On approval of the Rules and methodology for conducting annual sociological monitoring of the staff morale in the units of civil protection bodies

New Unofficial translation

Order № 498 of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 5, 2021. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on October 8, 2021 under № 24665.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 54-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Law enforcement service”, I hereby ORDER to:

      1. Approve the attached Rules and methodology for conducting annual sociological monitoring of the staff morale in the units of civil protection bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      2. The Department of Medical and Psychological Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall provide:

      1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) place this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) within ten working days after the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, report to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on execution of the actions referred to in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of this paragraph.

      3. The supervising vice minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be in charge of enforcement of this order.

      4. This Order shall take effect ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.

      Minister of Emergency Situations
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan       Y. Ilyin

  Approved by order No. 498
of the Minister of Emergency Situations
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated October 5, 2021

Rules and methodology
for conducting annual sociological monitoring of the staff morale in the units of civil protection bodies

Chapter 1. General Provisions

      1. These Rules and methodology for conducting annual sociological monitoring of the staff morale in the units of civil protection bodies shall define the procedure and methodology for conducting annual sociological monitoring of the staff morale in the units of civil protection bodies.

      These Rules shall apply to servants awarded the special "civil protection" title.

      2. Basic concepts and terms shall be used in these Rules:

      1) leadership style - individual-typical features of holistic, relatively stable system of ways, methods, techniques of the leader’s influencing the team with the purpose of performing managerial functions efficiently and competently;

      2) occupational activity - a type of work, consequence of its differentiation. The success of occupational activity shall imply proficiency of its operational, organizational, psychological and moral aspects, as well as generalized professional skills and readiness to implement best practices to perform occupational tasks;

      3) morale in the civil protection bodies units - a psychological attitude characterized by a correct understanding of the tasks of the civil protection bodies;

      4) sociological monitoring of the state of morale in the civil protection bodies units(hereinafter - monitoring) - a systematic study of social processes and phenomena aimed at obtaining information about the state of the staff morale in the civil protection bodies;

      5) monitoring methodology - a set of various research methods, the procedure for obtaining, applying and interpreting the data obtained;

      6) questioning survey - a method in which a specially developed list of questions - a questionnaire is used as a means of collecting information from respondents;

      3. Monitoring shall be carried out for the following purposes:

      1) to identify problematic units, determine the pattern of relations;

      2) to develop measures to improve the psychological atmosphere;

      3) to boost the motivation of the servants’ work, organize occupational activities, optimize the management process, lift the team spirit of the units;

      4) improve the servants’ performance;

      5) turn to good advantage the professional and managerial experience of employees.

Chapter 2. Procedure and methodology of monitoring

      4. Monitoring shall be carried out annually by psychologists of the units in the fourth quarter of the calendar year, in the first half of the day, on a voluntary basis, confidentially, with a preliminary explanation to the interviewees of the aims and anonymity of the survey, in the state or in the Russian language ​​at the request of the employee.

      5. The survey shall last from twenty to sixty minutes. For an objective assessment of the survey results, involvement of at least 70% of the actual number of employees is required.

      6. Annual sociological monitoring of the state of morale in civil protection units shall be conducted by means of:

      1) standardized tests - psychological tests with clearly defined questions with instructions for conducting and processing of the results;

      2) questionnaire - a set of questions, each of which is logically related to the central task of the monitoring;

      3) conversation - a psychological verbal-communicative method, which consists in conducting a dialogue in order to obtain information.

      7. Monitoring shall be carried out with the use of automated information system or on paper.

      8. In the case of questionnaires or testing on paper, the servant personally places the completed questionnaire in a sealed container (urn).

      9. Monitoring includes the following steps:

      1) preparatory - organization, choice of research methods;

      2) the main one - briefing for the personnel;

      3) final - analysis and generalization, processing of the obtained data, conclusions on the state of morale and recommendations.

      10. Conducting sociological monitoring (time and place) shall be coordinated with the head of the unit.

      11. Interpretation of the monitoring results shall be based on the servant’s subjective opinion and attitude to the environment around him in the service:

      1) organization and working conditions;

      2) occupational and rank advancement;

      3) job satisfaction;

      4) relationship with management (attitude to the leadership style);

      5) relationships with colleagues;

      6) psychological climate.

      12. Based on the monitoring results, indicators of a favorable and unfavorable morale shall be determined.

      13. Indicators of a favorable morale shall be:

      1) high and above average levels of satisfaction with occupational activities;

      2) high and above average consensus degree in opinions;

      3) favorable relationship between managers and subordinates.

      14. Indicators of unfavorable morale shall be:

      1) staff turnover associated with a change in the motivation of the servants’ occupational activities, occupational burnout, with a deterioration in occupational health, low assessment of satisfaction with occupational activities, lack of career prospects, difficult working conditions, low wages, and worsening social security;

      2) low efficiency of the team’s performance, low level of the servants’ occupational training, authoritarian style of team management, low performance discipline;

      3) conflicts between staff members.

      15. The procedure for conducting and conclusions (results) of sociological monitoring of the state of the staff morale shall be provided by the psychologist of the unit.

      16. Issuing from the monitoring results, in case of insufficient sampling or the conclusion “unfavorable staff morale”, repeated monitoring shall be carried out six months later.

      17. The psychologist shall provide generalized information in the form of a memo to the head of the unit.

      18. The head of the unit shall report to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the monitoring results.

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