On approval of the Rules for development, coordination, approval, registration, accounting, amendment, revision, cancellation and enforcement of military national standards used for the needs of the Armed Forces, other troops and military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Invalidated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 5, 2019 No. 134. Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 12, 2019 No. 18379

      Unofficial translation

      Footnote. Abolished by order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 27, 2019 No. 945 (effective from January 1, 2020).

      In accordance with Article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 5, 2018 “On standardization”, I HEREBY ORDER:

      1. To approve the attached Rules for development, coordination, approval, registration, accounting, amendment, revision, cancellation and enforcement of military national standards used for the needs of the Armed Forces, other troops and military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      2. To recognize as invalid the order of the Defense Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 28, 2017 No. 394 “On approval of the Rules for development, coordination, accounting, approval, examination, amendment, cancellation and enforcement of military standards for military goods (products), goods (products) of dual use (application), military works and military services” (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 15734, published on October 2, 2017 in the Reference Control Bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

      3. The Center for metrological support and standardization of the Defense Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to ensure:

      1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) sending a copy of this order to the Republican state enterprise on the basis of the right of economic management “Republican Legal Information Center” of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in the Reference Control Bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kazakh and Russian languages within ten calendar days from the day of the state registration;

      3) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Defense Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its first official publication;

      4) sending of information to the Legal Department of the Defense Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan on implementation of measures provided for by subparagraphs 1), 2) and 3) of this paragraph within ten calendar days from the day of the state registration.

      4. Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Major General Altynbayev M.M. shall be authorized to oversee the execution of this order.

      5. The officials shall be notified of this order in the part concerning them.

      6. This order shall come into force on April 10, 2019 and shall be subject to official publication.

      Defense Minister of the
      Republic of Kazakhstan N. Yermekbayev


      Ministry of industry and

      infrastructure development of the

      Republic of Kazakhstan

      "____"____________ 2019


      Ministry of defense and

      aerospace industry of the

      Republic of Kazakhstan

      "____"____________ 2019


      State security service of the

      Republic of Kazakhstan

      "____"____________ 2019


      National Security Committee of the

      Republic of Kazakhstan

      "____"____________ 2019


      Ministry of Internal Affairs of the

      Republic of Kazakhstan

      "____"____________ 2019

  Approved by the order
of the Defense Minister of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated March 5, 2019 № 134

Rules for development, coordination, approval, registration, accounting, amendment, revision, cancellation and enforcement of military
national standards used for the needs of the Armed Forces,
other troops and military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules for development, coordination, approval, registration, accounting, amendment, revision, cancellation and enforcement of military national standards used for the needs of the Armed Forces, other troops and military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Rules) determine the procedure for development, coordination, approval, registration, accounting, amendment, revision, cancellation and enforcement of military national standards in the interests of the Armed Forces, other troops and military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      2. The following concepts shall be used in these Rules:

      1) a developer - a legal entity performing work and (or) rendering services for development of military national standards;

      2) military products - weapons, military and special equipment, ammunition, work (including research and development), services, documentation, results of intellectual activity, including intellectual property and information in the field of military economy and military equipment;

      3) military standardization - the activity of establishing technical requirements, rules, characteristics, technical norms for the purpose of their repeated use to the objects of military standardization in relation to real and potential tasks;

      4) object of military standardization - products, processes and services of the military and dual-use (application) purpose, subject to or subjected to standardization, including materials, raw materials, special technological equipment;

      5) military national standard - a standardization document for products, processes and services, which for the purpose of specific and special use establishes the rules, general principles and characteristics for military and dual-use (application) objects, including those containing information related to state secrets and limited dissemination;

      6) interstate military standard - a standard, adopted by an authorized interstate body or interstate organization for standardization, establishing requirements for military and dual-use (application) products, as well as processes and other objects of military standardization, associated with such products;

      7) a state customer - a state body of the Republic of Kazakhstan (department of a state body) that purchases works and (or) services in the field of military standardization;

      8) a state customer department - an organization authorized by the state customer to carry out work in the field of military standardization;

      9) the fundamental military standard - a standardization document establishing general organizational and methodological provisions in the field of military standardization.

      3. Standardization of military and dual-use (application) products is aimed at achieving the following goals:

      1) ensuring the national security and socio-economic development of the state;

      2) improving the safety and quality of products, processes and services;

      3) supporting the effective introduction of innovations and development of high-tech industries, as well as facilitating the transfer of technologies and best laboratory practices.

      4. The goals of standardization of military and dual-use (application) products are achieved through:

      1) introduction of advanced technologies, ensuring the efficient use of means of production of military and dual-use (application) products and the achievements of scientific and technological progress in development and production of such products;

      2) optimization of unification of the range of military and dual-use (application) products, ensuring its compatibility and interchangeability, reducing the time and cost of its creation, development in production, as well as costs of production, operation and disposal;

      3) implementation of state targeted programs within the framework of the state defense order;

      4) implementation of annual plans for military standardization.

      5. Organization of work in the field of military standardization is carried out at the expense and within the funds of the republican budget provided by the state customer for the corresponding year, unless another source of funding is provided.

      In order to improve security and ensure the quality of military standardization objects, the legal entities and other non-commercial organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan may, at their own expense, finance the costs of performing work in the field of military standardization specified in paragraph 12 of these Rules, with inclusion in the military standardization work plan for the relevant year.

      6. Military national standards are divided into:

      1) fundamental military standards;

      2) military standards for products, processes, services and methods of their control;

      3) military standards for terminology;

      4) military standards of general technical requirements for types of weapons and military equipment.

      7. The military national standard is applied to objects of military standardization.

Chapter 2. Development and revision of military national standards

      8. The military national standard is developed and revised for the purpose of standardization of military and dual-use (application) products, provided for by these Rules.

      9. Development and revision of military national standards is carried out in accordance with the annual plan of work for military standardization, approved in the first quarter of this year in compliance with the law on state secrets.

      10. The basis for refusal to include in the military standardization work plan is:

      1) inconsistency of the suggestions with the tasks in the field of military standardization;

      2) insecurity of military standardization measures with financial resources;

      3) irrelevance of the activities on the day the decision was made (the military national standard with the same area of ​​distribution was adopted or revised, the proposed changes do not correspond to the modern scientific and technical level of development of science, technology and technology).

      11. Development, coordination and approval of the military standardization work plan, including the establishment of document forms for the specified plan, are determined by the fundamental military standards.

      12. Development and revision of military national standards include the following steps:

      1) development of technical specifications (technical specifications), feasibility studies;

      2) development of a draft military national standard and an explanatory note to it, its submission for consideration to the interested state bodies, organizations and enterprises;

      3) finalization of the draft military national standard, taking into account the comments and suggestions from the interested state bodies, organizations and enterprises;

      4) preparation for approval (adoption), including examination, approval (adoption) and accounting for a military national standard;

      5) attribution to information of limited dissemination and constituting state secrets.

      13. The procedures for development, design, maintenance, presentation of military national standards are established by the fundamental military standards.

      14. Development and revision of military national standards is carried out by the state bodies within their competence, as well as by legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan that meet the requirements of the technical specifications (technical specifications) of the customer for development of a military national standard.

      15. The basis for classification of military national standards is their conformity to the lists of information to be classified, in force in state bodies and organizations.

Chapter 3. Harmonization of military national standards

      16. The draft military national standard, depending on the object of military standardization, is sent by the developer for approval:

      1) to the development customer;

      2) to the interested state bodies, departments, institutions;

      3) to the organizations and industrial enterprises of the defense industrial complex.

      17. The term for approval of a draft military national standard shall not exceed sixty calendar days from the date of their receipt for consideration, unless the developer sets a different deadline for consideration due to the development of the draft military national standard.

      18. Military national standards containing requirements for control methods (tests) and measurement procedures that are not standardized at the national and interstate levels are subject to approval in the authorized body for compliance with the legislation in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      19. Based on the results of the coordination, the developer of the draft military national standard prepares a summary of reviews with the inclusion of accepted and unaccepted comments and suggestions of the negotiating parties.

      In case of disagreement with the comments and suggestions of the negotiating parties, a rationale is provided.

      The final version of the draft military national standard is sent for re-approval to the parties who have disagreements on the draft military national standard that do not affect its design. A draft military national standard is sent with a summary of reviews.

      20. The developer of the military national standard, taking into account the received comments and (or) suggestions, shall form the standard case, which includes:

      1) a draft military national standard on paper and electronic media;

      2) an explanatory note;

      3) summary of the reviews;

      4) the first edition of the draft national standard;

      5) the documents confirming the approval of the draft military national standard;

      6) the final version of the draft military national standard;

      7) technical specifications and a feasibility study on the development of a military national standard;

      8) outgoing letters for approval of the draft military national standard;

      9) a regulatory document on standardization for military products of a foreign state, with the provisions of which the draft national military standard (if any) is harmonized.

      A completed standard case is sent by the developer to the state customer department for examination.

      21. Examination includes:

      1) establishing consensus by the negotiating parties;

      2) verification of the completeness of the standard case;

      3) analysis of the summary of review on the completeness of coordination of the draft military national standard;

      4) elimination of duplication of requirements of existing military national standards;

      5) establishing compliance of the procedures for development of a military national standard with the requirements of fundamental military standards;

      6) establishing compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on standardization for military products of foreign states (if any).

      22. An examination of military national standards is carried out by a state customer department with the involvement of experts from the authorized body in the field of technical regulation and metrology with an appropriate form of access to information constituting state secrets within a period not exceeding thirty calendar days from the date of their receipt.

      23. The state customer department following the results of the examination returns the draft military national standard for finalization in the following cases:

      1) non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regulatory documents on standardization;

      2) failure to achieve the goals set in the technical specifications (technical specifications);

      3) submission by the developer of an incomplete set of documents referred to in paragraph 20 of these Rules;

      4) the developer did not take into account suggestions and comments on the significant issues from the interested state bodies;

      5) duplication of the draft with the current military national standards;

      6) non-agreement (lack of consensus) with the customer for development of a military national standard.

      24. Based on the results of the examination, the state customer department issues an expert opinion including recommendations on the possibility or absence of the possibility of finalizing the draft military national standard and submitting it for approval by the state customer.

Chapter 4. Approval and enforcement of military national standards

      25. When approving a military national standard, the developer additionally includes in the standard case:

      1) the expert opinion of the state customer department;

      2) the draft military national standard in the Kazakh and Russian languages on paper and electronic media;

      3) a regulatory document on standardization for military products of a foreign state, with the provisions of which the draft national military standard (if any) is harmonized.

      In the event that the developer submits an incomplete set of documents, the state customer department no later than three working days returns the standard case for finalization.

      26. The formed standard case is issued by the state customer department to make a decision on approval of the draft military national standard.

      27. The military national standard is approved and enforced by the order of the head of the state customer.

      Chapter 5. Registration, accounting of military national standards

      28. The military national standards after approval are subject to accounting and registration in the Book of registration (accounting) of the military national standards of the state customer department in the form, in accordance with the appendix to these Rules, indicating the following information:

      1) date and serial number of registration;

      2) designation of a military national standard;

      3) the name of the military national standard;

      4) the number and date of the order on approval of the military national standard;

      5) the name, legal address of the developer organization; co-executing organization;

      6) change and cancellation of the military national standard;

      7) date of entry into force / validity;

      8) harmonization with international, interstate military standards, and military standards of foreign states;

      9) degree of restriction.

      29. After registration, the standard case is kept in the state customer department.

      30. Military national standards are published, republished, and distributed by the state customer department.

      31. Military national standards form a fund of regulatory documents on military standardization, which are an information resource.

      Chapter 6. Changes and cancellation of military national standards

      32. Amendments to military national standards are developed when adding or excluding individual requirements, extending, limiting their validity.

      33. Amendments to the military national standards are carried out on the basis of verification or receipt of suggestions from the interested state bodies and legal entities.

      34. Changes to the military national standards are submitted for approval to the state customer department in accordance with Chapters 2-5 of these Rules.

      35. Changes to military national standards are approved and enacted by the order of the head of the state customer.

      36. The cancellation of military national standards is carried out in case of:

      1) termination of production of goods (performance of work, rendering of services) of military and dual use, produced in accordance with this military national standard;

      2) enactment of a new military national standard.

      37. Upon cancellation of the military national standard, the person initiating the cancellation shall send to the state customer department:

      1) a suggestion for cancellation;

      2) information about the document replacing it or cancellation of the military national standard without replacement with justification;

      3) a letter confirming the consent of the customer and the developer of the military national standard for cancellation.

      38. The cancellation of the military national standard is carried out by the order of the head of the state customer, in whose interests a military national standard has been developed in consultation with the interested state bodies, departments, institutions and legal entities within their competence.

  Appendix to the Rules for development, coordination, approval, registration,
accounting, amendment, revision, cancellation and enforcement of military national
standards, used for the needs of the Armed Forces, other troops
and military units of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The book of registration (accounting) of military national standards

Date and serial number of registration

Designation of military national standard

Name of military national standard

Number and date of the order on approval of military national standard

Name, legal address of the developer organization; collaborating organization

Amendment and cancellation of military national standard

Date of enactment /validity

Harmonization with international, interstate military standards, and military standards of foreign states

Degree of restriction










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