Unofficial translation
In accordance with subclause 70-13) of article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 11, 2014 "On Civil Protection" I HEREBY ORDER:
1. To approve the attached Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection.
2. To recognize as invalid certain orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the application to this order.
3. The Committee for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Bekker V.R.), in accordance with the procedure, established by law, shall ensure:
1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;
3) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, submission to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of information about implementation of measures, stipulated by subclauses 1) and 2) of this clause.
4. Control over execution of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This order shall come into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.
Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Ye. Turgumbayev |
Minister of Agriculture
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Information and
Social Development
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Justice
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Education and Science
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Healthcare
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural
Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and
Aerospace Industry
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Energy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Ecology, Geology and
Natural Resources
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Trade and Integration
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Approved by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 2, 2020 No. 494 |
Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge,
training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection
Chapter 1. General Provisions
1. These Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed in accordance with subclause 70-13) of clause 1 of article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 11, 2014 "On Civil Protection" (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and shall determine the procedure for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection.
2. Informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection shall be carried out for the purposes of acquisition of knowledge and skills on organizing and performing the civil protection activities, skills in emergency situations, conducting accident-rescue and emergency works, knowledge of main techniques and methods of self-rescue and mutual assistance, maximum reduction of possible losses among the population and material damage.
3. When teaching the population and specialists in the field of civil protection, theoretical and practical forms of education are comprehensively used, such as a lecture, a seminar, a class-group lesson, drill and interactive lessons.
Chapter 2. Procedure for informing the population and specialists in the field of civil protection
4. The department of the authorized body in the field of civil protection (hereinafter referred to as the department of the authorized body) and its territorial subdivisions shall ensure that the population is informed in advance if there is a forecast about the threat of occurrence of an emergency situation, and organizes the propagation of knowledge in the field of civil protection in accordance with the powers, entrusted to them by the Law.
5. State bodies, organizations and public associations shall provide information in the field of civil protection in accordance with powers, entrusted to them by the Law.
6. Information on the emergency situations, endangering the safety and health of citizens, is public and open, and is communicated to the population via the civil protection warning system and mass media.
7. The services of surveillance, control and forecasting of natural and man-made emergency situations (seismological service, mudflow warning systems, radiation safety control and others) for the purpose of preventing, in case of a threat of an emergency on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) on the border territory of neighboring states, shall provide immediately the necessary information indicating its characteristics to the corresponding territorial subdivision of the department of the authorized body.
8. Information about the threat or occurrence of emergency situations shall be transmitted to the population through the civil protection warning system, through the networks of telecom operators and television and radio broadcasting, including through the networks of mobile operators by transmitting free text messages, as well as through warning means of legal entities that provide services to the population, at large gatherings of people and public transport.
9. Heads of hazardous production facilities shall notify the nearby population of the threat and occurrence of man-made emergency situations by activating local warning systems.
10. Central and local executive bodies shall inform the population about the measures they have taken in the field of civil protection in accordance with article 47 of the Law.
Chapter 3. Procedure for propagating of knowledge in the field of civil protection
11. Propagating of knowledge in the field of civil protection shall be carried out by the department of the authorized body, its territorial subdivisions, as well as by state bodies, organizations and public associations.
12. Territorial subdivisions of the department of the authorized body jointly with local executive bodies shall carry out the propagation of knowledge in the field of civil protection in accordance with a propagating plan.
13. The plan for propagating of knowledge in the field of civil protection are developed by a territorial subdivision of the department of the authorized body and shall be approved by the local executive bodies.
14. Propagating of knowledge in the field of civil protection shall include:
organization of propaganda of the population through the mass media, including by creating special programs on republican and regional (city) TV channels, on the procedure for action in emergency situations;
organization of regular publications in the press, on Internet resources, in social networks, programs on television and radio broadcasting networks promoting knowledge in the field of civil protection, safety rules at home and at work.
15. In addition, propagating of knowledge in the field of civil protection shall be carried out at training of the population in the field of civil protection in accordance with these Rules.
Chapter 4. Training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection
Paragraph 1. Procedure for training at organizations and training institutions of the authorized body
16. Training of the officials of central and local executive bodies at the training institutions of the authorized body shall be carried out in accordance with the Plan for training in the field of civil protection for the officials of central and local executive bodies.
17. The Plan for training in the field of civil protection for the officials of central and local executive bodies are developed by the department of the authorized body based on the requests of central and local executive bodies and shall be approved by the authorized body in the field of civil protection.
18. The list of officials, who are subject to training at organizations and training institutions of the authorized body in the field of civil protection and periodicity of the training are determined in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Rules.
19. For persons, newly appointed to the position, who perform organizing and managing the civil defense activities, training in the field of civil protection shall be carried out within the first year of employment.
20. The training shall be performed in accordance with a curriculum for training of managers, specialists of control bodies and civil protection forces, training of the population in methods of protection and actions in the event of occurrence of emergency situations and military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts, approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 20, 2014 No. 235 "On approval of the curriculum for training of managers, specialists of control bodies and civil protection forces, training of the population in methods of protection and actions in the event of occurrence of emergency situations and military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts" (registered with the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as No. 9509), (hereinafter referred to as the Curriculum).
21. When performing training using the materials with secret information, it is necessary strictly comply with the requirements of the regulatory legal acts for protection of state secrets of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
22. At the end of the training, final testing is carried out. The content of the final testing shall be approved by the heads of organizations and educational institutions of the authorized body carrying out training.
23. Based on the results of the training, trainees who are not admitted or who have shown an unsatisfactory level of knowledge when passing the final test shall not be issued certificates of training or retraining in the field of civil protection.
24. The trainees, who missed 25% and more from the total amount of classes, shall not be allowed for passing the final testing.
25. The trainees, who have completed the training and passed the final test with satisfactory, good and excellent indicators shall be issued certificates of training or retraining in the field of civil protection, approved by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 20, 2015 No. 857 " On establishment of a uniform sample of the certificate of training or retraining in the field of civil protection" (registered with the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts as No. 12292), (hereinafter referred to as the certificate).
Paragraph 2. Procedure for organizing the training at the territorial subdivisions of the department of the authorized body
26. Training at the territorial subdivisions of the department of the authorized body shall be carried out in accordance with a Plan for completion of categories of groups with trainees for the training in the field of civil protection in the form according to Appendix 2 to these Rules.
27. The Plan for completion of categories of groups with trainees for the training in the field of civil protection are developed by the territorial subdivision of the department of the authorized body and approved by the local executive body.
28. The list of trainees, who are subject to training at the territorial subdivisions of the department of the authorized body in the field of civil protection and periodicity of training are determined according to Appendix 3 to these Rules.
29. For persons, newly appointed to the position, who perform organizing and managing the civil defense activities, training in the field of civil protection shall be carried out within first year of employment.
30. Study groups for conducting training are composed mainly of persons of the same or similar functional duties in categories of trainees numbering up to 40 people.
31. The duration of training shall be determined in accordance with the Curriculum.
32. A week before the start of the training process, the head of the territorial subdivision of the department of the authorized body that carries out training approves the timetable of training in civil protection in the form according to Appendix 4 to these Rules.
33. When organizing training sessions, the Exercise commanders should provide for the maximum use of educational equipment and means of ensuring the educational process.
34. The Exercise commanders take measures to prevent traumatism of the trainees, establish necessary safety requirements when handling the machinery, equipment, individual protection and devices at classes, timely communicate these requirements to the trainees.
35. When performing training using the materials with secret information, it is necessary strictly comply with the requirements of the regulatory legal acts for protection of state secrets of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
36. The Exercise commanders keep record of performing classes and the attendance of students in the Registers for trainings of the trainees in the field of civil protection and the issuance of certificates in the form according to Appendix 5 to these Rules.
37. The Registers for trainings of the trainees in the field of civil protection and issuance of certificates shall be stored at the territorial subdivisions of the department of the authorized body in the field of civil protection.
38. In the process of training, the trainee shall study:
The requirements of the regulatory legal documents in the field of civil protection;
Algorithms of work of the Commission on prevention and liquidation of emergency situations in the event of a threat and occurrence of emergency situations;
structure of the Civil Defense Plan, as well as the Action Plan for liquidation of emergency situations;
tasks and possibilities of using forces and means of civil protection, as well as measures to ensure their permanent readiness;
requirements of the regulatory legal documents on organization and performance of evacuation of population, material and cultural values;
injurious effects of sources of emergency situations characteristic of the territory of the organization's location (residence), as well as modern means of destruction and other types of weapons;
methods and means of protecting the population, material and cultural valuables from the dangers arising from military conflicts and emergency situations;
actions of employees of organizations on the uniform warning signal "Attention all!" with the informational communications for performance of evacuation and the use of collective and personal protective equipment;
requirements of regulatory legal documents for creation and maintaining the preparedness of civil protection units;
health conditions for which first aid is provided and the procedure for its provision.
39. At the end of the training, final testing shall be carried out. The content of the final testing shall be approved by the head of the territorial subdivision of the department of the authorized body that carries out the training.
40. Based on the results of the training, trainees, who are not admitted or who have shown an unsatisfactory level of knowledge, shall not be issued certificates when passing the final test.
41. The trainees, who missed 25% and more of the total amount of classes, shall not be admitted to the final testing.
42. The trainees, who passed the training and the final examination with satisfactory, good and excellent marks shall be awarded the certificates.
Paragraph 3. Procedure for passing the training of employees of organizations, designated as the categories of civil defense at the place of work
43. Training of employees of categorized organizations, is planned and is performed annually in accordance with the Curriculum approved by the authorized body in the field of civil protection.
44. The employees of categorized organizations shall pass training at the place of employment within their working time.
45. By decision of the heads, employees of categorized organizations can be trained in organizations and educational institutions of the authorized body and other specialized training centers on a contractual basis.
46. To implement training for employees of categorized organizations, depending on the number of employees, organizations must have:
with the number of employees up to 100 people - a set of means for conducting civil protection classes, one civil protection point;
a set of means for conducting civil protection classes includes: posters, charts and slides by class topics;
a civil protection point is an information and reference stand with materials for propagating the knowledge and informing the employees on the issues of protection from hazards, occurring in the emergency situations and military conflicts;
with the number of employees exceeding 100 people – a multidisciplinary room, or one civil protection point in each administrative and production building.
47. The composition of a multidisciplinary training room shall include: teacher’s working place, a blackboard, a projector, workplaces of trainees and educational facilities, including regulatory legal documents in the field of civil protection, educational literature, as well as educational equipment.
48. In categorized organizations with more than 1000 employees, it shall be allowed conducting the training for employees of the organization through online courses, followed by testing and issuance of certificates of training in the field of civil protection.
49. The head of the organization shall approve the lists of study groups, Exercise commanders and the timetable of classes.
50. Training of employees of categorized organizations shall be performed by the Exercise commanders of civil protection classes, who passed the training at the territorial subdivisions of the authorized body or at the organizations and training institutions of the department of the authorized body in accordance with the established dates and possessing the corresponding certificates.
51. The classes shall be performed at working time in the amount in accordance with the Curriculum.
52. Conducting classes in accordance with the timetable and the presence of trainees at them are carried out by the Exercise commander in the training logs, in the form according to Appendix 6 to these Rules, which shall be kept per each study group.
53. The training logs shall be kept at organizations within the period of one year after the completion of the training.
54. In the process of training, the trainees shall study:
injurious effects of sources of emergency situations characteristic of the territory of the organization’s location (residence), as well as modern means of destruction and other types of weapons;
methods and means of protection against the dangers arising from military conflicts and emergency situations;
location of personal and collective protective equipment;
location of firefighting primary means, available in the organization;
algorithms of actions to obtain personal protective equipment,
as well as sheltering;
actions to ensure personal safety in crowded places, in case of fire, on water bodies and in nature;
actions of employees of organizations on the uniform warning signal "Attention all!" with the informational communications for performance of evacuation and the use of personal protective equipment;
measures to transfer civil protection from peaceful to martial law;
health conditions for which first aid is provided and the procedure for its provision.
55. At the end of the training, final testing shall be carried out. The head of the organization carrying out the training shall approve the content of the final testing. Conducting the training and testing of employees of the organization in an interactive form using appropriate computer programs shall be allowed.
56. Based on the results of the training, trainees, who are not admitted or who have shown an unsatisfactory level of knowledge shall not be issued certificates when passing the final testing.
57. The trainees, who missed 25% and more from the total number of classes, shall not be admitted to the final testing.
58. The trainees, who passed the training and the final examination with satisfactory, good and excellent marks, shall be issued a certificate of completion of the training in the field of civil protection in the form according to Appendix 7 to these Rules.
Paragraph 4. Procedure for training of the personnel of civil protection formations at the place of employment
59. Training of the personnel of civil protection formations of categorized organizations (non-categorized organizations) is planned and is carried annually at the place of employment, in accordance with the Curriculum.
60. By the decision of the head of the organization, the commanders and personnel of the civil protection formations pass the training in organizations and training institutions of the authorized body and other specialized training centers on a contractual basis.
61. Training of the personnel of civil protection formations shall be carried out by the Exercise commanders of the groups of civil protection classes and Commanders of civil protection formations, who passed training at the territorial subdivisions of the authorized body or in organizations and training institutions of the department of the authorized body in accordance with the established dates and possessing the corresponding certificates.
62. The theoretical material shall be studied in the minimum volume for the correct and accurate implementation of practical techniques and actions by the trainees. At the same time, modern training programs, videos, posters, and other visual aids shall be used.
63. The classes shall be performed during the working time, in the amount in accordance with Curriculum.
64. The individual knowledge of the personnel is checked during the testing, and the formation as a whole during the exercises and drills provided for in these Rules.
65. The knowledge test of the personnel of civil protection formations must be carried out by the Exercise commander or the Commanders of civil protection formations.
66. Practical exercises are organized and conducted by the Commanders of civil protection formations.
67. In the tactical and special exercises, the civil protection formations are involved in full force, with the necessary amount of special equipment, equipment, equipment, tools and materials.
68. The head of the organization creating civil protection formations shall be allowed, based on local conditions, subject to the purpose of the specific formation of civil protection and the degree of training of the personnel, clarifying the content of the topics of the Curriculum and the number of hours for their study, without reducing the total time for training, as well as additionally include topics for improving the skills of the trainees, for providing first aid and increasing the psychological stability of the personnel of civil protection formations when working in the zone of emergency situations.
69. Commanders of civil protection formations organize and conduct practical exercises, as well as assess the quality of the assimilation of educational material by personnel during special tactical exercises.
70. Commanders of civil protection formations conduct training sessions with personnel at training sites. During the classes, they control the degree of assimilation of the material and the readiness for action as part of the unit.
71. When organizing classes, the commanders of civil protection formations must provide for the maximum use of training equipment and means of ensuring the educational process.
72. In the course of conducting classes, it is necessary to pay constant attention to the moral and psychological training of personnel, developing confidence in the reliability and effectiveness of the use of special technology, equipment, outfit and tools, fostering resilience, readiness to perform official duties in a difficult environment, with high organization and discipline.
73. The head of organization shall approve the lists of training groups, Exercise commanders and the timetable of classes on civil protection.
74. Conducting classes in accordance with the timetable, and the presence of students at them shall be carried out by the head of the classes in the training log, in the form according to Appendix 6 to these Rules, which shall be kept per each training group.
75. Training logs shall be kept in the organizations within the period of one year after the completion of training.
76. In the process of training, the trainees shall study:
The purpose of a civil protection formation and their functional duties;
methods of notification, gathering and recovery;
production and technological features of functioning of organization, nature of possible accident rescue and urgent works;
purpose, safe operation, maintenance, possibilities and use of equipment, mechanisms and devices, as well as special equipment and protective equipment, consisting of the equipment of the formation;
methods of sanitization, special processing of equipment, disinfection of buildings and territories;
methods and ways of provision of first aid.
77. To practice the skills of action and consolidate the knowledge gained, personnel as part of the formation of civil protection are involved in exercises and drills provided for in these Rules.
78. At the end of the training, final testing is carried out. The head of the organization providing the training approve the content of the final testing.
79. Based on the results of the training, trainees who are not admitted or who have shown an unsatisfactory level of knowledge are not issued certificates when passing the final testing.
80. The trainees, who missed 25% and more from the total number of classes, shall not be admitted to the final testing.
81. The trainees, who passed the training and the final examination with satisfactory, good and excellent marks, shall be issued a certificate of completion of the training in the field of civil protection in the form according to Appendix 7 to these Rules.
Paragraph 5. Training of employees of organizations not designated as civil defense categories and nonworking population.
82. Training of employees of organizations not designated as civil defense categories (hereinafter referred to as the non-categorized organizations) and nonworking population shall be carried out through participation in exercises and drills provided for in these Rules.
83. Studying the issues of protection from emergency situations shall be carried out independently, by listening to radio broadcasts, viewing Internet resources, TV programs, studying memos, leaflets and booklets, attending events, performed on topics of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations.
84. At the request of the organization, the territorial divisions of the department of the authorized body can organize field classes with employees of organizations on certain topics.
85. Employees of non-categorized organizations can be trained in organizations and training institutions of the authorized body and other specialized training centers on a contractual basis.
Paragraph 6. Procedure for organization of exercises and drills in the field of civil protection
86. To practice the skills of action and consolidate the knowledge gained, the population and specialists in the field of civil protection are involved in exercises, drills, and classes in accordance with the types of exercises, drills, and classes in the field of civil protection according to Appendix 8 to these Rules.
87. The plan for execution of exercises and drills in the field of civil protection at the territorial level are developed by the territorial subdivision of the department of the authorized body, and shall be approved by the local executive body in the form according to Appendix 9 to these Rules.
88. The performers responsible for the conduct of exercises and drills in the field of civil protection at the territorial level and in organizations must submit to the territorial divisions of the authorized body in the field of civil protection information about their conduct attached with the copies of organizational documents.
89. Organizational documents on exercises and drills are developed at:
the republican level – by the department of the authorized body in the field of civil protection and shall be approved by the authorized body in the field of civil protection;
the territorial level – by the territorial subdivision of the department of the authorized body in the field of civil protection and shall be approved by the head of civil defense or his deputy of the relevant administrative and territorial units;
the facility-based level – heads of organizations in coordination with the territorial subdivisions of the department of the authorized body in the field of civil protection and approved by the head of the civil defense organization.
90. All types of exercises and drills shall be performed for the purposes of:
achieving high coherence in the work of control bodies, leadership, formations, workers and employees of organizations to eliminate the consequences of natural and man-made emergency situations, restore their life and conduct of civil defense;
improving the techniques and methods of protecting people in natural and man-made emergency situations;
checking the feasibility of action plans for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of natural and man-made emergency situations and civil defense plans, readiness of forces and means to solve problems;
studying approaches and methods of conducting accident rescue and urgent works, increasing the effectiveness of the use of formations and equipment.
91. Comprehensive exercises are one of the forms of training management personnel, control bodies, civil protection units, workers and employees, the population living near organizations.
92. Comprehensive exercises make it possible to practically work out the whole range of activities related to the threat of the occurrence and elimination of natural and man-made emergency situations and their consequences, as well as civil defense activities, taking into account the specifics of production, features of territorial distribution, seasonality of work and other factors inherent in this territories (organizations).
93. Comprehensive exercises are performed once every 3 years:
in cities and districts of regions (in cities and districts of regions designated as civil defense groups once every 2 years);
in all organizations, designated as the civil defense categories;
at facilities that produce or use in production fire, explosive, potent toxic substances, radiation and biologically hazardous substances;
in medical, medical and recreational institutions with a capacity of 600 and more hospital beds.
94. All territorial control bodies, services and commanders of civil protection formations of territorial subsystems of the state civil protection system, facility-based civil protection formations fully completed with personnel, machinery, equipment and inventory, as well as workers and servants, not included to the composition of formations, shall be involved in the comprehensive exercises of the territorial level.
95. Facility-based services and civil protection formations completed with personnel, machinery, equipment and inventory as well as workers and servants not included to the composition of formations, shall be involved in the comprehensive exercises of the facility-based level.
96. Based on the decision of the head of the civil defense of the corresponding level, the population of the corresponding territory may be involved in comprehensive exercises.
97. To prepare and conduct a comprehensive exercise at the territorial level, the leader of the exercise, his deputies and assistants shall be appointed, as well as the exercise headquarters shall be created.
98. To prepare and conduct a comprehensive facility-based level exercise, an exercise leader, who is responsible for equipping civil protection units and safety precautions, shall be appointed.
99. To conduct comprehensive exercises of the territorial level, the following documents are developed:
an order of the akim of the region (city) – the head of civil defense;
a calendar plan for preparation of comprehensive exercises;
an plan for execution of comprehensive exercises.
100. To conduct comprehensive exercises of the facility-based level, the following documents are developed:
the order of the head of organization – the head of civil defense;
a calendar plan for preparation of the comprehensive exercise (facility-based drill) in the form according to Appendix 10 to these Rules;
an execution plan for comprehensive exercise in the form according to Appendix 11 to these Rules.
101. Upon completion of the comprehensive exercise, a report shall be drawn up with conclusions on the quality of the measures taken and the readiness of the subsystems of the state civil protection system (in any form).
102. Command and staff exercises of regions, cities and rural areas for the elimination of emergency situations and civil defense are one of the main forms of joint training of heads of civil defense, heads of civil protection services and commanders of civil protection formations for the elimination of natural and man-made emergency situations and the implementation of civil defense activities.
103. Control bodies of the territorial subsystems of the state civil protection system are involved in the command and staff exercises.
104. The command and staff exercises are performed annually. It is allowed to perform the command and staff exercises within the framework of the republican command and staff exercises "Koktem", "Kys" and "Zher".
105. The command and staff exercises are performed on complex topics that ensure the development by the control bodies of territorial subsystems of the state civil protection system, services and civil protection units of all measures provided for by action plans for the elimination of natural and man-made emergency situations, civil defense plans.
106. To work out training issues at command and staff exercises, a complex situation is created, as close as possible to the conditions of emergency situations in peacetime and wartime, depending on the topic of the command and staff exercises. The complication of the situation during the command post exercises shall be carried out by announcing or delivering injections containing the date, time, place and possible events (incidents, accident situations).
107. At the same time, all work is based on the training of participants in the exercises to correctly draw up administrative and reporting documentation (orders for the implementation of tasks, reports).
108. To prepare and to perform the command and staff exercises, the leader of the exercise, his deputies shall be appointed, and a headquarters for the leadership of the exercise shall be created.
109. To perform the command and staff exercises, the following documents are developed:
an order of the akim of the region (city, district) – the head of civil defense;
a calendar plan for preparation of the command and staff exercise in the form according to Appendix 12 to these Rules;
a plan for execution of command and staff exercise in the form according to Appendix 13 to these Rules.
110. Upon completion of the command and staff exercise, a report shall be drawn up with conclusions on the quality of the measures taken and the readiness of the subsystems of the state civil protection system (in any form).
111. The special tactical training exercises are the main and most effective form of training civil protection units to perform tasks for their intended purpose in peace and wartime.
112. The special tactical training exercises are performed annually:
at the territorial level – with territorial civil protection formations, emergency response teams;
at the facility-based level – with facility-based civil protection formations.
113. At the special tactical training exercises, an environment is created that is characteristic of a given region (region, city, object), which requires the leadership to make timely and well-grounded decisions to conduct accident rescue and urgent works, skillful actions of formations in various conditions:
at the territorial level - typical for the region as a whole;
at the facility-based level - typical for the certain production facility, a territory, at which the facility is located.
114. The head of the special tactical training exercises with territorial and facility-based formations of civil protection is appointed by the corresponding head of civil defense or the commander of the formation of civil protection, and with the formations of civil protection services, the corresponding head of the civil protection service, to whom the formation of civil protection is directly subordinated, or the commander of this formation of civil protection.
115. To prepare and conduct the special tactical training exercise at the territorial level, a leader of the exercise and his deputies are appointed, as well as a headquarters for the leadership of the exercise.
116. To prepare and conduct the special tactical training exercise at the facility-based level, an exercise leader is appointed who is responsible for carrying out the activities planned during the exercise (for safety briefing, for equipping with the necessary inventory).
117. As the head of the special tactical training exercises of the civil protection formations at:
the territorial level, the deputy akim of the administrative and territorial unit shall be appointed;
the facility-based level, the corresponding chief of staff of civil defense shall be appointed.
118. To conduct the special tactical training exercises at the territorial and facility levels, the following documents are developed:
order of the akim of the region (city, district) – head of civil defense (order of the head of organization) on preparing and conducting the special tactical training exercises;
a pan for preparation of the special tactical training exercises plan in the form according to Appendix 14 to these Rules;
a plan for execution of special tactical training exercises in the form according to Appendix 15 to these Rules.
119. Upon completion of the tactical and special exercises, a report is drawn up with conclusions on the measures taken (in any form).
120. Drills on accident situations and incidents are conducted with employees of organizations (organizations designated as civil defense categories), students, trainees, teachers of educational organizations, educators, children and service personnel in preschool education and training organizations.
121. Accident situations and incident drills are conducted quarterly.
122. To conduct accident situations and incident drills, the following documents are developed:
order of the head of organization - the head of civil defense on preparation and conducting the accident situations and incident drills;
plan for execution of the accident situations and incident drills in the form according to Appendix 16 to these Rules.
123. Upon completion of the accident situations and incident drills, a report is drawn up with conclusions on the activities carried out (in any form).
124. Facility-based drills for practicing the elements of the introductory possible situation in the event of emergencies (hereinafter referred to as the facility-based drills) is simplified in terms of organization, reduced in terms of the volume of activities performed and the time of conducting complex exercises.
125. Facility-based drills is carried out in uncategorized organizations with less than 300 employees, in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, in medical treatment and recreation facilities with a capacity of less than 600 beds - once every three years.
126. To conduct the facility-based drills, the following documents are developed:
order of the head of organization - the head of civil defense on preparation and conducting the facility-based drills;
a calendar plan for preparation of the facility-based drills in the form according to Appendix 17 to these Rules;
a plan for execution of the facility-based drills in the form according to Appendix 18 to these Rules.
127. Upon completion of the facility-based drills, a report is drawn up with conclusions on the activities carried out (in free form).
128. Seismic drills are conducted with employees of organizations, students, students, teachers of educational organizations, educators, children and service personnel in preschool education and training organizations located in earthquake-prone regions.
129. Seismic drills are conducted quarterly. It is allowed to combine seismic drills with special tactical training exercises.
130. To prepare and conduct seismic drills, the training leader, his deputies are appointed, and the training management headquarters is also created.
131. To conduct seismic drills, the following documents are developed:
order of the head of organization – the head of civil defense on preparation and conducting the general seismic drills;
a plan for execution of general seismic drills in the form according to Appendix 19 to these Rules.
132. Mudflow drills is carried out with employees of organizations, students, students and teachers of educational organizations, educators, children and service personnel in preschool education and training organizations located in mudflow hazardous regions.
133. When conducting mudflow drills, it is also necessary to consider landslide protection measures in landslide-prone regions.
134. Mudflow drills are conducted once a year before the start of the mudflow period. It is allowed to combine mudflow drills with special tactical training exercises.
135. For the preparation and conduct of mudflow drills, a training leader, his deputies are appointed, and a training management headquarters is created.
136. To conduct mudflow drills, the following documents are developed:
order of the akim of the city (district) - the head of civil defense;
a calendar plan for preparation and execution of the mudflow drills in the form according to Appendix 20 to these Rules.
137. Evacuation drills in the event of a fire are conducted with employees of organizations, students, trainees and teachers of educational organizations, educators, children and service personnel in organizations of preschool education and training.
138. Evacuation drills in the event of a fire are conducted quarterly.
139. It is allowed to combine evacuation drills in case of fire with seismic drills in earthquake-prone regions and with mudflow drills in mudflow hazardous regions.
140. To prepare and conduct evacuation drills in the event of a fire, the head of the training and his deputies are appointed, and the headquarters of the leadership of the training is created.
141. To conduct the evacuation drills for in the event of a fire, the following documents are developed:
order of the head of organization of education - the head of civil defense;
a plan for preparation and execution of the evacuation drills in the event of a fire in the form according to Appendix 21 to these Rules.
Appendix 1 to the Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection |
of officials, who are subject to training at organizations and training institutions of the authorized body in the field of civil protection and periodicity of training
No. | Categories of the trainees | Periodicity of training |
1 | 2 | 3 |
1. | Central executive bodies: | |
deputies of the first heads | once every 5 years | |
chairpersons of commissions for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations and their deputies | once every 3 years | |
chairpersons of evacuation commissions and their deputies | once every 3 years | |
directors of departments and their deputies | once every 5 years | |
heads of offices and their deputies | once every 5 years | |
heads of divisions and their deputies | once every 5 years | |
specialists of structural subdivisions (employees) specially authorized to solve problems of organizing and maintaining the civil defense | once every 3 years | |
2. | Local executive bodies: | |
akims of cities, districts, heads of the offices of akim | once every 3 years | |
chairpersons of commissions for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations (regions, cities and districts) and their deputies | once every 3 years | |
chairpersons of evacuation (evacuation receiving) commissions (regions, cities and districts) and their deputies | once every 3 years | |
heads of offices and their deputies | once every 5 years | |
heads of divisions and their deputies | once every 5 years | |
specialists of structural subdivisions (employees), specially authorized to solve tasks on organization and management of civil defense | once every 3 years | |
heads of civil protection services (regions, cities and districts) and their deputies | once every 3 years | |
specialists of civil protection services (regions, cities and districts) | once every 3 years | |
heads of subdivisions on mobilization training, their deputies and specialists | once every 3 years | |
3. | Heads of educational organizations and mass media | once every 5 years |
4. | Structural subdivisions, territorial bodies and subordinate organizations of the authorized body in the field of civil protection: | |
heads of structural subdivisions, departments, territorial bodies, subordinate organizations of the authorized body in the field of civil protection and their deputies | once every 5 years | |
heads of structural subdivisions, departments, territorial bodies, subordinate organizations of the authorized body for emergency situations and their deputies | once every 5 years | |
heads (deputies) and specialists of offices (divisions) for emergency situations of cities and districts | once every 3 years | |
employees of territorial bodies of the department of the authorized body in the field of civil protection, engaged in the issues of training the population | once every 3 years |
1. For newly appointed persons, whose official duties include solving tasks in the field of civil defense, advanced training is carried out within the first year of employment.
2. Trainees, who passed the training (re-training), shall be issued uniform certificates.
for deployment of categories of groups with trainees for the training in the field of civil protection at the Department of Emergency Situations________ region (city) for 20__.
No. | Name Categories of trainees | Scope of training | Dates of training | Number of trainees (by cities and districts of the region) | |||||||||||
Total | city | city | district | district | district | district | district | district | district | district | |||||
Stationary method | Onsite method | ||||||||||||||
1. | |||||||||||||||
2. |
Head of the Department of Emergency Situations
_________ region (city)
_______________________ ____________ ________________
(rank) (signature) Surname, name, patronymic (if any)
Appendix 3 to the Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection |
of trainees to be trained at the territorial subdivisions
of the department of the authorized body in the field of civil protection
and periodicity of training
No. | Categories of trainees | Periodicity of training |
1 | 2 | 3 |
1. | Akims of districts in a city, cities of district significance, villages, settlements, rural districts | once every 5 years |
2. | Members of the Commission for emergency situations of cities, districts (urban and rural) | once every 3 years |
3. |
Workers of evacuation authorities of regions, cities | once every 3 years |
4. | Members of city, district evacuation, evacuation receiving commissions | once every 5 years |
5. | officials of city and district akimats | once every 5 years |
6. | The leaders of the organizations designated to civil defense categories | once every 3 years |
7. | Heads of organizations, enterprises, educational organizations and their deputies | once every 5 years |
8. | Specialists (employees) of organizations, enterprises and educational institutions engaged in the issues of civil defense | once every 3 years |
9. | Specialists of civil defense services | once every 3 years |
11. | Commanders of civil protection formations (detachments, teams, units and posts) | once every 3 years |
12. | Teachers of educational institutions in the disciplines "Physical culture", "Initial military training" and "Fundamentals of life safety" | once every 2 years |
13. | Heads of pre-school institutions | once every 3 years |
14. | Primary school class teachers of all types of general education schools | once every 5 years |
15. | Leaders of training groups with workers and employees who are not part of the civil protection formation | once every 3 years |
16. | Workers of recreation camps for labor and rest | annually |
17. | Leaders and coordinators of volunteer organizations (groups) | once every 2 years |
18. | Managers of hazardous production facilities | once every 3 years |
19. | Specialists of hazardous production facilities | once every 3 years |
1. For newly appointed persons, whose official duties include solving tasks in the field of civil defense, advanced training is carried out within the first year of employment.
2. Trainees, who passed the training (re-training), shall be issued uniform certificates.
Timetable for classes
on civil protection with __________________
(category of trainees)
Date | Time | Name of topics | Type of activity | Venue | Surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the instructor | Mark of conducting a lesson |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Appendix 5 to the Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection |
Form |
Department of Emergency Situations ____________________________
of the Committee for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Registers for trainings of the trainees in the field of civil protection
and issuance of certificates
Beginning:"__"__________20__. End: "__"____________20__. Number of sheets: _________ Date of expiry: __________ |
Item No. | Surname, name, patronymic | City, district | Place of employment | Position | Period of study | Certificate No. | Date of issue | Signature certifying the receipt of the certificate | Remark | ||||
Mon. | Tue. | Wen. | Thur. | Fri. | |||||||||
Appendix 6 to the Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection |
(name of organization)
"APPROVED" Head ______________________ (name of organization) ___________________ Surname, name, patronymic (if any) ______________________ (signature) "__" _________ 20__. |
for performed classes for 20__.
(number, name of group)
Head of the group _________________ _________ _________________________
(position) (signature) Surname, name, patronymic (if any)
No. | Surname, name, patronymic (if any) | Date and numbers of topics | Name of topics | Hours | Date of attendance | Signature of the Exercise commander | ||||
Appendix 7 to the Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection |
of training in the field of civil protection
This is to certify that ________________________________________________________
surname, name, patronymic (if any) name of organization, position)
passed a training (retraining) course in the amount of _____ hours.
Head _______________________ Seal ______________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) name of organization) (signature, Date)
Appendix 8 to the Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection |
Types of exercises, drills and classes in the field of civil protection
for exercises and trainings in the field of civil protection
in the territory of _________________ region in 20___.
1. Comprehensive exercises
Item No. | Name of a city, district | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Total |
1. | city | |||||||||||||
2. | district | |||||||||||||
3. | district |
2. Command and staff exercises
Item No. | Name of a city, district | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Total |
1. | city | |||||||||||||
2. | district | |||||||||||||
3. | district |
3. Command and staff drills
Item No. | Name of a city, district | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Total |
1. | city | |||||||||||||
2. | district | |||||||||||||
3. | district |
Note: for earthquake-prone regions
4. Special tactical training exercises
Item No. | Name of a city, district | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Total |
1. | city | |||||||||||||
2. | district | |||||||||||||
3. | district |
5. Comprehensive exercises in organizations
Item No. | Name of a city, district | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Total |
1. | city | |||||||||||||
2. | district | |||||||||||||
3. | district |
6. Facility-based drills
Item No. | Name of a city, district | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Total |
1. | city | |||||||||||||
2. | district | |||||||||||||
3. | district |
7. Training on accident situations and incidents
Item No. | Name of a city, district | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Total |
1. | city | |||||||||||||
2. | district | |||||||||||||
3. | district |
8. Seismic drills
Item No. | Name of a city, district | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Total |
1. | city | |||||||||||||
2. | district | |||||||||||||
3. | district |
Note: for earthquake-prone regions
9. Mudflow drills
Item No. | Name of a city, district | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Total |
1. | city | |||||||||||||
2. | district | |||||||||||||
3. | district |
Note: for mudflow hazardous regions
Head of the Department of Emergency Situations
_________ region (city)
_______________________ ____________ _____________________________
(rank) (signature) Surname, name, patronymic (if any)
for preparation of comprehensive exercise
(name of organization)
Item No. | Name of activites | Deadline | Responsible officers | Completion mark |
1. Preparation for the exercise by commandment and control bodies:
1) the study of guidelines and educational literature;
2) conducting an integrated exercise;
3) conducting reconnaissance of the district;
4) development of documents on training.
2. Preparation of formations:
1) the study of issues to be worked out in the course of the exercises, drills:
with the commanders of the formations;
with personnel.
2) studying safety instructions, etc.
3. Preparation of workers and employees who are not part of the formation:
1) the study of issues to be worked out in the course of the exercises, drills;
2) passing standards;
3) study of instructions for safety measures, etc.
4. Preparation of the population living near a potentially hazardous facility:
1) working out the issues of notification;
2) theoretical study of skills and abilities to be developed in the course of training;
3) study of instructions for safety measures, etc.
5. Activities on (comprehensive support of civil protection formations) material and technical and medical support and means of first aid provision:
1) providing the participants in the training with food, water, emergency supplies;
2) provision of fuels and lubricants;
3) provision of material and technical property and organization of technical maintenance of equipment;
4) ensuring the equipment of the personnel of civil protection formations according to the standard equipment of the participants in the training with first aid and medicines, etc.
Head of the exercise commandment staff ____________________
(name of organization)
__________________ ________________
Surname, name, patronymic.(if any) (signature)
for execution of the comprehensive exercise
(name of organization)
Topic: _______________________________________________________________
Training targets:
for the management team:
for control bodies:
for commanders and personnel of formations:
for workers and employees who are not part of the formation:
for the population living near a potentially hazardous facility:
Date: time and total duration
List of participants________________________________________________________
Conception of the exercise ____________________________________________________
Stages of the exercise, educational questions and time for practicing each of them:
The course of the exercise
Training questions:
The situation with a possible complication of the situation in the exercise for additional induction.
Action of the exercise commander.
Actions of deputies and assistants.
Expected actions from trainees.
First stage: (rank of the stage, its content, educational goal, time)
Second and subsequent stages:
Analysis of the exercise.
Head of the exercise commandment staff ____________________
(name of organization)
___________________ _______________
Surname, name, patronymic.(if any) (signature)
for preparation of the command and staff exercise
(name of organization)
Item No. | Content of activities | Dates and time | Responsible officers |
1. Conducting organization activities | |||
1. | Preparation of source data for the exercise planning | ||
2. | Reconnaissance of the exercise site and others | ||
2. Development of documents | |||
1. | Development of the execution plan | ||
2. | Development of organizational guidelines and other | ||
3. Preparation of the exercise commandment and controllers | |||
1. | Studying the regulatory documents | ||
2. | Methodological classes and other | ||
4. Preparation of the participants of exercises | |||
1. | execution of exercises | ||
2. | Studying the safety standards and regulations and other | ||
5. Preparation of training locations and training aids supply | |||
1. | Checking the readiness of the control point, communications, notification and other |
Chief of Staff of the Exercise Commandment ____________________
(name of organization)
_____________________ _____________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) (signature)
for execution of the command and staff exercises
1. Topic:
2. Training targets:
3. Time:
4. List of participants:
5. Opening situation:
Procedure for execution of the exercise
Time | Training issues | Situation (input content) | Work of the head, deputies, controllers | Expected actions of the trainees | |
Operational | Astronomic | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
First stage (name of stage, goal, time) | |||||
Second stage (name of stage, goal, time) | |||||
Analysis (place and time)
Chief of Staff of the Exercise Commandment ____________________
(name of organization)
_____________________ _____________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) (signature)
for preparation for special tactical training exercises
(name of formations)
Chief of Staff of the Exercise Commandment ____________________
(name of organization)
_______________________ ___________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) (signature)
for execution of special tactical training exercises
(name of formations)
Training targets:
Time (indicate the calendar period):
Composition of the trainees (indicate the list of engaged formations):
Material and technical supply:
Tactical situation: (to be provided textually and, if necessary, supplemented by a diagram):
Course of the exercise
Time | Training issues | Situation (entry nature) | Actions of the head | Actions of the trainees |
First stage: Getting the formations fully operational.
Second stage: Movement to the area of accident rescue and urgent works.
Third stage: Conducting accident rescue and urgent works.
Fourth stage: Completion accident rescue and urgent works
and withdrawal from the lesion focus (infection zone).
Analysis of the exercise.
Chief of Staff of the Exercise Commandment ____________________
(name of organization)
______________________ ____________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) (signature)
for execution of the accident situations and incident drills
1. Topic:
2. Training targets:
- for the management team:
- for the personnel of the formations:
- for workers, employees, students and students not included
in the formation: _________________________________________________
- for the population not employed in production and services:
3. Time:
4. List of participants:
5. Opening situation:
Course of the training
Time | Training issues | Situation (entry nature) | Actions of the head | Actions of the trainees |
Analysis of the training.
1. The list and content of introductory notes, methods and time of their delivery.
2. Scheme of places of practical actions with the plotted situation.
Chief of Staff of the Training Leadership____________________
(name of organization)
_______________________ ___________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) (signature)
for preparation of the facility-based drills
(name of organization)
Chief of Staff of the Training Leadership ____________________
(name of organization)
________________________ __________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) (signature)
for execution of facility-based drills
(name of organization)
Training targets:
For management team:
For control bodies:
For commanders and personnel of the formations:
For workers and employees not included to the formations:
for the population living near a potentially hazardous facility:
Time: calendar time limits and total duration
List of participants:
Training concept
Training stages, training issues and time to practice each
of them: ________________________________________________________
Course of the Training
Time | Training issues | Situation (entry nature) | Actions of the head | Actions of the trainees |
First stage: (name of the stage, its content, training target, time)
Second and subsequent stages.
Analysis of the training.
Chief of Staff of the Training Leadership____________________
(name of organization)
______________________ ____________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) (signature)
for execution of general seismic drills
(name of organization)
Topic: "Actions of the management team, workers and employees of (name of organization) in an earthquake".
Training targets:
General – to check the readiness of (name of organization) for protection measures in an earthquake.
For the management team – to obtain practical skills in organization and execution of protection measures in an earthquake.
For personnel of formations - to improve practical skills in communication, equipment and readiness for execution of rescue works.
For workers and employees - to work out the skills of practical actions and correct behavior in an earthquake.
Time: by decision of the head of the organization.
Venue: production and administrative buildings, structures, territory of organization.
Participants of seismic drills: the entire collective of the organization.
Training issue: practical actions of the management team, workers and employees of (name of organization) in an earthquake during stay at the working places.
Material support and literature:
1. Plan for protection from emergency situations of (name of organization) in an earthquake.
2. Action plans of officials after an earthquake.
3. Table of the possible condition of buildings, possible losses and expected damage after an earthquake.
4. Block plans of emergency evacuation of the working personnel.
5. Block plans of relatively safe territory of the organization.
Chief of Staff of the Training Leadership ____________________
(name of organization)
________________________ __________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) (signature)
Procedure for execution of general seismic drill in organization
Chief of Staff of the Training Leadership ____________________
(name of organization)
_______________________ ___________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) (signature)
for preparation and execution of mudflow drills
Chief of the staff of the drill –
Head of the Department (Office) of emergency situations of a city(district)
______________________ ____________
Surname, name, patronymic.(if any) (signature)
for preparation and execution of an evacuation drill in the event of a fire
Topic: "Actions of the teaching staff and students in the event of a fire in ______________________".
Training targets:
General – check the readiness of the educational institution to carry out civil protection measures in the event of a fire in ____________________________.
For the management, teaching staff (educators) - to acquire practical skills in organizing and conducting civil protection measures in the event of a fire in _______________________________.
For students (children) - to develop the skills of competent actions and correct behavior in the event of a fire in the school.
Time of performance – _______________.
Venue – the building and the territory of the school.
Participants of evacuation drill in case of fire: management, teaching staff, students (educators, children).
Training issue: practical activities of the teachers and students in occurrence of a fire in ___________________.
Material support and literature:
Memo, booklets on the actions of the population in the event of a fire.
Plan-diagram of emergency evacuation of students (children) from the building.
Plan-diagram of a safe area near the building.
Technical means of notification.
Means of equipping civil protection units.
Chief of Staff of the Training Leadership ____________________
(name of organization)
_________________________ _________
Surname, name, patronymic (if any) (signature)
Appendix to the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 2, 2020 No. 494 |
List of certain invalidated orders
of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1. Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2015 No. 381 "On approval of the Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 22, 2015 No. 11134).
2. Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 14, 2016 No. 1057 "On amendments and additions to the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2015 No. 381 "On approval of the Rules for informing, propagating of knowledge, training of the population and specialists in the field of civil protection" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 23, 2016 No. 14562).
3. Clause 10 of the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 13, 2019 No. 1064 " On amendments and additions to certain orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 18, 2019 No. 19738).