On approval of forms intended for collection of administrative data of centralized state accounting of documents of the National Archival Fund

New Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 28, 2019 No. 79. Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on April 3, 2019 No. 18458

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 2) of paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 19, 2010 “On State Statistics”, Article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 22, 1998 “On the National Archival Fund and Archives” and subparagraph 43) of part one of paragraph 16 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 23, 2014 No. 1003 “Issues of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, I HEREBY ORDER:

      1. To approve the following forms intended for collection of administrative data of centralized state accounting of documents of the National Archival Fund:

      1) a form intended for collection of administrative data “Archive Passport” ___________________ on “___” __________ 20__ ” in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Order;

      2) a form intended for collection of administrative data “Fund Card” in accordance with Appendix 2 to this Order;

      3) a form intended for collection of administrative data “Information on changes in the composition and volume of funds as of January 1, 20__” in accordance with Appendix 3 to this Order;

      4) a form intended for collection of administrative data “Accounting information on the stock catalog as of January 1, 20__” in accordance with Appendix 4 to this Order;

      5) a form intended for collection of administrative data “Consolidated passport of sources of acquisition of state archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of December 1, 20__” in accordance with Appendix 5 to this Order.

      2. The Department of archival affairs and documentation of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the manner prescribed by law, to ensure:

      1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days from the date of the state registration of this order, its sending in electronic form in the Kazakh and Russian languages to the Republican state enterprise on the basis of the right of economic management “Republican Legal Information Center” for official publication and inclusion in the Reference Control Bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic Kazakhstan;

      3) within two working days after the entry into force of this order, its posting on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      4) within two working days after execution of the measures provided for in this paragraph, submission of information to the Department of Legal Services of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the execution of the measures.

      3. The supervising vice minister of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be authorized to oversee the execution of this order.

      4. This order shall come into force ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.

      Minister of culture and sports of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Mukhamediuly


      Statistics Committee

      Ministry of National Economy of the

      Republic of Kazakhstan

  Appendix 1
to the order of the Minister of
culture and sports
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated March 28, 2019 № 79

Form, intended for collection of administrative data
“Archive passport ___________________________________ on “ ___ ”__________ 20__”
(name of archive)

      Reporting period: 20__ year.

      Index: PA-1.

      Frequency: annually.

      The range of information providers: the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central state archives, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, special state archives, state archives, libraries and museums of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts ( further - organizations).

      Where to submit: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Deadline for submission: by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period on paper or electronic media through an electronic document management system (hereinafter - EDMS).

      The administrative data form is available on the Internet resource: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Section 1. Composition and volume of archival documents

      Subsection 1. Composition and volume of storage units


Number of funds

Number of storage units

Number of storage units accepted for temporary storage



those listed

those in the Kazakh language

those recorded particularly valuable










Paper based documents. Total


Management documentation


Documents of personal origin


Scientific and technical documentation


Personnel documents


Film documents


Photo documents


Phonographic documents


Video documents


Machine readable documentation


Microforms as scripts



      Subsection 2. Accounting unit volume


Number of accounting units


including those listed






Film documents


Phonographic documents


Video documents


Machine readable documentation

      Section 2. Composition and volume of insurance fund of copies of archival documents


Number of storage units

Volume of insurance fund

copied for insurance fund

having a use fund

number of negative frames

number of insurance fund storage units








Paper based documents. Total


Management documentation


Documents of personal origin


Scientific and technical documentation


Personnel documents


Film documents


Photo documents


Phonographic documents


Video documents


Machine readable documentation


Microforms as scripts



      Section 3. Composition and scope of scientific-reference apparatus

      Subsection 1. Composition and volume of scientific-reference apparatus for archival documents


Number of inventories (books of account and description)


Databases created on the composition and content of documents


of them in full

Number of funds

Number of storage units (accounting units)

Number of cards compiled

Number of databases

volume in mega bytes


Of them included in the catalogues












Paper based documents. Total


Management documentation


Documents of personal origin


Scientific and technical documentation


Personnel documents


Film documents


Photo documents


Phonographic documents


Video documents


Machine readable documentation


Microforms as scripts



      Subsection 2. References


Number of published collections





Published guides, quick-reference books on funds


Published guides on administrative and territorial divisions


Published guides on the history of institutions


Published guides of other types


Total published guides

      Section 4. Composition and volume of the reference library


Number of guides





Books and brochures






Other types of printed matter

      Section 5. Document storage conditions







Archive buildings


Special rooms


Adapted premises


Archive utilization rate (in percent)


Equipment of buildings with burglar alarms (in percent)


Equipment of buildings with fire alarms (in percent)


Length of metal shelving (in linear meters)


Length of wooden shelving (in linear meters)


Cartoned documents (in storage units)


      Name of the organization _____________________________________________________

      Address of the organization __________________________________________________

      Email of the organization _____________________________________________________

      Position, surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature of the head of the organization

      or person performing his duties ________________________________________________

      Surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature, phone number of the organization’s executor


      Stamp here

  Appendix to the form, intended for
collection of administrative data
"Archive Passport"

Explanation of filling out the form intended for collection of administrative data
“Archive passport”

      1. This clarification defines common requirements for filling out the form intended for collection of administrative data “Archive Passport” (hereinafter referred to as the “Form”).

      2. The form is submitted annually by the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central state archives, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, special state archives, state archives, libraries and museums of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts (hereinafter - organizations).

      3. The form is signed by the head of the organization, indicating the surname, name and patronymic (if any), as well as the date of completion.

      4. The form is submitted by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period.

      5. The form is filled in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

      6. Forms are filled out in the context of the administrative-territorial unit (indicating the region, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts).

      7. The form is completed as follows:

      in section 1. “Composition and volume of archival documents”:

      in subsection 1. “Composition and volume of storage units”:

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the number of funds indicating the total number of documents on a paper basis, consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the number of funds of film document;

      column 3, line 3 shall indicate the number of funds of photo documents;

      column 3, line 4 shall indicate the number of funds of phonographic documents;

      column 3, line 5 shall indicate the number of funds of video documents;

      column 3, line 6 shall indicate the number of funds of machine-readable documentation;

      column 3, line 7 shall indicate the number of funds of microforms as scripts;

      column 3, line 8 shall indicate the total number of funds consisting of the sums of lines 1 - 7;

      column 4, line 1 shall indicate the number of all storage units indicating the total number of documents on a paper basis, consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 4, line 2 shall indicate the number of all storage units of film documents;

      column 4, line 3 shall indicate the number of all storage units of photo documents;

      column 4, line 4 shall indicate the number of all storage units of phonographic documents;

      column 4, line 5 shall indicate the number of all storage units of video documents;

      column 4, line 6 shall indicate the number of all storage units of machine-readable documentation;

      column 4, line 7 shall indicate the number of all storage units of microforms as scripts;

      column 4, line 8 shall indicate the total number of all storage units consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 5, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the list indicating the total number of paper-based documents consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 5, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of film documents entered in the list;

      column 5, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of photo documents entered in the list;

      column 5, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of phono-documents entered in the list;

      column 5, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of video documents entered in the list;

      column 5, line 6 shall indicate the number of storage units of machine-readable documentation entered in the list;

      column 5, line 7 shall indicate the number of storage units of microforms as scripts entered in the list;

      column 5, line 8 shall indicate the total number of storage units entered in the list, consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 6, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units in the Kazakh language, indicating the total number of documents on a paper basis, consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 6, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of film documents in the Kazakh language;

      column 6, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of photo documents in the Kazakh language;

      column 4, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of phonographic documents in the Kazakh language;

      column 6, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of video documents in the Kazakh language;

      column 6, line 6 shall indicate the number of storage units of machine-readable documentation in the Kazakh language;

      column 6, line 7 shall indicate the number of storage units of microforms as scripts in the Kazakh language;

      column 6, line 8 shall indicate the total number of storage units in the Kazakh language, consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 7, line 1 shall indicate the number of recorded particularly valuable storage units with an indication of the total number of paper-based documents consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 7, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of recorded particularly valuable film documents;

      column 7, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of recorded particularly valuable photo documents;

      column 7, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of recorded particularly valuable phonographic documents;

      column 7, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of recorded particularly valuable video documents;

      column 7, line 6 shall indicate the number of storage units of recorded particularly valuable machine-readable documentation;

      column 7, line 7 shall indicate the number of storage units of recorded particularly valuable microforms as scripts;

      column 7, line 8 shall indicate the total number of recorded particularly valuable storage units consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 8, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units accepted for temporary storage indicating the total number of paper-based documents consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 8, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of film documents accepted for temporary storage;

      column 8, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units for photo documents accepted for temporary storage;

      column 8, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of phono-documents accepted for temporary storage;

      column 8, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units for video documents accepted for temporary storage;

      column 8, line 6 shall indicate the number of storage units of machine-readable documentation accepted for temporary storage;

      column 8, line 7 shall indicate the number of storage units of microforms as scripts accepted for temporary storage;

      column 8, line 8 shall indicate the total number of storage units accepted for temporary storage, consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      in subsection 2. “Volume of accounting unit”:

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the number of all accounting units of film documents;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the number of all accounting units of phono-documents;

      column 3, line 3 shall indicate the number of all accounting units of video documents;

      column 3, line 4 shall indicate the number of all accounting units of machine-readable documentation;

      column 4, line 1 shall indicate the number of accounting units of film documents entered in the list;

      column 4, line 2 shall indicate the number of accounting units of phono-documents entered in the list;

      column 4, line 3 shall indicate the number of accounting units of video documents entered in the list;

      column 4, line 4 shall indicate the number of accounting units of machine-readable documentation entered in the list;

      in section 2. “Composition and volume of the insurance fund of copies of archival documents”:

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units copied for the insurance fund, indicating the total number of paper-based documents consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of film documents copied for the insurance fund;

      column 3, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of photo documents copied for the insurance fund;

      column 3, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of phonographic documents copied for the insurance fund;

      column 3, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of video documents copied for the insurance fund;

      column 3, line 6 shall indicate the number of storage units of machine-readable documentation copied for the insurance fund;

      column 3, line 7 shall indicate the number of storage units of microforms as scripts copied for the insurance fund;

      column 3, line 8 shall indicate the total number of storage units copied for the insurance fund, consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 4, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units having a use fund, indicating the total number of paper-based documents consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 4 of line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of film documents with a use fund;

      column 4, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of photo documents having a use fund;

      column 4, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of phonographic documents having a use fund;

      column 4, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of video documents having a use fund;

      column 4, line 6 shall indicate the number of storage units of machine-readable documentation having a use fund;

      column 4, line 7 shall indicate the number of storage units of microforms as scripts, having a use fund;

      column 4, line 8 shall indicate the total number of storage units having a use fund consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 5, line 1 shall indicate the number of negative frames of the volume of the insurance fund, indicating the total number of documents on a paper basis, consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 5, line 2 shall indicate the number of negative frames of the insurance fund of film documents;

      column 5, line 3 shall indicate the number of negative frames of the insurance fund of photo documents;

      column 5, line 4 shall indicate the number of negative frames of the insurance fund of phonographic documents;

      column 5, line 5 shall indicate the number of negative frames of the insurance fund of video documents;

      column 5, line 6 shall indicate the number of negative frames of the insurance fund of machine-readable documentation;

      column 5, line 7 shall indicate the number of negative frames of the insurance fund of microforms as scripts;

      column 5, line 8 shall indicate the total number of negative frames of the insurance fund consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 6, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units of the insurance fund, indicating the total number of documents on a paper basis, consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 6, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of the insurance fund of film documents;

      column 6, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of the insurance fund of photo documents;

      column 6, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of the insurance fund of phonographic documents;

      column 6, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of the insurance fund of video documents;

      column 6, line 6 shall indicate the number of storage units of the insurance fund of machine-readable documentation;

      column 6, line 7 shall indicate the number of storage units of the insurance fund of microforms as script;

      column 6, line 8 shall indicate the total number of storage units of the insurance fund consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      in section 3. “Composition and volume of reference apparatus”:

      in subsection 1. “Composition and volume of the reference apparatus for archival documents”

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the number of all lists (books of accounting and description) indicating the total number of documents on a paper basis, consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the number of all lists (books of accounting and description) of film documents;

      column 3, line 3 shall indicate the number of all lists (books of accounting and description) of photo documents;

      column 3, line 4 shall indicate the number of all lists (books of accounting and description) of phonographic documents;

      column 3, line 5 shall indicate the number of all lists (books of accounting and description) of video documents;

      column 3, line 6 shall indicate the number of all lists (books of accounting and description) of machine-readable documentation;

      column 3, line 7 shall indicate the number of all lists (books of accounting and description) of microforms as scripts;

      column 3, line 8 shall indicate the total number of all lists (books of accounting and description) consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 4, line 1 shall indicate the number of lists (books of accounting and descriptions) in full, indicating the total number of documents on a paper basis, consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 4, line 2 shall indicate the number of lists (books of accounting and descriptions) of film documents in full;

      column 4, line 3 shall indicate the number of lists (books of accounting and descriptions) of photo documents in full;

      column 4, line 4 shall indicate the number of lists (books of accounting and description) of phonographic documents in full;

      column 4, line 5 shall indicate the number of lists (books of accounting and descriptions) of video documents in full;

      column 4, line 6 shall indicate the number of lists (books of accounting and descriptions) of machine-readable documentation in full;

      column 4, line 7 shall indicate the number of lists (books of accounting and description) of microforms as scripts in full;

      column 4, line 8 shall indicate the total number of lists (books of accounting and description) in full;

      column 5, line 1 shall indicate the number of cataloged funds indicating the total number of paper-based documents consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 5, line 2 shall indicate the number of cataloged funds of film documents;

      column 5, line 3 shall indicate the number of cataloged funds of photo documents;

      column 5, line 4 shall indicate the number of cataloged funds, phonographic documents;

      column 5, line 5 shall indicate the number of cataloged funds of video documents;

      column 5, line 6 shall indicate the number of cataloged funds of machine-readable documentation;

      column 5, line 7 shall indicate the number of cataloged funds of microforms as scripts;

      column 5, line 8 shall indicate the total number of cataloged funds consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 6, line 1 shall indicate the number of cataloged storage units (accounting units) indicating the total number of documents on a paper basis, consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 6, line 2 shall indicate the number of cataloged storage units (accounting units) of film documents;

      column 6, line 3 shall indicate the number of cataloged storage units (accounting units) of photo documents;

      column 6, line 4 shall indicate the number of cataloged storage units (accounting units) of phonographic documents;

      column 6, line 5 shall indicate the number of cataloged storage units (accounting units) of video documents;

      column 6, line 6 shall indicate the number of cataloged storage units (accounting units) of machine-readable documentation;

      column 6, line 7 shall indicate the number of cataloged storage units (accounting units) of microforms as scripts;

      column 6, line 8 shall indicate the total number of cataloged storage units (accounting units) consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 7, line 1 shall indicate the number of all cataloged cards indicating the total number of documents on a paper basis, consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 7, line 2 shall indicate the number of all cards, cataloged film documents;

      column 7, line 3 shall indicate the number of all cards, cataloged photo documents;

      column 7, line 4 shall indicate the number of all cards, cataloged audio documents;

      column 7, line 5 shall indicate the number of all cards, cataloged video documents;

      column 7, line 6 shall indicate the number of all cards, cataloged machine-readable documentation;

      column 7, line 7 shall indicate the number of all cards, cataloged microforms as scripts;

      column 7, line 8 shall indicate the total number of all cataloged cards consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 8, line 1 shall indicate the number of cataloged cards included in catalogs indicating the total number of paper-based documents consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 8, line 2 shall indicate the number of cataloged cards of film documents, included in catalogs;

      column 8, line 3 shall indicate the number of cataloged cards of phonographic documents, included in catalogs;

      column 8, line 4 shall indicate the number of cataloged cards of video documents, included in catalogs;

      column 8, line 5 shall indicate the number of cataloged cards of machine-readable documentation included in catalogs;

      column 8, line 6 shall indicate the number of cataloged cards of microforms as scripts included in the catalogs;

      column 8, line 7 shall indicate the number of cataloged cards of photo documents included in catalogs;

      column 8, line 8 shall indicate the total number of cataloged cards included in the catalogs consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 9, line 1 shall indicate the number of databases indicating the total number of documents on a paper basis, consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 9, line 2 shall indicate the number of databases of film documents;

      column 9, line 3 shall indicate the number of databases of photo documents;

      column 9, line 4 shall indicate the number of databases of phonographic documents;

      column 9, line 5 shall indicate the number of databases of video documents;

      column 9, line 6 shall indicate the number of databases of machine-readable documentation;

      column 9, line 7 shall indicate the number of databases of microforms as scripts;

      column 9, line 8 shall indicate the total number of databases consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      column 10, line 1 shall indicate the volume of databases in megabytes indicating the total number of paper-based documents consisting of the sums of lines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4;

      column 10, line 2 shall indicate the volume of film documents in megabytes;

      column 10, line 3 shall indicate the volume of photo documents in megabytes;

      column 10, line 4 shall indicate the volume of audio documents in megabytes;

      column 10, line 5 shall indicate the volume of video documents in megabytes;

      column 10, line 6 shall indicate the volume of machine-readable documentation in megabytes;

      column 10, line 7 shall indicate the volume of microforms as scripts in megabytes;

      column 10, line 8 shall indicate the total volume of databases in megabytes consisting of the sums of lines 1-7;

      in subsection 2. “Reference and informational publications”:

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the number of published guides, reference books on funds;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the number of published guides on administrative-territorial division;

      column 3, line 3 shall indicate the number of published guides on the history of institutions;

      column 3, line 4 shall indicate the number of published guides of other types;

      column 3, line 5 shall indicate the number of all published guides;

      in section 4. “Composition and volume of reference library”:

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the number of books and brochures;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the number of newspapers;

      column 3, line 3 shall indicate the number of magazines;

      column 3, line 4 shall indicate the number of other types of printed matter;

      in section 5. "Storage conditions for documents":

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the number of archive buildings;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the number of special rooms;

      column 3, line 3 shall indicate the number of adapted premises;

      column 3, line 4 shall indicate the archive utilization rate (in percent);

      column 3, line 5 shall indicate the amount of equipment of buildings with burglar alarms (in percent);

      column 3, line 6 shall indicate the amount of equipment of buildings with fire alarms (in percent);

      column 3, line 7 shall indicate the length of the metal shelving (in linear meters);

      column 3, line 8 shall indicate the length of the wooden shelving (in linear meters);

      column 3, line 9 shall indicate the number of cartoned documents (in storage units).

  Appendix 2
to the order of the Minister of
culture and sports of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated March 28, 2019 № 79

Form for collection of administrative data

“Fund Card”

      Reporting period: 20__ year.

      Index: KF-1.

      Frequency: annually.

      The range of persons providing information: the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central state archives, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, special state archives, state archives, libraries and museums of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts (hereafter - organizations).

      Where to submit: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Deadline for submission: by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period on paper or electronic media through an electronic document management system (hereinafter - EDMS).

      The administrative data form is available on the Internet resource: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Section 1. Fund Card

      Subsection 1. The front side of the fund card

Date of first receipt of the fund

Date of receipt of the fund card

Place of storage of the fund

Fund number / category / form of ownership

Deadlines for each fund name

Name of the fund

Fund volume as of January 1


Number of storage units / documents

Including undescribed storage units / documents

having insurance copies of storage units

      Subsection 2. The reverse side of the fund card

Title of the list, documents profile

Start of the year

End of the year

Title of the list, documents profile

Start of the year

End of the year

      Previous № ___________ of the fund

      Note _____________________________________________________________________


      Name of the organization ____________________________________________________

      Address of the organization __________________________________________________

      Email of the organization ____________________________________________________

      Position, surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature of the head of the organization

      or person performing his duties ________________________________________________

      Surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature, phone number of the organization’s executor


      Stamp here

      Appendix to the form, intended for collection of administrative data
"Fund card"

Explanation of filling out the form intended for collection of administrative data “Fund card”

      1. This explanation defines common requirements for filling out the form intended for collection of administrative data “Fund card” (hereinafter referred to as the “Form”).

      2. The form is submitted annually by the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central state archives, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, special state archives, state archives, libraries and museums of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts (hereinafter - organizations).

      3. The form is signed by the head of the organization, indicating the surname, name and patronymic (if any), as well as the date of completion.

      4. The form is submitted by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period.

      5. The form is filled in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

      6 Forms are filled out in the context of the administrative-territorial unit (indicating the region, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts).

      7. The form is completed as follows:

      in section 1. “Fund card”:

      in subsection 1. “The front side of the fund card”:

      the column “date of the first receipt of the fund” shall indicate the date of the first receipt of the fund;

      the column “date of receipt of the fund card” shall indicate the date of receipt of the fund card by the archive;

      the column “place of storage of the fund” shall indicate the place of storage of the fund;

      the column “Fund number / category / form of ownership” shall indicate the fund number / category / form of ownership of the fund;

      the column “deadlines of each fund name” shall indicate the deadlines of each fund name;

      the column “fund name” shall indicate the name of the fund;

      the column “fund volume as of January 1 of the current year” shall indicate the fund volume as of January 1 of the current year;

      the column "years" shall indicate the year;

      the column “number of storage units / documents” shall indicate the number of storage units / documents for the specified period;

      the column “including undescribed storage units / documents” shall indicate the undescribed storage units / documents for the specified period;

      the column “having insurance copies of storage units” shall indicate the number of storage units having insurance copies for the specified period;

      in subsection 2. “Reverse side of the fund card”:

      the column “title of the list, documents profile” shall indicate the name of the list, documents profile;

      the column “start of the year” shall indicate the start of the year;

      the column “end of year” shall indicate the end of the year.

  Appendix 3
to the order of the
Minister of culture
and sports of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
dated March 28, 2019 № 79
Form for collection
  of administrative data

“Information on changes in composition and volume of funds as of January 1, 20__”

      Reporting period: 20__ year.

      Index: SISOF-1.

      Frequency: annually.

      The range of persons providing information: the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central state archives, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, special state archives, state archives, libraries and museums of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts (hereafter - organizations).

      Where to submit: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Deadline for submission: by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period on paper or electronic media through an electronic document management system (hereinafter - EDMS).

      The administrative data form is available on the Internet resource: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Information on changes in composition and volume of funds as of January 1, 20___

№ of fund


Name of funds


Dropped out

Total number of storage units in the fund as of January 1, ___ year


Name of the list, documents profile


Name of the list, documents profile


Included in the list of storage units

Not included storage units / documents

Having insurance copies of storage units













      In total for ______ received ____ funds ______ storage units / documents;

      Dropped out_____ funds ______ storage units / documents;

      insurance copies were created for __________ storage units.

      As of January 1, _____ year, according to the list of funds, the archive has the funds numbers from No. __ to No. ___, including numbers available __ funds _ storage units, funds numbers, transferred and united (whose cases were used and the number cannot be occupied) _____, lost ________ funds, free numbers__________.


      Name of the organization ________________________________________________

      Address of the organization_______________________________________________

      Email of the organization_________________________________________________

      Position, surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature of the head of the organization

      or person performing his duties


      Surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature, phone number of the organization’s executor


      Stamp here

  Appendix to the form, intended for
collection of administrative data
“Information on changes
in composition and volume of
funds as of January 1, 20__ "

Explanation for filling out the form intended for collection of administrative data
“Information on changes in composition and volume of funds as of January 1, 20__”

      1. This clarification defines common requirements for filling out the form intended for collection of administrative data “Information on changes in composition and volume of funds as of January 1, 20__” (hereinafter referred to as the “Form”).

      2. The form is submitted annually by the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central state archives, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, special state archives, state archives, libraries and museums of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts (hereinafter - organizations).

      3. The form is signed by the head of the organization indicating the surname, name and patronymic (if any), as well as the date of completion.

      4. The form is submitted by the 5th day following the reporting period.

      5. The form is filled in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

      6 Forms are filled out in the context of the administrative-territorial unit (indicating the region, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts).

      7. The form is completed as follows:

      column 1 shall indicate the serial number;

      column 2 shall indicate the number of the fund;

      column 3 shall indicate the category;

      column 4 shall indicate the name of the funds;

      column 5 shall indicate the name of the received list, documents profiles;

      column 6 shall indicate the year in which the lists and documents profiles were received;

      column 7 shall indicate the name of the dropped out list, documents profiles;

      column 8 shall indicate the year in which the lists and documents profiles were dropped out;

      column 9 shall indicate the total number of storage units in the fund as of January 1 of the reporting year included in the list;

      column 10 shall indicate the total number of storage units (documents) in the fund as of January 1 of the reporting year not included in the list;

      column 11 shall indicate the total number of storage units in the fund as of January 1 of the reporting year with insurance copies;

      column 12 shall indicate the note.

  Appendix 4
to the order of the
Minister of culture and sports of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated March 28, 2019 № 79

Form for collection of administrative data
“Accounting information on stock catalog as of January 1, 20__”

      Reporting period: 20__ year.

      Index: USFK-1.

      Frequency: annually.

      The range of persons providing information: the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central state archives, special state archives, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local executive bodies of the region, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts that carry out the state management of archival affairs (hereinafter - the archives).

      Where to submit: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Deadline for submission: by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period on paper or electronic media through an electronic document management system (hereinafter - EDMS).

      The administrative data form is available on the Internet resource: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Accounting information on stock catalog as of January 1, 20___

Name of archive

The first and last number of funds in the list of funds

Number of funds according to the passport as of January 1

Number of cards in the fund catalog

Number of vacant numbers of funds



To funds stored in the archive

To funds included in the joint archival fund (previously used) and transferred funds

To the lost funds











      Name of the archive ______________________________________________________

      Address of the archive ______________________________________________________

      Email of the archive _______________________________________________________

      Position, surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature of the head of the archive or

      the person performing his duties _______________________________________________

      Surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature, telephone number of the archive executive


      Stamp here

  Appendix to the form intended for
collection of administrative data
"Accounting information on fund
catalogue as of January 1, 20__ "

Explanation for filling out the form intended for collection of administrative data
“Accounting information for the fund catalog as of January 1, 20__”

      1. This clarification defines common requirements for filling out the form intended for collection of administrative data “Information on changes in composition and volume of funds as of January 1, 20__” (hereinafter referred to as the “Form”).

      2. The form is submitted annually by the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, central state archives, special state archives, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local executive bodies of the region, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, and districts that carry out the state management of archival affairs (hereinafter referred to as archives).

      3. The form is signed by the head of the archive indicating the surname, name and patronymic (if any), as well as the date of completion.

      4. The form is submitted by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period.

      5. The form is filled in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

      6 Forms are filled out in the context of the administrative-territorial unit (indicating the region, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts).

      7. The form is completed as follows:

      column 1 shall indicate the serial number;

      column 2 shall indicate the name of the archive;

      column 3 shall indicate the first and last numbers of the funds according to the list of funds;

      column 4 shall indicate the number of funds according to the passport as of January 1;

      column 5 shall indicate the number of all cards in the fund catalog;

      column 6 shall indicate the number of cards in the fund catalog for funds stored in the archive;

      column 7 shall indicate the number of cards in the fund catalog for funds included in the joint archive fund (previously used) and transferred funds;

      column 8 shall indicate the number of cards in the fund catalog for lost funds;

      column 9 shall indicate the number of vacant numbers of funds;

      column 10 shall indicate a note.

  Appendix 5
to the order of the
Minister of culture and sports
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated March 28, 2019 № 79

Form for collection of administrative data
“Consolidated passport of sources of acquisition of state archives
of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of December 1, 20__”

      Reporting period: 20__ year.

      Index: SPIKGARK-1.

      Frequency: once every three years.

      The range of persons providing information: the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central state archives, special state archives, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local executive bodies of the region, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts that carry out the state management of archival affairs (hereinafter - the archives).

      Where to submit: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Deadline for submission: once every three years by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period on paper or in electronic form through an electronic document management system (hereinafter - EDMS).

      The administrative data form is available on the Internet resource: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Section 1. Information about organizations submitting management documentation to state archives

Name of indicators

Number of organizations

Number of full-time employees

Number of those agreed with archival institutions

Number of rooms for storing documents

Number of organizations that fully prepared documents for transfer to permanent storage

Nomenclature of affairs

Instructions, rules for office work










State organizations of acquisition profile of state archives


Non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of state archives


State organizations of acquisition profile of district, town archives


Non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of district and town archives


Joint departmental archives

Section 2. Information on management documentation

Name of indicators

Total storage units

Number of documents with a fixed storage life (in storage units)

Number of documents on personnel (in storage units)

Number of cases, documents of a fixed storage life (in storage units) generated during the year,

Included in the lists

Approved by the expert verification commission of the State Archive and LEB

Stored over time


Included in the lists

Approved by the expert verification commission of the State Archive and LEB












State organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives


Non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives


State organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and town archives


Non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and town archives


Management documentation stored in associations of departmental archive

Section 3. Information on sources of acquisition of state, city, district archives storing scientific and technical documentation

Types of organizations

Number of rooms for storing documents

Number of full-time employees

Number of storage units entered in the list

Number of documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution

Number of documents stored over a specified period (in storage units)

Total storage units










State organizations


Non-governmental organizations

Section 4. Information on film, photo, phono, and video documents

Types of organizations

Number of organizations registered in the archive

Number of rooms for storing documents

Number of full-time employees

Number of storage units entered in the list

Approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution

Stored over a specified period (in storage units)










State organizations storing film documents


Non-governmental organizations storing film documents


State organizations storing photo documents


Non-governmental organizations storing photo documents


State organizations storing phonographic documents


Non-governmental organizations storing phonographic documents


State organizations storing video documents


Non-governmental organizations storing video documents

      Name of the archive ______________________________________________________

      Address of the archive _____________________________________________________

      Email of the archive _______________________________________________________

      Position, surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature of the head of the archive or

      person performing his duties


      Surname, name, patronymic (if any), signature, telephone number of the archive executive


      Stamp here

  Appendix to the form intended for
collection of administrative data
"Consolidated passport of sources
of acquisition of state archives
of the Republic of Kazakhstan as
of December 1, 20__ "

Explanation for filling out the form intended for collection of administrative
data “Consolidated passport of sources of acquisition of state archives
of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of December 1, 20__”

      1. This clarification to the form intended for collection of administrative data “Consolidated passport of sources of acquisition of state archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of December 1, 20__” (hereinafter referred to as the Form) defines the uniform requirements for filling them out.

      2. The form is drawn up every three years by the National Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, central state archives, special state archives, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local executive bodies of the region, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns and districts that carry out the state management of archival affairs (hereinafter referred to as archives)

      3. The form is signed by the head of the archive, indicating the surname, name and patronymic (if any), as well as the date of completion.

      4. The form is submitted by the 5th day of the month following the reporting period.

      5. The form is filled in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

      6. Forms are filled out in the context of the administrative-territorial unit (indicating the region, cities of republican significance, the capital, towns, districts).

      7. The form is completed as follows:

      in section 1. “Information on organizations submitting management documentation to state archives”:

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the number of state organizations of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the number of non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 3, line 3 shall indicate the number of state organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 3, line 4 shall indicate the number of non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 3, line 5 shall indicate the number of joint departmental archives;

      column 4, line 1 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of state organizations of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 4, line 2 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 4, line 3 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of state organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 4, line 4 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 4, line 5 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of joint departmental archives;

      column 5, line 1 shall indicate the number of nomenclature of affairs of the state organizations of acquisition profile of state archives, agreed upon with the archival institutions;

      column 5, line 2 shall indicate the number of nomenclature of affairs of non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of state archives, agreed upon with the archival institutions;

      column 5, line 3 shall indicate the number of nomenclature of affairs of state organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives, agreed upon with the archival institutions;

      column 5, line 4 shall indicate the number of nomenclature of affairs of non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives, agreed upon with the archival institutions;

      column 5, line 5 shall indicate the number of nomenclature of affairs of joint departmental archives, agreed upon with archival institutions;

      column 6, line 1 shall indicate the number of instructions, rules for paper work of state organizations of acquisition profile of state archives, agreed upon with archival institutions;

      column 6, line 2 shall indicate the number of instructions, rules for paper work of non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of state archives, agreed upon with archival institutions;

      column 6, line 3 shall indicate the number of instructions, rules for paper work of state organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives, agreed upon with archival institutions;

      column 6, line 4 shall indicate the number of instructions, rules for paper work of non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives, agreed upon with the archival institutions;

      column 6, line 5 shall indicate the number of instructions, rules for paper work of the joint departmental archives, agreed upon with the archival institutions;

      column 7, line 1 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents in state organizations of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 7, line 2 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents in non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 7, line 3 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents in state organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 7, line 4 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents in non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 7, line 5 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents in joint departmental archives;

      column 8, line 1 shall indicate the number of state organizations of acquisition profile of state archives that have fully prepared documents for transfer to permanent storage;

      column 8, line 2 shall indicate the number of non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of state archives that have fully prepared documents for transfer to permanent storage;

      column 8, line 3 shall indicate the number of state organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives that have fully prepared documents for transfer to permanent storage;

      column 8, line 4 shall indicate the number of non-governmental organizations of acquisition profile of district and city archives that have fully prepared documents for transfer to permanent storage;

      column 8, line 5 shall indicate the number of joint departmental archives that have fully prepared documents for transfer to permanent storage;

      in section 2. “Information on management documentation”:

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the total storage units in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the total storage units in non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 3, line 3 shall indicate the total storage units of state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 3, line 4 shall indicate the total storage units of non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 3, line 5 shall indicate the total storage units stored in associations of the departmental archive;

      column 4, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life entered in the list of state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 4, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life entered in the list of non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 4, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life entered in the list of state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 4, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life entered in the list of non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 4, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life entered in the list stored in the associations of the departmental archive;

      column 5, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution;

      column 5, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life in non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives, approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution;

      column 5, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives, approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution;

      column 5, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life in non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives, approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution;

      column 5, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life stored in the associations of the departmental archive and approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution;

      column 6, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life stored beyond the established period in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 6, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life stored beyond the established period in non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 6, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life stored beyond the established period in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 6, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life stored beyond the established period in non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 6, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of documents with a fixed storage life beyond the established period stored in the associations of the departmental archive;

      column 7, line 1 shall indicate the number of all storage units of personnel documents in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 7, line 2 shall indicate the number of all storage units of personnel documents in non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 7, line 3 shall indicate the number of all storage units of personnel documents in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 7, line 4 shall indicate the number of all storage units of personnel documents in non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 7, line 5 shall indicate the number of all storage units of personnel documents stored in the associations of the departmental archive;

      column 8, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units of personnel documents entered in the lists of state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 8, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of personnel documents entered in the lists of non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 8, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of personnel documents entered in the lists of state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 8, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of personnel documents entered in the lists of non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 8, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of personnel documents entered in the lists stored in the associations of the departmental archive;

      column 9, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units of personnel documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 9, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of personnel documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 9, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of personnel documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 9, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of personnel documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 9, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of personnel documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution stored in the associations of the departmental archive;

      column 10, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units of cases of fixed storage life arising during the year in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 10, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units of cases of fixed storage life arising during the year in non-governmental organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of state archives;

      column 10, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units of cases of fixed storage life arising during the year in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 10, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units of cases of fixed storage life arising during the year in state organizations storing management documentation of acquisition profile of district and city archives;

      column 10, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units of cases of fixed storage life arising during the year stored in the associations of the departmental archive;

      in section 3. “Information on sources of acquisition of state, city, district archives storing scientific and technical documentation”:

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents of state organizations;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents of non-governmental organizations;

      column 4, line 1 shall indicate the number of full-time employees in state organizations;

      column 4, line 2 shall indicate the number of full-time employees in non-governmental organizations;

      column 5, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the lists of state organizations;

      column 5, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the lists of non-governmental organizations;

      column 6, line 1 shall indicate the number of documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in state organizations;

      column 6, line 2 shall indicate the number of documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in non-governmental organizations;

      column 7, line 1 shall indicate the number of documents stored beyond the established period (in storage units) in state organizations;

      column 7, line 2 shall indicate the number of documents stored beyond the established period (in storage units) in non-governmental organizations;

      column 8, line 1 shall indicate the total storage units in state organizations;

      column 8, line 2 shall indicate the total storage units in non-governmental organizations;

      in section 4. “Information on film, photo, phono, and video documents”:

      column 3, line 1 shall indicate the number of state organizations storing film documents registered in the archival institution;

      column 3, line 2 shall indicate the number of non-governmental organizations storing film documents registered in the archival institution;

      column 3, line 3 shall indicate the number of state organizations storing photo documents registered in the archival institution;

      column 3, line 4 shall indicate the number of non-governmental organizations storing photo documents registered in the archival institution;

      column 3, line 5 shall indicate the number of state organizations storing phonographic documents registered in the archival institution;

      column 3, line 6 shall indicate the number of non-governmental organizations storing phonographic documents registered in the archival institution;

      column 3, line 7 shall indicate the number of state organizations storing video documents registered in the archival institution;

      column 3, line 8 shall indicate the number of non-governmental organizations storing video documents registered in the archival institution;

      column 4, line 1 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents of state organizations storing film documents;

      column 4, line 2 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents of non-governmental organizations storing film documents;

      column 4, line 3 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents of state organizations storing photo documents;

      column 4, line 4 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents of non-governmental organizations storing photo documents;

      column 4, line 5 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents of state organizations storing phonographic documents;

      column 4, line 6 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents of non-governmental organizations storing phonographic documents;

      column 4, line 7 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents of state organizations storing video documents;

      column 4, line 8 shall indicate the number of rooms for storing documents of non-governmental organizations storing video documents;

      column 5, line 1 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of state organizations storing film documents;

      column 5, line 2 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of non-governmental organizations storing film documents;

      column 5, line 3 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of state organizations storing photo documents;

      column 5, line 4 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of non-governmental organizations storing photo documents;

      column 5, line 5 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of state organizations storing phonographic documents;

      column 5, line 6 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of non-governmental organizations storing audio documents;

      column 5, line 7 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of state organizations storing video documents;

      column 5, line 8 shall indicate the number of full-time employees of non-governmental organizations storing video documents;

      column 6, line 1 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the lists in state organizations storing film documents;

      column 6, line 2 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the lists in non-governmental organizations storing film documents;

      column 6, line 3 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the lists in state organizations storing photo documents;

      column 6, line 4 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the lists in non-governmental organizations storing photo documents;

      column 6, line 5 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the lists in state organizations storing phonographic documents;

      column 6, line 6 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the lists in non-governmental organizations storing phonographic documents;

      column 6, line 7 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the lists in state organizations storing video documents;

      column 6, line 8 shall indicate the number of storage units entered in the lists in non-governmental organizations storing video documents;

      column 7, line 1 shall indicate the number of documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in state organizations storing film documents;

      column 7, line 2 shall indicate the number of documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in non-governmental organizations storing film documents;

      column 7, line 3 shall indicate the number of documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in state organizations storing photo documents;

      column 7, line 4 shall indicate the number of documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in non-governmental organizations storing photo documents;

      column 7, line 5 shall indicate the number of documents approved by the expert-verification commission of the archival institution in state organizations storing phonographic documents;

      column 7, line 6 shall indicate the number of documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in non-governmental organizations storing phonographic documents;

      column 7, line 7 shall indicate the number of documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in state organizations storing video documents;

      column 7, line 8 shall indicate the number of documents approved by the expert verification commission of the archival institution in non-governmental organizations storing video documents;

      column 8, line 1 shall indicate the number of documents stored beyond the specified period (in storage units) in state organizations storing film documents;

      column 8, line 2 shall indicate the number of documents stored beyond the specified period (in storage units) in non-governmental organizations storing film documents;

      column 8, line 3 shall indicate the number of documents stored beyond the established period (in storage units) in government organizations storing photo documents;

      column 8, line 4 shall indicate the number of documents stored beyond the established period (in storage units) in non-governmental organizations storing photo documents;

      column 8, line 5 shall indicate the number of documents stored beyond the established period (in storage units) in state organizations storing phonographic documents;

      column 8, line 6 shall indicate the number of documents stored beyond the established period (in storage units) in non-governmental organizations storing phonographic documents;

      column 8, line 7 shall indicate the number of documents stored beyond the established period (in storage units) in state organizations storing video documents;

      column 8, line 8 shall indicate the number of documents stored beyond the established period (in storage units) in non-governmental organizations storing video documents.

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