enterprise, with due account of the knowledge, experience and technologies acquired.
126. Following the results of business internship abroad, within 2 (two) months from the moment of arrival in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the participant shall report to the operator of non-financial support on the results of business internship and further plans for the development of his/her own business following the agreed form (form according to the terms and conditions of the country hosting the participant for internship).
127. One year after the business internship, the operator of non-financial support jointly with the IFO shall monitor the implementation of SME development plans of the participants of the Business Relations instrument in the form as per Annex 11 hereto, specifying the name of the foreign partner company with which cooperation has been established, and shall send to the competent authority the following information.
128. The non-financial support operator shall ensure continuous delivery of services to SME within 12 (twelve) months of the financial year.
129. Subject to the expansion of countries for sending SME to foreign internships, as well as passing the competitive selection process, it shall be possible to change the composition of the package of documents to be presented by SME.
Paragraph 14. Procedure for rendering services on the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument
130. The ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument shall serve as an instrument for SME to attract foreign and (or) domestic experts, including with the assistance of the IFO, to introduce new management methods and production technologies in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
131. SMEs shall be the participants of the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument.
132. The ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument shall be financed at the expense of the republican budget by concluding a public procurement agreement between the competent authority and the operator of non-financial support in a single-source manner in compliance with Article 41 of the Law.
133. Non-financial support measures rendered by the non-financial support operator under the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument prior to the conclusion of the agreement on reimbursable services concluded between the competent authority and the non-financial support operator shall be reimbursed by the competent authority as part of the concluded agreement on reimbursable services for the current financial year.
134. The ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument shall be implemented by involving foreign and (or) domestic experts in the SME enterprise.
135. Involvement of foreign and (or) domestic experts on the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument shall envisage:
1) diagnosis and identification of specific problems of enterprise development;
2) development of solutions and practical work on elimination of specific issues;
3) practical training in line with the specialisation of the foreign and (or) domestic expert.
136. Payment of expenses on the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument, including flights, payment for services of foreign and (or) domestic experts, shall be made at the expense of the republican budget funds.
137. Per diem expenses of foreign and (or) domestic experts, as well as their accommodation in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and translation services shall be at the expense of the SME's own funds.
138. The ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument shall be implemented in the following order:
1) the operator of non-financial support notifies potential participants on the possibility of their participation in the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument by placing information on the Internet resources and (or) social networks of the operator of non-financial support within 10 working days from the date of entry into force of the agreement between the competent authority and the operator of non-financial support;
2) the SME entity files an application for participation in the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument in the form as per Annex 12 hereto via the RCE and (or) the ESC in paper form;
3) the non-financial support operator considers applications received in paper form via the RCE and/or ESC and notifies the service recipient of the status of the application within 10 (ten) working days. Should the application fail to meet the conditions set out in Annex 12 hereto, the non-financial support operator shall grant a period of 2 (two) working days to eliminate the identified remarks. Upon expiry of the deadline for elimination of the remarks within 3 (three) working days, the non-financial support operator shall send a notification of acceptance or a reasoned refusal based on the results of the review;
4) the non-financial support operator ensures the involvement of foreign and/or domestic experts, including with the assistance of the IFO;
5) the period of granting non-financial support measures under the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument includes the period from the moment of approval of the SME's application until the end of the current financial year;
6) as part of their mission, foreign and (or) domestic experts provide counselling directly at the enterprises;
7) the period of stay of the foreign and (or) domestic expert at the SME's enterprise is at least 10 (ten) working days from the date of signing the contract between the SME and the foreign and (or) domestic expert for the provision of consulting services.
139. Upon request of the operator of non-financial support, an SME that has received a non-financial support measure under the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument shall present, on a semi-annual basis, a monitoring report on the SME's activities in the form as per Annex 13 hereto for a period of 2 (two) years on a half-yearly basis.
Paragraph 15.
Procedure for implementation of the Business Advisory Services Programme
of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to support small
and medium-sized enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan
140. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter - EBRD) shall implement the instrument “Business Advisory Services Programme of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to support small and medium-sized enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter - EBRD Programme) by engaging external business consultants.
141. The EBRD programme shall be implemented in four areas:
1) engaging consulting service provider companies in the enterprise to implement the changes required for enterprise growth;
2) engaging foreign industry experts to assist in the growth and development of the enterprise;
3) developing markets and stimulating demand for consulting services for SMEs by organising and conducting thematic trainings, seminars, conferences and other training events for entrepreneurs;
4) enhancing the competencies of local business consultants by organising trainings for coaches.
142. The EBRD Programme shall be financed from the republican budget by concluding an agreement between the competent authority and the EBRD.
143. The costs of engaging external consultants under the EBRD Programme shall be paid on the principle of co-financing at the expense of the republican budget and own funds of SMEs.
144. The EBRD shall ensure continued support to SMEs by engaging consulting service providers and highly qualified foreign experts in the implementation of advisory projects.
145. Participants in the EBRD Programme shall be enterprises that meet the basic and additional eligibility criteria.
Baseline criteria for participant selection:
1) the size of the company shall be up to 250 employees for projects involving consulting service providers and up to 500 employees for projects involving foreign industry experts;
2) form of ownership shall be a private enterprise with foreign capital participation not exceeding 49 per cent;
3) field of activity shall include activities in all sectors of the economy without sectoral restrictions;
4) successful business experience shall be 2 (two) years at the time of application submission (excluding special initiatives);
5) a complete application package for participation in the EBRD Programme, including:
a completed original application for the EBRD Programme in the form as per Annex 14 hereto;
copies of the company's constituent documents;
copies of financial statements for the previous two full years and the most recent accounting period at the time of application.
146. Additional criteria for selection of participants:
1) viability is the potential for further growth in terms of visible competitive advantages, profitability (positive gross margin), sufficient financial and operational resources to implement the consultancy projects and apply their results (EBRD does not support enterprises in bankruptcy or requiring complete restructuring);
2) management attitude is a willingness to co-operate with EBRD experts and the consulting company;
3) high reputation/ integrity is the company and its management are trustworthy and reputable;
4) experience of working with freelance consultants is a real need for business advisory services, as well as the ability to apply the support received with little or no experience of working with freelance consultants and (or) lack of funds to finance the project in its entirety;
5) financial commitment is the willingness and ability of the enterprise to pay 25-75% of the total project cost.
These criteria shall be evaluated by a team of local EBRD experts following the EBRD's standard business survey and diagnostic procedures.
147. Organisation and co-financing of consulting projects of advanced enterprises with external consultants under the EBRD Programme shall be as follows:
1) The EBRD shall pre-qualify and maintain a database of eligible consulting service providers for projects under the EBRD Programme;
2) consultants shall be evaluated to ensure that they are qualified to deliver consultancy services with specific profiles and expertise:
work experience shall be a description of the company's activities, a copy of the certificate of its registration in the state register, certificate of ownership (excerpts from the charter and (or) memorandum of association), annual financial statements for at least two previous years (profit and loss statement, cash flow statement, balance sheet), if applicable, a description of the company's/individual consultant's specialisation, indicating the rates of payment broken down by type of consulting services (in man-days);
customer work and references shall be a description of the implemented projects (within the consulting company's specialisation) over the last 2 years, including feedback and references, and contact details of consulting project managers from the client company;
staffing shall be interviewing all consultants and reviewing their CVs;
3) once the needs of the business have been established and the terms of reference for consultancy services have been prepared in the prescribed form for the project, commercial proposals shall be solicited from eligible consultancies under the EBRD Programme (consultants shall be selected by the business and consultants shall not be permitted to undertake other projects in parallel until the first project has been successfully implemented);
4) supported projects shall be complemented by services rendered within the framework of the ESC and other initiatives of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
148. Project Implementation Mechanism under the EBRD Programme:
1) The EBRD shall ensure that entrepreneurs are provided with information on the EBRD Programme, including information on eligibility criteria and application package requirements, and shall assist potential customers in the preparation of a project application;
2) the applicant for support under the EBRD Programme shall apply to the EBRD with the required application package:
a filled-in original application for granting the instrument ‘Programme of Business Advisory Services of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ for granting the “EBRD Programme” instrument in the form as per Annex 14 hereto;
copies of constituent documents;
copies of constituent documents;
copies of financial statements for the previous two full years and the current financial period at the time of application;
3) an EBRD expert shall visit the enterprise to evaluate its eligibility after following the standard procedures of the EBRD's Enterprise Screening and Diagnostic Programme to identify its viability, needs, priorities and make a final decision on the application;
4) the potential consultancy project shall be discussed with the management of the enterprise;
5) the EBRD shall prepare for the enterprise a list of consulting firms and/or experts suitable for the project from a database of local and international experts and shall facilitate negotiations with potential project consultants, in particular international experts;
6) the applicant shall make the final decision on the selection of the consulting company and (or) expert;
7) the enterprise and the consulting firm shall jointly develop terms of reference, which shall be agreed and approved by the EBRD;
8) EBRD shall decide on the amount of co-financing for the consultancy project based on the current grant guidelines matrix;
9) the enterprise and the consulting firm and/or expert shall enter into a consultancy agreement in line with the terms of reference for the EBRD-approved project;
10) The EBRD and the enterprise shall enter into a grant agreement for a consulting project under the EBRD Programme;
11) the EBRD shall undertake monitoring of project implementation;
12) at the end of the project, the consultant shall make a final presentation and report on the results of the project to the service recipient enterprise and the EBRD;
13) the enterprise shall pay for the services of the expert and/or consulting company in line with the participation agreement and/or grant agreement;
14) as part of the grant agreement, upon verification of the compliance of the work performed with the stated terms of reference, the successful completion of the project and the fact that the enterprise has paid the consulting firm for the project, the EBRD shall pay the grant to the service recipient enterprise in the prescribed amount;
15) one year after project completion, an EBRD expert shall visit and conduct a final evaluation of the project to evaluate its impact on the performance of the service recipient enterprise.
149. The EBRD shall annually report to the competent authority on the progress of the EBRD Programme within two (2) months of the reporting year.
Chapter 7. Analysing the efficiency of the implementation of non-financial support instruments
150. The efficiency analysis of the implementation of non-financial support instruments shall be performed in line with the methodology for analysing the efficiency of non-financial state support measures for private business entities, approved by the competent authority for entrepreneurship.
151. Following the results of the analysis, a comprehensive analytical report shall be formed, describing the user's portrait, as well as evaluating the improvement/deterioration of business performance in the economic or managerial aspect, internal factors governing the speed and quality of receiving support instruments.
Annex 1 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Questionnaire-application for rendering services on the ‘Kasipke Bagyt’ instrument
1. | Date of application | |
2. | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the service recipient | |
3. | Gender of the service recipient | |
4. | Please specify the desired language of receiving services | |
5. | Date of birth of the service recipient | |
6. | Age of the service recipient | |
7. | Age category of the service recipient | |
8. | Presence of disability | |
9. | Recipient's category | |
10. | Recipient's area | |
11. | Settlement (city, village, settlement, district centre) of the service recipient | |
12. | Place of service provision | |
13. | Individual identification number of the service recipient | |
14. | Mobile phone number of the service recipient | |
15. | Electronic address of the service recipient | |
16. | Organisational-legal form of the service recipient | |
17. | Name of business entity | |
18. | Social enterprise status (if any) | |
19. | Individual identification number of an individual entrepreneur / business identification number of the legal entity of the service recipient | |
20. | Sector based on the general classifier of economic activities (hereinafter - GCEA) of the entrepreneur's activity | |
21. | Sub-branch by the GCEA of the entrepreneur's activity | |
22. | Category of entrepreneurship | |
23. | Annual turnover | |
24. | Number of employees at the time of application | |
25. | Would you like to receive advice on explaining sectoral and regional region-specific business support programmes? | |
26. | If you are interested in sectoral (profile) training, what kind of training do you require? | |
27. | Do you require training on fundraising? | |
28. | Does your organisation require a business review? | |
29. | Do you require training on social entrepreneurship? | |
30. | If you require training, in what format would you prefer to receive training? | |
31. | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the consulting manager | |
32. | Signature of the consulting manager | |
33. | Please evaluate the work of the manager-consultant |
* I hereby enclose to the application a copy of my identity document, a certificate/notification of an individual entrepreneur/peasant or farmer, a certificate of registration of a legal entity, a power of attorney for an authorised person (if required).
* I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information presented, am aware of the responsibility for the representation of inaccurate information in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and give my consent to the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan to process my personal data, as well as photofixation in compliance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Personal Data and Their Protection”, collection, processing, storage, uploading and use of personal data and other information.
* I hereby give my consent to a telephone and (or) message survey conducted for the purpose of quality evaluation (audit) and monitoring of the services rendered.
* I hereby give my consent to the delivery of the results of the services rendered within the framework of non-financial support instruments.
* I hereby give my consent to take a diagnostic test to evaluate entrepreneurial potential.
(surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature of the service recipient).
Annex 2 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Questionnaire-application for rendering services on the ‘Kasipker Aiyel’ instrument
1. | Date of application | |
2. | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the service recipient | |
3. | Specify the desired language of receiving services | |
4. | Date of birth of the service recipient | |
5. | Age of the service recipient | |
6. | Age category of the service recipient | |
7. | Disability of the service recipient | |
8. | Recipient's category | |
9. | Region of the service recipient | |
10. | Settlement (city, village, settlement, district centre) of the service recipient | |
11 | Place of service delivery | |
12. | Mobile phone of the service recipient | |
13. | Electronic address of the service recipient | |
14. | Individual identification number of the service recipient | |
15. | Organisational-legal form of the service recipient | |
16. | Name of business | |
17. | Social enterprise status (if any) | |
18. | Individual identification number of an individual entrepreneur / business identification number of the legal entity of the service recipient | |
19. | Industry under the general classifier of economic activities (hereinafter - GCEA) of the entrepreneur's activity | |
20. | Sub-branch under GCEA of the entrepreneur's activity | |
21. | Category of entrepreneurship | |
22. | Annual turnover | |
23. | Number of employees at the time of application | |
24. | Would you like to receive counselling on financial or non-financial measures to support women's entrepreneurship? | |
25. | If you are interested in professional and business training, what kind of training? | |
26. | Would you like to receive support from a mentor? | |
27. | Would you like to be informed of and participate in international projects related to women's entrepreneurship? | |
28. | If you require training, in what format would you prefer to receive training? | |
29. | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the consulting manager | |
30. | Signature of the consulting manager | |
31. | Please evaluate the work of the consulting manager |
* I hereby enclose to the application a copy of my identity document, a certificate/notification of an individual entrepreneur/peasant or farmer, a certificate of registration of a legal entity, a power of attorney for an authorised person (if required).
* I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information presented, that I am aware of the responsibility for the submission of false information pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and I give my consent to the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan to process my personal data, as well as photofixation in compliance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Personal Data and Their Protection”, collection, processing, storage, uploading and use of personal data and other information.
* I hereby give my consent to conduct a telephone and (or) message survey to evaluate (audit) the quality and monitoring of the services rendered.
* I hereby give my consent to submit the results of the rendered services within the framework of non-financial support instruments.
* I hereby give my consent to take a diagnostic test to measure entrepreneurial potential.
(surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature of the service recipient).
Annex 3 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Application questionnaire for the “One Village - One Product” project
1. | Date of application | |
2. | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the participant | |
3. | Participant's gender | |
4. | Please specify the language in which you would like to receive services | |
5. | Participant's date of birth | |
6. | Participant's age | |
7. | Participant's age category | |
8. | Participant's disability | |
9. | Category of participant | |
10. | Participant's region | |
11. | Settlement (city, town, village, settlement, district centre) of the participant | |
12. | Place of service delivery | |
13. | Individual identification number of the participant | |
14. | Participant's mobile phone number | |
15. | Electronic address of the participant | |
16. | Organisational-legal form of the participant | |
17. | Name of business | |
18. | Social enterprise status (if any) | |
19. | Individual identification number of an individual entrepreneur / business identification number of the participant's legal entity | |
20. | Sector based on the general classifier of economic activities (hereinafter - GCEA) of the entrepreneur's activity | |
21. | Sub-branch by GCEA of the entrepreneur's activity | |
22. | Business category | |
23. | Annual turnover | |
24. | Number of employees at the time of application | |
25. | Would you like to receive a consultation to explain sectoral and regional business support programmes on the specifics of the regions? | |
26. | Do you produce products (goods) from local raw materials? | |
27. | Do the products (goods) you produce contain regional peculiarities of your locality? | |
28. | Do you use manual labour, uncomplicated, simple tools and mechanisms that do not require significant financial inputs in the manufacture of your products (goods)? | |
29. | Do you sell your products (goods)? | |
30. | If you produce products from local raw materials, do you need product promotion service under the “One Village - One Product” project? | |
31. | Is the packaging and design of your products available? | |
32. | Are you ready for co-operation under the “One Village - One Product” project? | |
33. | If you require training, in what format would you prefer to receive training? | |
34. | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the manager-consultant | |
35. | Signature of the consulting manager | |
36. | Please evaluate the work of the consulting manager |
* I hereby enclose to the application a copy of my identity document, a certificate/notification of an individual entrepreneur/peasant or farmer, a certificate of registration of a legal entity, a power of attorney for an authorised person (if required).
* I hereby confirm the accuracy of the data provided, I am aware of the responsibility for submitting false information in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and I give my consent to the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan to process my personal data, as well as photofixation in compliance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Personal Data and Their Protection”, collection, processing, storage, uploading and use of personal data and other information.
* I hereby give my consent to conduct a telephone and (or) message survey to assess (audit) the quality and monitoring of the services provided.
* I hereby give my consent to the provision of the results of the services rendered as part of non-financial support instruments.
* I hereby give my consent to take a diagnostic test to measure entrepreneurial potential.
(surname, first name, patronymic (if any), signature of the participant)
Annex 4 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Questionnaire-application for rendering services under the ‘Information and
Counselling Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative’ instrument
1 | Date of application | |
2 | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the service recipient | |
3 | Name of the service recipient's region | |
4 | Name of the city/monotown/small town/regional centre of the service recipient | |
5 | Gender of the service recipient | |
6 | Date of birth of the service recipient | |
7 | Age of the service recipient (at the time of application) | |
8 | Age category of the service recipient | |
9 | Disability of the service recipient | |
10 | Individual identification number of an individual entrepreneur/business identification number of a legal entity of the service recipient | |
11 | Organisational-legal form of the small and medium-sized business entity | |
12 | Name of entrepreneur | |
13 | Category of entrepreneur | |
14 | Social entrepreneurship entity | |
15 | Sector by general classifier of economic activities (hereinafter - GCEA) of the entrepreneur's activity | |
16 | Sub-branch by GCEA of the entrepreneur's activity | |
17 | Name of service/consultation | |
18 | Name of service/consultation type | |
19 | Phone (mobile, work/home of entrepreneur/individual) | |
20 | E-mail (of entrepreneur/individual) | |
21 | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the consulting manager |
* I hereby enclose to the application a copy of my identity document, a certificate/notification of an individual entrepreneur/peasant or farmer, a certificate of registration of a legal entity, a power of attorney for an authorised (person if required).
* I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information submitted, I am aware of the responsibility for the submission of false information pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and I hereby give my consent to the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan to process my personal data, as well as photofixation in compliance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Personal Data and Their Protection”, collection, processing, storage, uploading and use of personal data and other information.
* I hereby give my consent to a telephone and (or) message survey conducted for the purpose of quality evaluation (audit) and monitoring of the services rendered.
* I hereby give my consent to the delivery of the results of the services rendered within the framework of non-financial support instruments.
Surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
Date: " " 20
Annex 5 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Register of rendered services as part of the ‘Information and Counselling
Services for Entrepreneurs and Population with Entrepreneurial Initiative’ instrument
(date of completion: day, month, year):
No. s/o | Service delivery format | Region/city | Settlement ( monotown, small town and district centre) | Place of service delivery | Name of the enterprise | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the service recipient | Business identification number of a legal entity or individual identification number of an individual entrepreneur | Gender (male/female) | Date of birth (day, month, year) | Age at the time of application | Age category of the service recipient who applied for the service | Disability |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
table continued
Organisational and legal form of the business entity | Category of the business entity | Social entrepreneurship entity | Sector by the general classifier of economic activities | Sub-sector by the general classifier of economic activities | Name of the specialised service | Name of the sub-type of specialised service | Name of the company and (or) surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the consultant who rendered the service | Date of contact/commencement of service | Date of completion / end of service | Telephone (mobile phone of the service recipient) | E-mail address of the service recipient |
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
Annex 6 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Questionnaire-application form for the rendering of services for business entities
1 | Date of application | |
2 | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the service recipient | |
3 | Name of the service recipient's region | |
4 | Name of the city/monotown/small town/district centre of the service recipient | |
5 | Gender of the service recipient | |
6 | Date of birth of the service recipient | |
7 | Age of the service recipient (at the time of application) | |
8 | Age category of the service recipient | |
9 | Disability of the service recipient | |
10 | Individual identification number of an individual entrepreneur/business identification number of a legal entity of the service recipient | |
11 | Organisational-legal form of the entrepreneur | |
12 | Name of entrepreneur | |
13 | Category of entrepreneur | |
14 | Social entrepreneurship entity | |
15 | Sector by the general classifier of economic activities (hereinafter - GCEA) of the entrepreneur's activity | |
16 | Sub-branch by GCEA of the entrepreneur's activity | |
17 | Name of service/consultation | |
18 | Name of service/consultation sub-type | |
19 | Phone number (mobile work/home of the entrepreneur) | |
20 | E-mail of the entrepreneur | |
21 | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the consulting manager |
* I hereby enclose to the application a copy of my identity document, a certificate/notification of an individual entrepreneur/peasant or farmer, a certificate of registration of a legal entity, a power of attorney for an authorised person (if required).
* I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information supplied, I am aware of the responsibility for the submission of inaccurate information in line with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and I hereby give my consent to the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan to process my personal data, as well as photofixation under the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Personal Data and their Protection”, collection, processing, storage, uploading and use of personal data and other information.
* I hereby give my consent to the telephone and (or) SMS survey to assess (audit) the quality and monitoring of the services rendered.
* I hereby give my consent to the delivery of the results of the services rendered as part of the non-financial support instruments.
Surname, first name, patronymic (if any)
Date: " " 20
Annex 7 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Act of rendered services №
" " 20
(place of service delivery)
Consulting manager ______________________ (hereinafter referred to as the performer), acting under the agreement _________ No. ____________, as the party of the first part and business entity customer _____________ (hereinafter referred to as the customer) represented by ______________, acting under __________, as the party of the second part have drawn up this Act on the following: the performer has rendered and the customer has received the following services on service support of business activities:________________________________________________________________________________
(type of the service)
Addresses and details of the parties
Performer: | Customer: |
___________________________________ |
___________________________________ |
Annex 8 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Register of services rendered as part of the
‘Rendering of the Service Support for Entrepreneurship’ instrument
Date of completion: " " 20
No. s/o | Service delivery format | Region/city | Settlement (single-industry town, small town and district centre) | Place of service delivery | Name of the enterprise | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the service recipient | Business identification number of a legal entity or individual identification number of an individual entrepreneur | Gender (male/female) | Date of birth (day, month, year) | Age at the time of application | Age category of the service recipient who applied for the service | Disability |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
table continued
Organisational legal form of a business entity | Category of the business entity | Social entrepreneurship entity | Sector by the general classifier of economic activities | Sub-sector by the general classifier of economic activities | Name of the specialised service | Name of the subtype of specialised service | Name of the company and (or) surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the consultant who rendered the service | Date of contact/commencement of service | Date of completion / end of service | Telephone (mobile phone of the service recipient) | E-mail address of the service recipient |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Annex 9 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Application for participation in the internship for advanced training
of managers and supervisors of SMEs as part of the ‘Business Relations’ instrument
1. Details of the service recipient
Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the service recipient: | |
Date of birth: | |
Gender: | male/female |
Company Name: | |
Position: | |
Current company activity: | |
Projected company activities: | |
Date of establishment: | |
Company address: company's registered office: company's physical address (if different from the registered office): | Region: |
City (settlement with specification of neighbourhood): | |
Postal code: | |
Legal form of ownership: | individual entrepreneur ___ limited liability partnership ___ joint stock company ____ other______ |
Official website of the company (if any): | |
Contacts: | Mobile phone: |
E-mail: |
2. Purpose of participation in the internship
Planned form of co-operation of your enterprise with _____________ (host country) as well as other countries |
Import_____ Export ______ Distribution______ |
Why do you want to participate in the internship (describe your company's plans for economic co-operation with _____________ (host country), including with other countries). |
A brief description of your business plan: |
The following documents must be enclosed with the application:
1. Questionnaire.
2. Co-operative project.
3. Statement on personal data protection.
4. Commitment of the participant within the framework of the implementation of the Business Linkages tool.
5. A booklet with information about your company or a power point presentation.
6. Technical specification of products, equipment, etc. that you want to buy/sell.
7. Letters from __________ (host country) firms evidencing their interest in your proposals/applications.
8. A certificate from the State Revenue Department on confirmation of the taxpayer's income for the last 12 (twelve) months - for applicants for participation in a foreign internship under the ‘Business Relations’ instrument.
Annex 10 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
from ________________________ surname, name, patronymic (if any) postal address, contact telephone number ___________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ |
Participant's commitment to the implementation of the ‘Business Relations’ instrument
I, ____________________________________________________________ hereby
surname, first name and patronymic (if any) of the internship participant, passport data
(position, name of the enterprise)
I hereby confirm that I am in compliance with the terms and conditions; and undertake to:
1) independently pay transport expenses in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the point of departure for the internship;
2) in case of absenteeism from classes/events within the internship, inform the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - Atameken) (by phone, telegraph, e-mail or otherwise) on the reasons for absence and (or) non-attendance with the provision of a written clarification and documents confirming the presence of valid reasons for the absence;
3) independently pay transport and accommodation expenses in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the territory of the host country (for participants who expressed a desire to undergo the internship at their own expense);
4) reimburse the amount spent on the organisation of the internship due to early termination of participation in the internship, excluding cases of refusal for valid reasons;
5) upon my return, provide the Atameken NCE RK with documents confirming my participation in the internship (boarding passes, copies of passport pages with marks on passing border control, business trip certificates with the stamp of the inviting party (international and foreign organisation);
6) following the results of the internship, draw up a detailed plan for the development of the enterprise, with due account of the knowledge, experience and technologies gained, and send it to Atameken NCE RK within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the day of return to the Republic of Kazakhstan;
7) upon the first request of Atameken NCE RK to submit all necessary information and documents to monitor the implementation of the enterprise development plan or other actions related to the implementation of the Business Relations instrument;
8) participate in post-internship seminars to monitor the changes occurring in the enterprise, to evaluate the internship in personal terms and for the enterprise;
9) take part in questionnaires to monitor the development of the enterprise, the changes occurring in the enterprise and personal changes after the foreign internship for its comprehensive evaluation and the possibility of its improvement;
10) not to take relatives, underage children with you during the internship;
11) to take the conditions for organisation of logistics offered by the Atameken NCE RK;
12) to take an active part in the issues related to the organisation of the internship on the part of the international foreign organisation.
1) Reasonable causes for refusal of further participation in the internship shall include:
health condition that prevents participation in the internship, confirmed by relevant documents of the medical institution;
family circumstances (e.g. illness or death of a close relative), the onset of which prevents participation in the traineeship and is confirmed by documents;
a written notification in advance, at least 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the date of the internship, to the Atameken of the inability to participate in the internship;
a consequence of force majeure circumstances, i.e. extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions (natural phenomena, military actions, etc.), confirmed by a documented competent authority;
2) an enterprise means a private business entity in which the trainee is employed at the time of departure abroad.
The terms of the obligation shall be envisaged under the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Economy and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Should the country of the internship change, the conditions of commitment shall be changed.
"__" _____________ 20__ Signature: _______________
Annex 11 to the Rules, forms of support and other conditions required for rendering state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Follow-up monitoring form for participants in the ‘Business Relations’ instrument
No. s/o | Name of the company | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the participant | Position | Brief description of activities | Name of industry/sub-sector by the general classifier of types of economic activities | Average annual value of assets, thousand, KZT | Average annual turnover of the company, thousand, KZT | Number of jobs, persons | |||
Prior to participating in the instrument | After | Prior to participating in the instrument | After | Prior to participating in the instrument | After | ||||||
table continued
Volume of taxes paid for the previous year, thousand, KZT | Purpose of participation in the instrument | Country of internship | Name of the foreign partner company | Type of co-operation established | Result of participation in the instrument | Note | Region |
Note: where there are other positive results, the information in the “Note” column shall be specified.
Annex 12 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Application for participation in the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’ instrument
All fields must be filled in
1. Involvement of foreign and/or domestic experts: 1.1. If it is foreign one: | |||||||
2. Name of the company: | |||||||
3.1. Date of establishment: | 3.2. Organisational and legal form of ownership: | ||||||
Day | Month | Year | |||||
4.1. Legal address of the business entity: | 4.2. Region: | ||||||
4.3. City (settlement with specification of neighbourhood): | |||||||
4.4. The actual address of the business entity (if different from the legal address): | 4.5. Postal code: | ||||||
5. Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the head: | |||||||
6. Responsible person from the company: | |||||||
6.2. Gender of the head: | 6.3. Date of birth of the head: | ||||||
6.4. Position: | 6.5. Mobile phone: | ||||||
6.6. Telephone (fax): | 6.7. E-mail: | ||||||
7.1. Main field of activity of the company (branch of economy): _________________________________ | 7.2. Code by the general classification of economic activities as per the list of priority economic sectors for potential participants | ||||||
7.3. Names of products manufactured (services rendered): __________________________________ | |||||||
8. Number of full-time employees: | 9. Average annual income for the previous year (thousand, KZT): | ||||||
10.1. Area in which expert assistance is required: | |||||||
________________________________________ | |||||||
10.2. A detailed description of the expertise requested:______________________________________________________________________________ | |||||||
11. Purpose of the expert mission: | |||||||
12. Expected results: | |||||||
13. Desired professional qualification of the expert (education, field of activity, work experience, special skills): | |||||||
14. Information on the expert mission: | |||||||
15.1. Desired mission commencement date (month, year): | 15.4. Place of mission implementation: | ||||||
15.5. The type of accommodation the expert will be provided with:________________________________________ | |||||||
15.2. Anticipated duration: | 15.6. The mode of transport available to the expert: | ||||||
15.3. Willingness to provide an interpreter: | |||||||
16. Does your company have a responsible employee with knowledge of foreign languages? | |||||||
17. Tick if there is an enclosed business (strategic) plan for development/modernisation of the company If you answered ‘Yes’, please enclose the relevant document | 1. Tick if you have read and agree with the Rules for Granting Non-Financial Measures of Support to Entrepreneurship □ | ||||||
18. I hereby: |
Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the service recipient ______________________
Position of the service recipient ______________________
Signature of the service recipient ________________________
Date of receipt of application: "____"_______ 20___
Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the employee who accepted the application________________________________________
Position of the employee who accepted the application
Signature of the employee who accepted the application________________________________________
The following documents shall be enclosed with the application:
1) an identity card or its electronic documents from the ‘digital documents’ service (for identification);
2) a certificate of registration of the business entity (for re-registration and liquidation of the enterprise) and a notarised power of attorney (if required) ( an original and a copy);
3) a certificate from the State Revenue Department confirming the taxpayer's income for the last 12 (twelve) months;
4) a copy of the certificate from the place of work with the statute of limitations not exceeding 10 (ten) calendar days;
5) a written commitment to submit all information and data required for monitoring or other actions related to implementation, including, but not limited to, indicators on business expansion and modernisation, information on further participation in other areas of the Programme, information on the number of new jobs created after the training, information on the dynamics of tax deductions, other information that may be requested during monitoring;
6) a power of attorney for the service recipient in case the application is signed by the responsible executive to use the company's electronic digital signature;
7) business (strategic) development/modernisation plan of the company (if any).
Annex 13 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Report on monitoring the implementation of the ‘Sarapshylar Kyzmeti’
instrument (implementation of development plans of the participants' enterprises)
No. s/o | Name of the company | Surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the participant | Position | Brief description of activities | Name of industry/sub-industry based on the general classification of economic activities | Average annual income of the company, KZT thousand | Number of jobs, persons | |
Prior to participation in the project | After | Prior to participation in the project | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
table continued
Volume of taxes paid for the previous year, KZT ths. | Purpose of the expert mission | Name of foreign partner organisation | Information on establishing co-operation | Result of participation in the project | Note | Region |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Note: where there are other positive results, the information in the “Note” column shall be specified.
Annex 14 to the Rules, forms of support and |
other conditions required for rendering | |
state non-financial support to private business entities granted in different sectors of the economy, which fall within the competences of several sectoral public authorities |
Document form
Application Letter for rendering services under the ‘Business Advisory Services Programme of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Support Small
and Medium Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ instrument
Company information | |
Company full name: | |
Registration number: | |
Address: fax: | |
Telephone: website: | |
E-mail: | |
Official position of the supervisor: | |
Last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the supervisor: | |
Age of the supervisor: | |
Gender of the supervisor: | |
Annual turnover (euros): | |
Year of establishment: | |
Value added tax registration certificate (if available): | |
Employees: Total number of employees: | |
Number of female employees: | |
Name of industry by the general classifier of types of economic activities: | |
Description of the company (history, products, services, customers, production volumes and main stages of development) | |
History of the company's development (for the last 5-10 years): | |
Important stages of development (privatisation, structural changes, introduction of industry standards and other): | |
Ownership structure (distribution of ownership interests or shares, in %): | |
Local % | |
Foreign % | |
Private % | |
Women % | |
Types of activities and their share in income: | |
Lending (please specify the loans received/planned to be received by the company): | |
Name of lending organisation | |
Total amount of the project | |
Total amount of the loan received | |
Date of signing the loan agreement (day, month, year) | |
Annual interest rate | |
Purpose of the loan (investment, working capital, mixed) | |
How many months is the loan for? | |
Is this the first time you have received a loan from this lending organisation? | |
Description of the project: | |
Description of the key issues of the enterprise that the project is intended to solve: | |
Consultancy services required: | |
Anticipated changes in the enterprise's activities as a result of the project | |
Consultant to be engaged (company name, contact details, name of responsible person): | |
Expected project commencement date: | |
An employee of your company in charge of project implementation: | |
Surname, first name, patronymic (if any): | |
Position: | |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
E-mail: | |
Does your enterprise have experience in engaging external consultants? If yes, please describe briefly: | |
List of documents included in the application package: | |
Filled-in original application form | |
A copy of the registration certificate | |
A certificate of ownership of the controlling interest ( an excerpt from the Articles of Association or the Memorandum of Association) | |
Copies of annual financial statements for the previous 2 (two) years (profit and loss statement, cash flow, balance sheet) certified by the company seal |