Об утверждении Правил оказания государственной услуги "Выдача лицензии для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов

Приказ Министра информации и общественного развития Республики Казахстан от 2 апреля 2020 года № 101. Зарегистрирован в Министерстве юстиции Республики Казахстан 3 апреля 2020 года № 20296.

      Сноска. Заголовок - в редакции приказа Министра культуры и информации РК от 30.10.2024 № 502-НҚ (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

      В соответствии с подпунктом 1) статьи 10 Закона Республики Казахстан "О государственных услугах", ПРИКАЗЫВАЮ:

      Сноска. Преамбула - в редакции приказа Министра информации и общественного развития РК от 21.01.2022 № 16 (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

      1. Утвердить прилагаемые Правила оказания государственной услуги "Выдача лицензии для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов".

      Сноска. Пункт 1 - в редакции приказа Министра культуры и информации РК от 30.10.2024 № 502-НҚ (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

      2. Признать утратившим силу некоторые приказы согласно приложению 6 к настоящему приказу.

      3. Комитету информации Министерства информации и общественного развития Республики Казахстан в установленном законодательством Республики Казахстан порядке обеспечить:

      1) государственную регистрацию настоящего приказа в Министерстве юстиции Республики Казахстан;

      2) размещение настоящего приказа на интернет-ресурсе Министерства информации и общественного развития Республики Казахстан.

      4. Контроль за исполнением настоящего приказа возложить на курирующего вице-министра информации и общественного развития Республики Казахстан.

      5. Настоящий приказ вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования.

      Министр информации и
общественного развития Республики Казахстан
Д. Абаев

  Утверждены приказом
Министр культуры
и информации
Республики Казахстан
от 2 апреля 2020 года № 101

      Сноска. Текст в правом верхнем углу - в редакции Министра культуры и информации РК от 30.10.2024 № 502-НҚ (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

Правила оказания государственной услуги "Выдача лицензии для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов"

      Сноска. Правила - в редакции приказа Министра информации и общественного развития РК от 21.01.2022 № 16 (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

Глава 1. Общие положения

      1. Настоящие Правила разработаны в соответствии с подпунктом 1) статьи 10 Закона Республики Казахстан "О государственных услугах" и определяют порядок оказания государственной услуги "Выдача лицензии для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов".

      2. Государственная услуга "Выдача лицензии для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов" (далее – государственная услуга) оказывается Комитетом информации Министерства культуры и информации Республики Казахстан (далее – услугодатель).

      Сноска. Пункт 2 - в редакции приказа Министра культуры и информации РК от 30.10.2024 № 502-НҚ (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

      3. Уполномоченный орган направляет информацию о внесенных изменениях и (или) дополнениях в настоящие Правила оператору информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры "электронного правительства", услугодателю и в Единый контакт-центр в течение трех рабочих дней со дня государственной регистрации в органах юстиции.

      Сноска. Пункт 3 - в редакции приказа и.о. Министра информации и общественного развития РК от 30.12.2022 № 570 (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

Глава 2. Порядок оказания государственных услуг

      4. Для получения государственной услуги физические и (или) юридические лица осуществляющие деятельность предоставления услуг в области масс-медиа на территории Республики Казахстан (далее – услугополучатель) направляют услугодателю через веб-портал "электронного правительства" www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz (далее – Портал), заявление по форме согласно приложениям 1 и 2, а также документы указанные в Перечне основных требований к оказанию государственной услуги согласно приложению 4 к настоящим Правилам.

      Канцелярия услугодателя в день поступления документов осуществляет их прием, регистрацию и передает на исполнение ответственному структурному подразделению. При обращении услугополучателя после окончания рабочего времени, в выходные и праздничные дни согласно трудовому законодательству, прием заявлений и выдача результатов оказания государственной услуги осуществляется следующим рабочим днем.

      Сотрудник ответственного структурного подразделения услугодателя в течение 2 (двух) рабочих дней с момента регистрации документов, проверяет содержание заявления и полноту представленных документов, а также предоставленную квитанцию на правильность заполнения реквизитов.

      Сведения о документах, удостоверяющих личность услугополучателя, о государственной регистрации (перерегистрации) юридического лица, о регистрации в качестве индивидуального предпринимателя, документ подтверждающий оплату услугодатель получает из соответствующих государственных информационных систем через шлюз "электронного правительства".

      При представлении услугополучателем неполного пакета документов и (или) документов с истекшим сроком действия сотрудник ответственного структурного подразделения в указанные сроки готовит мотивированный отказ в дальнейшем рассмотрении заявления в форме электронного документа подписанный электронной цифровой подписью (далее – ЭЦП) руководителя или его заместителей уполномоченного органа и направляет заявителю в личный кабинет Портала.

      При выявлении оснований для отказа в оказании государственной услуги услугодатель уведомляет услугополучателя о предварительном решении об отказе в оказании государственной услуги, а также о времени и месте (способе) проведения заслушивания для предоставления услугополучателю возможности выразить позицию по предварительному решению.

      Услугодатель уведомляет услугополучателя о заслушивании не менее чем за 3 (три) рабочих дня до завершения срока оказания государственной услуги. Заслушивание проводится не позднее 2 (двух) рабочих дней со дня уведомления в соответствии с пунктом 1 статьи 73 Административного процедурно-процессуального кодекса Республики Казахстан.

      По результатам заслушивания услугодатель выдает лицензию для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов либо мотивированный отказ в оказании государственной услуги".

      Сноска. Пункт 4 - в редакции приказа Министра культуры и информации РК от 30.10.2024 № 502-НҚ (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

      5. В случае предоставления услугополучателем полного пакета документов для получения лицензии для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов сотрудник структурного подразделения услугодателя в течение 11 (одиннадцати) рабочих дней рассматривает документы и форму сведений на соответствие квалификационным требованиям путем проведения профилактического контроля в соответствии с Предпринимательским кодексом Республики Казахстан. По итогам профилактического контроля сотрудник структурного подразделения услугодателя формирует лицензию для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов.

      При несоответствии услугополучателя вышеуказанным требованиям услугодатель выносит решение об отказе оказании государственной услуги.

      Услугополучателю направляется уведомление с приложением предварительного решения об отказе в оказании государственной услуги в срок не позднее чем за 3 (три) рабочих дня до его подписания.

      Услугополучателем предоставляется возражение к предварительному решению об отказе в оказании государственной услуги в срок не позднее 2 (двух) рабочих дней со дня получения уведомления.

      По результатам рассмотрения возражения, в случае поступления от услугополучателя, услугодатель выдает лицензию для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов, либо мотивированный отказ в оказании государственной услуги.

      6. Лицензии для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов подлежат переоформлению в случаях изменения наименования вида и (или) подвида деятельности, фамилии, имени, отчества (при его наличии) физического лица, индивидуального предпринимателя, изменения его наименования и адреса, юридического лица в форме слияния, присоединения, выделения или преобразования, наименования и (или) юридического адреса юридического лица лицензии.

      7. При подаче услугополучателем заявления на переоформление лицензии сотрудник структурного подразделения услугодателя в течение 11 (одиннадцати) рабочих дней рассматривает документы на содержание заявления, а также проверяет предоставленную квитанцию на правильность заполнения реквизитов.

      При несоответствии услугополучателя вышеуказанным требованиям услугодатель выносит решение об отказе в оказании государственной услуги.

      Услугополучателю направляется уведомление с приложением предварительного решения об отказе в оказании государственной услуги в срок не позднее чем за 3 (три) рабочих дня до его подписания.

      Услугополучателем предоставляется возражение к предварительному решению об отказе в оказании государственной услуги в срок не позднее 2 (двух) рабочих дней со дня получения уведомления.

      По результатам рассмотрения возражения, в случае поступления от услугополучателя, услугодатель выдает лицензию для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов, либо мотивированный отказ в оказании государственной услуги.

      8. Услугодатель отказывает в оказании государственной услуги по основаниям, изложенным в пункте 9 Перечня.

      Сноска. Пункт 8 - в редакции приказа Министра культуры и информации РК от 30.10.2024 № 502-НҚ (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

Глава 3. Порядок обжалования решений, действий (бездействия) центральных государственных органов, услугодателя и (или) их должностных лиц по вопросам оказания государственных услуг

      9. Рассмотрение жалобы на решение, действия (бездействия) услугодателя по вопросам оказания государственной услуги, производится должностным лицом, вышестоящим уполномоченным органом в области масс-медиа, уполномоченным органом по оценке и контролю за качеством оказания государственных услуг (далее – орган, рассматривающий жалобу) в соответствии с законодательством Республики Казахстан.

      Жалоба подается услугодателю и (или) должностному лицу, чье решение, действие (бездействие) обжалуются.

      Жалоба услугополучателя, поступившая в адрес услугодателя, в соответствии с пунктом 2 статьи 25 Закона Республики Казахстан "О государственных услугах" подлежит рассмотрению в течение 5 (пяти) рабочих дней со дня ее регистрации.

      Жалоба услугополучателя, поступившая в адрес уполномоченного органа по оценке и контролю за качеством оказания государственных услуг подлежит рассмотрению в течение 15 (пятнадцати) рабочих дней со дня ее регистрации.

      Услугодатель, должностное лицо, чье решение, действие (бездействие) обжалуются, не позднее 3 (трех) рабочих дней со дня поступления жалобы направляют ее и административное дело в орган, рассматривающий жалобу.

      При этом услугодатель, должностное лицо, чье решение, действие (бездействие) обжалуется, вправе не направлять жалобу в орган, рассматривающий жалобу, если он в течение 3 (трех) рабочих дней примет благоприятный административный акт, совершит административное действие, полностью удовлетворяющее требованиям, указанным в жалобе.

      Если иное не предусмотрено законом, обращение в суд допускается после обжалования в досудебном порядке.

      Сноска. Пункт 9 - в редакции приказа Министра культуры и информации РК от 30.10.2024 № 502-НҚ (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

  Приложение 1
к Правилам оказания
государственной услуги
"Выдача лицензии для занятия
деятельностью по
распространению теле-,

      Заявление юридического лица для получения (переоформления) лицензии
            (полное наименование лицензиара)
от ___________________________________________________________
(полное наименование юридического лица, бизнес-идентификационный
Прошу выдать лицензию на осуществление деятельности
(указать вид деятельности и (или) подвид (ы) деятельности)
Адрес юридического лица ______________________________________
(почтовый индекс, область, город, район, населенный пункт,
наименование улицы, номер дома/здания (стационарного помещения)
Электронная почта ____________________________________________
Телефоны ____________________________________________________
Факс ________________________________________________________
Банковский счет ______________________________________________
      (номер счета, наименование и местонахождение банка)
Адрес (а) осуществления деятельности ____________________________
      (почтовый индекс, область, город, район, населенный пункт,
наименование улицы, номер дома/здания (стационарного помещения)
Прилагается ____________ листов
Настоящим подтверждается, что:
все указанные данные являются официальными контактами, и на них направлена любая
информация по вопросам выдачи или отказа в выдаче лицензии;
заявителю не запрещено судом заниматься лицензируемым видом и (или) подвидом
все прилагаемые документы соответствуют действительности и являются действительными.
Согласен на использования сведений, составляющих охраняемую законом тайну,
содержащихся в информационных системах
___________ "__" _______ 20 __ г.
Руководитель ______________ ________________________
      (подпись) (фамилия, имя, отчество (при наличии)
Место печати, Дата заполнения: " ___" _________ 20 __ года
(при наличии)

  Приложение 2
к Правилам оказания
государственной услуги
"Выдача лицензии для занятия
деятельностью по
распространению теле-,

      Заявление физического лица для получения (переоформления) лицензии
В ___________________________________________________________
      (полное наименование лицензиара)
от _____________________________________________________________
      (фамилия, имя, отчество (при наличии) физического лица,
индивидуальный идентификационный номер)
Прошу выдать лицензию на осуществление деятельности
      (указать вид деятельности и (или) подвид (ы) деятельности)
Адрес местожительства физического лица
            (почтовый индекс, область, город, район, населенный пункт,
наименование улицы, номер дома/здания)
Электронная почта _____________________________________________
Телефоны ___________________________________________________
Факс _________________________________________________________
Банковский счет _______________________________________________
            (номер счета, наименование и местонахождение банка)
Адрес (а) осуществления деятельности
      (почтовый индекс, область, город, район, населенный пункт,
наименование улицы, номер дома/здания (стационарного помещения)
Прилагается ____________ листов
Настоящим подтверждается, что:
все указанные данные являются официальными контактами, и на них
направлена любая информация по вопросам выдачи или отказа
в выдаче лицензии;
заявителю не запрещено судом заниматься лицензируемым видом и
(или) подвидом деятельности;
все прилагаемые документы соответствуют действительности и
являются действительными.
Согласен на использования сведений, составляющих охраняемую
законом тайну, содержащихся в информационных системах
__________ "__" ____ 20 __ г.
Физическое лицо ____________ ______________________________
      (подпись) (фамилия, имя, отчество (при наличии)
Место печати (при наличии) Дата заполнения: " __" __ 20 _ года

  Приложение 3
к Правилам оказания
государственной услуги
"Выдача лицензии для занятия
деятельностью по
распространению теле-, радиоканалов"

      Сноска. Приложение 3 - в редакции приказа Министра информации и общественного развития РК от 04.08.2022 № 302 (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).


      Формы сведений о соответствии квалификационным требованиям для осуществления
деятельности по распространению теле-, радиоканалов
      1. Количество сотрудников
      Количество инженерно-технических специалистов
      стаж работы по специальности:
      до 1 года
более года

Фамилия специалиста

Имя специалиста

Отчество специалиста


№ диплома о высшем образовании

Дата выдачи диплома

Название высшего учебного заведения

Стаж работы по специальности


      2. Обязательства по обеспечению: технического качества передачи теле-,
радиоканалов в соответствии с действующими стандартами в сфере телерадиовещания:
      организации оповещения населения в случае чрезвычайных ситуаций: да/нет.
      3. Технические сведения:
      1) наименование создаваемой сети:
      эфирное/кабельное/спутниковое/ по сети телекоммуникаций;
      2) территория охвата вещанием _________________________________________;
      3) тип сети___________________________________________________________;
      наименование стандарта________________________________________________;
      номер стандарта______________________________________________________;
      4) список распространяемых теле-, радиоканалов__________________________;
      перечень по этапам развития ___________________________________________;
      краткая характеристика ________________________________________________
      5) система условного доступа, в случае использования _____________________;
      6) принципы организации системы управления и эксплуатации сети__________
      7) емкость сети и/или количество подписчиков, в том числе по этапам развития:
      объем МГц __________________________________________________________;
      количество подписчиков_______________________________________________;
      8) взаимодействие с другими сетями телерадиовещания и связи:
      номер договора ___________________(в том числе прием сигнала телеканалов от
      других операторов телевещания);
      дата заключения договора ______________________________________________;
      с кем заключен договор (наименование юридического и физического
      9) способ организации межстанционных соединений с указанием конкретных
      технических средств:
      по собственным техническим средствам _________________________________;
      по арендованным каналам других сетей _________________________________;
      номер договора ______________________________________________________;
      дата заключения договора _____________________________________________;
      с кем заключен договор (наименование юридического и физического
      10) способ организации выхода сети заявителя на сети других операторов:
      номер договора ______________________________________________________;
      дата заключения договора _____________________________________________;
      с кем заключен договор (наименование юридического и физического
      11) наименование оборудования на которое необходимо получить частотные
      присвоения (для эфирной/кабельной/ спутниковой сетей) _________________;
      12) источник и способ доставки распространяемых телерадиоканалов на головную
      местонахождение студии ______________________________________________;
      тип используемой сети ________________________________________________;
      13) наличие санитарного паспорта оборудования с частотным присвоением
(в случае распространения теле-, радиоканалов с использованием радиочастотного спектра):
      номер и дата выдачи _____________________________________________________;
      наименование органа, выдавшего паспорт __________________________________;
      срок действия паспорта __________________________________________________;
      14) искусственные спутники земли (в случае использования каналов сутниковой
связи) (для эфирной/кабельной/спутниковой сетей):
      наименование ___________________________________________________________;
      принадлежность _________________________________________________________;
      место расположения _____________________________________________________;
      зона обслуживания ______________________________________________________;
      занимаемая полоса частот ________________________________________________;
      скорость канала _________________________________________________________;
      энергетическая характеристика спутниковой системы ________________________.
      4. Предварительные договора на ретрансляцию теле-, радиоканалов с теле-,
радиокомпаниями-правообладателями (для многопрограммного вещания):
      номер договора _________________________________________________________;
      дата заключения ________________________________________________________;
      с кем заключен договор (наименование юридического и физического лица)
      Перечень каналов указанных в договоре ___________________________________.
      5. Наличие помещения и площади для размещения и эксплуатации технических
      Площадь арендованного помещения ______________________________________;
      Месторасположение арендованного помещения ____________________________;
      номер договора аренды _________________________________________________;
      дата заключения договора аренды ________________________________________;
      с кем заключен договор аренды __________________________________________.
      6. Наличие помещения и площади для административно-управленческого
      Площадь арендованного помещения _______________________________________;
      Месторасположение арендованного помещения ____________________________;
      номер договора аренды _________________________________________________;
      дата заключения договора аренды ________________________________________;
      с кем заключен договор аренды __________________________________________.
      7. Наличие помещения и площади для обслуживания населения:
      Площадь арендованного помещения_______________________________________;
      Месторасположение арендованного помещения _____________________________;
      номер договора аренды __________________________________________________;
      дата заключения договора аренды _________________________________________;
      с кем заключен договор аренды ___________________________________________.

  Приложение 4
к Правилам оказания
государственной услуги
"Выдача лицензии
для занятия деятельностью
по распространению
теле-, радиоканалов"

      Сноска. Приложение 4 - в редакции приказа Министра культуры и информации РК от 30.10.2024 № 502-НҚ (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

Перечень основных требований к оказанию государственной услуги (наименование государственной услуги) "Выдача лицензии для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов"


Наименование услугодателя

Комитет информации Министерства культуры и информации Республики Казахстан


Способы предоставления государственной услуги

Прием заявлений и выдача результатов осуществляется посредством веб-портала "электронного правительства": www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz.


Срок оказания государственной услуги

Срок оказания – 13 (тринадцать) рабочих дней.


Форма оказания государственной услуги

Электронная (частично автоматизированная)


Результат оказания государственной услуги

Результат оказания государственной услуги – лицензия для занятия деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов (далее – лицензия), либо мотивированный ответ об отказе в оказании государственной услуги, в случаях и по основаниям, предусмотренными настоящими правилами. На портале результат оказания государственной услуги либо мотивированный ответ об отказе в оказании государственной услуги направляется в "личный кабинет" в форме электронного документа, подписанного ЭЦП уполномоченного лица услугодателя.


Размер платы, взимаемой с услугополучателя при оказании государственной услуги, и способы ее взимания в случаях, предусмотренных законодательством Республики Казахстан

Государственная услуга оказывается на платной основе физическим и юридическим лицам. Ставки за оказание государственной услуги в соответствии с пунктом 4 статьи 554 Кодекса Республики Казахстан "О налогах и других обязательных платежах в бюджет" (Налоговый кодекс) составляют:
1) за право занятия видом деятельности по распространению теле-, радиоканалов составляет 6 (шесть) месячных расчетных показателя;
2) за переоформление лицензии – 10 % от ставки при выдаче лицензии. Оплата производится в наличной и безналичной форме через банки второго уровня и организации, осуществляющие отдельные виды банковских операций, а также через портал оплата может осуществляться через платежный шлюз "электронного правительства".


График работы услугодателя и объектов информации

1) портала – круглосуточно за исключением технических перерывов в связи с проведением ремонтных работ (при обращении услугополучателя после окончания рабочего времени, в выходные и праздничные дни согласно трудовому законодательству Республики Казахстан, прием заявления и выдача результата оказания государственной услуги осуществляется следующим рабочим днем);
2) услугодатель - с понедельника по пятницу включительно с 9:00 часов до 18:30 часов, с перерывом на обед с 13:00 часов до 14:30 часов, кроме выходных и праздничных дней, согласно трудовому законодательству Республики Казахстан и статьи 5 Закона Республики Казахстан "О праздниках в Республике Казахстан". Адреса оказания государственной услуги размещены на интернет-ресурсе Министерства: www.mam.gov.kz, в разделе "Государственные услуги".


Перечень документов и сведений, истребуемых у услугополучателя для оказания государственной услуги

1) для получения лицензии: заявление (запрос) в форме электронного документа, удостоверенного ЭЦП услугополучателя; форму сведений, указанную в приложении 3 к настоящим Правилам; электронную копию схемы организации оповещения населения в случае чрезвычайных ситуаций (составленная в произвольной форме); электронную копию схемы организации сети телерадиовещания (для эфирной/кабельной/спутниковой сетей) (составленная в произвольной форме); электронную копию трансмиссионного плана, используемого в сети приемо-передающих спутниковых станций, представленных спутниковым оператором (в случае использования каналов спутниковой связи); электронную копию перечня применяемых средств измерений и испытательного оборудования с указанием метрологических характеристик; электронную копию сертификатов, подтверждающих поверку или метрологическую аттестацию средств измерений и испытательного оборудования (в случае предоставления услуг с использованием сети телекоммуникаций наличие средств измерений испытательного оборудования не требуется);
2) для переоформления лицензии (в течение 30 (тридцати) календарных дней с момента замены документов в случаях изменения: наименования вида и (или) подвида деятельности; фамилии, имени, отчества (при его наличии) физического лица; индивидуального предпринимателя, изменении его наименования и адреса; юридического лица в форме слияния, присоединения, выделения или преобразования; наименования и (или) юридического адреса юридического лица): заявление (запрос) о переоформлении лицензии в форме электронного документа, удостоверенного ЭЦП услугополучателя.
Сведения о документах, удостоверяющих личность услугополучателя, о государственной регистрации (перерегистрации) юридического лица, о регистрации в качестве индивидуального предпринимателя, документ подтверждающий оплату услугодатель получает из соответствующих государственных информационных систем через шлюз "электронного правительства".


Основания для отказа в оказании государственной услуги, установленные законами Республики Казахстан

1) установление недостоверности документов, представленных услугополучателем для получения государственной услуги, и (или) данных (сведений), содержащихся в них;
2) занятие видом деятельности, запрещенной законами Республики Казахстан для данной категории субъектов;
3) отсутствие согласия услугополучателя, предоставляемого в соответствии со статьей 8 Закона Республики Казахстан "О персональных данных и их защите", на доступ к персональным данным ограниченного доступа, которые требуются для оказания государственной услуги;
4) не уплачен лицензионный сбор на право занятия деятельностью в области масс-медиа;
5) в отношении услугополучателя имеется вступивший в законную силу решение (приговор) суда, запрещающий ему заниматься деятельностью по распространению теле-, радиоканалов;
6) в отношении услугополучателя имеется вступившее в законную силу решение суда, на основании которого услугополучатель лишен специального права, связанного с получением государственной услуги;
7) не соответствует квалификационным требованиям, предъявляемым при лицензировании деятельности в области телерадиовещания и перечня документов, подтверждающих соответствие им, утвержденным приказом исполняющего обязанности Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 20 января 2015 года № 29 (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов № 10357).


Иные требования с учетом особенностей оказания государственной услуги

Услугополучатель получает государственную услугу в электронной форме через портал при условии наличия ЭЦП. Услугополучатель получает информацию о порядке и статусе оказания государственной услуги в режиме удаленного доступа посредством "личного кабинета" портала, а также единого контакт-центра по вопросам оказания государственных услуг. Контактные телефоны справочных служб по вопросам оказания государственной услуги указаны на Интернет-ресурсе www.mam.gov.kz, в разделе "Государственные услуги", единый контакт-центр по вопросам оказания государственных услуг: 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

  Приложение 5 к приказу
от 2 апреля 2020 года № 101

Правила оказания государственной услуги "Постановка на учет, переучет иностранных периодических печатных изданий, распространяемых на территории Республики Казахстан"

      Сноска. Приложение 5 исключено приказом Министра информации и общественного развития РК от 25.02.2022 № 50 (вводится в действие по истечении десяти календарных дней после дня его первого официального опубликования).

  Приложение 6 к приказу
от 2 апреля 2020 года № 101

Перечень утратившими силу приказов

      1. Приказ Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 28 апреля 2015 года № 505 "Об утверждении стандартов государственных услуг в области информации" (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов за № 11301, опубликован 2 июля 2015 года в информационно-правовой системе "Әділет").

      2. Приказ исполняющего обязанности Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 28 мая 2015 года № 655 "Об утверждении регламентов государственных услуг в области информации" (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов за № 11580, опубликован 22 июля 2015 года в информационно-правовой системе "Әділет").

      3. Приказ исполняющего обязанности Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 26 января 2016 года № 82 "О внесений изменений и дополнений в приказ Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 28 апреля 2015 года № 505 "Об утверждении стандартов государственных услуг в области информации" (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов за № 13347, опубликован от 15 марта 2016 года в информационно-правовой системе "Әділет").

      4. Приказ исполняющего обязанности Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 17 февраля 2016 года № 198 "О внесении изменений в приказ исполняющего обязанности Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 28 мая 2015 года № 655 "Об утверждении регламентов государственных услуг в области информации, оказываемых Министерством по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан" (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов за № 13477, опубликован 7 апреля 2016 года в информационно-правовой системе "Әділет").

      5. Приказ Министра информации и коммуникаций Республики Казахстан от 24 марта 2017 года № 104 "О внесении изменений в приказ Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 28 апреля 2015 года № 505 "Об утверждении стандартов государственных услуг в области информации" (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов за № 15124, опубликован от 29 мая 2017 года в Эталонном контрольном банке НПА РК в электронном виде).

      6. Приказ Министра информации и коммуникаций Республики Казахстан от 13 июня 2017 года № 221 "О внесении изменений и дополнения в приказ исполняющего обязанности Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 28 мая 2015 года № 655 "Об утверждении регламентов государственных услуг в области информации, оказываемых Министерством по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан" (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов за № 15329, опубликован от 25 июля 2017 года в Эталонном контрольном банке НПА РК в электронном виде).

      7. Приказ Министра информации и коммуникаций Республики Казахстан от 24 декабря 2018 года № 534 "О внесении изменений в приказ Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 28 апреля 2015 года № 505 "Об утверждении стандартов государственных услуг в области информации" (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов за № 18022, опубликован от 3 января 2019 года в Эталонном контрольном банке НПА РК в электронном виде).

      8. Приказ Министра информации и общественного развития Республики Казахстан от 17 апреля 2019 года № 67 "О внесении изменений в приказ исполняющего обязанности Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 28 мая 2015 года № 655 "Об утверждении регламентов государственных услуг в области информации" (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов за № 18563, опубликован от 17 мая 2019 года в Эталонном контрольном банке НПА РК в электронном виде).

      9. Приказ Министра информации и общественного развития Республики Казахстан от 4 июля 2019 года № 203 "О внесении изменений в приказ Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 28 апреля 2015 года № 505 "Об утверждении стандартов государственных услуг в области информации" (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов за № 18989, опубликован от 12 июля 2019 года в Эталонном контрольном банке НПА РК в электронном виде).

      10. Приказ Министра информации и общественного развития Республики Казахстан от 2 сентября 2019 года № 322 "О внесении изменения в приказ исполняющего обязанности Министра по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан от 28 мая 2015 года № 655 "Об утверждении регламентов государственных услуг в области информации" (зарегистрирован в Реестре государственной регистрации нормативных правовых актов за № 19353, опубликован от 9 сентября 2019 года в Эталонном контрольном банке НПА РК в электронном виде).

On approval of the Rules for the provision of public services in the field of information

Order of the Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 2, 2020 No. 101. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on April 3, 2020 № 20296.

      Unofficial translation

      In accordance with subparagraph 1) of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Public Services”, I HEREBY ORDER:

      Footnote. Preamble - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 21.01.2022 № 16 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      1. To approve:

      1) the Rules for the provision of public service “Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate certificate of a domestic TV and radio channel” in accordance with Appendix 1 to this order;

      2) the Rules for the provision of public service “Issuance of a license to engage in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels” in accordance with Appendix 2 to this order;

      3) the Rules for the provision of public service “Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate certificate of a foreign TV and radio channel distributed on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in accordance with Appendix 3 to this order;

      4) the Rules for the provision of the public service “Registration or re-registration of periodicals, news agencies and online publications” in accordance with Appendix 4 to this order.

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25.02.2022 № 50 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      2. To recognize as invalid some orders under Annex 6 to this order.

      3. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:

      1) ensure the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) place this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising Vice-Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      5. This order shall enter into force upon expiry of ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication.

      of Information and Public Development
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan             D. Abayev

  Annex to the order
dated April 2, 2020 № 101

The Rules
for the provision of public services “Registration, re-registration,
issuance of a duplicate certificate of a domestic TV and radio channel”

      Footnote. Rules - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 21.01.2022 № 16 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 1) of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Services” and shall determine the procedure for providing the state service “Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate certificate of a domestic TV and radio channel.”

      2. The public service “Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate certificate of a domestic TV and radio channel” (hereinafter referred to as the Public service) shall be provided by the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Service provider).

      3. The authorized body shall send information about the changes and (or) additions to these Rules to the operator of the information and communication infrastructure of “electronic government”, the service provider and the Unified Contact Center within three working days from the date of state registration with the justice authorities.

Chapter 2. Procedure for the provision of public services

      Footnote. Paragraph 3 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      4. To receive public services, individuals and (or) legal entities engaged in the provision of services in the field of TV and radio broadcasting on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Service recipient) shall send to the service provider through the “electronic government” web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz (hereinafter referred to as the Portal), an application in the form in accordance with Appendices 1, 2 or 3 to these Rules, as well as documents specified in the List of basic requirements for the provision of public services in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Rules.

      The office of the service provider shall receive them, register them and transfer them to the responsible structural unit for execution. When a service recipient applies after the end of working hours, on weekends and holidays, in accordance with labour legislation, applications shall be accepted and results of the provision of public services shall be issued on the next working day.

      An employee of the responsible structural unit of the service provider, shall within 2 (two) working days from the moment of registration of documents, check the completeness of the submitted documents.

      The service provider shall receive information about the identification documents of the service recipient, about state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity, about registration as an individual entrepreneur, and a document confirming payment from the relevant state information systems through the “electronic government” gateway.

      When the service recipient submits an incomplete package of documents and (or) documents with an expired validity period, an employee of the responsible structural unit, within the specified time frame, shall prepare a reasoned refusal to further consider the application in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) of the head or his deputies of the authorized body and sends to the applicant in the personal account of the Portal.

      When identifying grounds for a refusal to provide a public service, the service provider shall notify the service recipient of the preliminary decision to refuse to provide the public service, as well as the time and place (method) of the hearing to provide the service recipient with the opportunity to express a position on the preliminary decision.

      The service provider shall notify the service recipient of the hearing at least 3 (three) working days before the end of the period for providing the public service. The hearing shall be held no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of notification in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 73 of the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Based on the results of the hearing, the service provider shall issue a certificate of registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate of a domestic TV or radio channel, or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.”

      Footnote. Paragraph 4 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      5. If the service recipient provides a full package of documents to obtain a certificate of registration, an employee of the structural unit of the service provider, shall within 8 (eight) working days, review the documents for the content of the application, check for the presence of the same name in the register of domestic TV and radio channels, and also check the provided receipt for correctness of filling in the details, and based on the results, generate a certificate of registration.

      If the service recipient does not meet the above requirements, the service provider shall decide to refuse to provide the public service.

      A notification with a preliminary decision on refusal to provide a public service shall be sent to the service recipient no later than 3 (three) working days before signing it.

      The service recipient shall submit an objection to the preliminary decision to refuse to provide a public service no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

      Based on the results of consideration of the objection, if received from the service recipient, the service provider shall issue a certificate of registration or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      6. A TV and radio channel shall be subject to re-registration in cases of a change of owner or a change in the organizational and legal form, name, as well as the name of the TV or radio channel.

      7. When submitting applications by a service recipient for re-registration of the certificate, an employee of the structural unit of the service provider shall review the documents within 8 (eight) working days for the content of the application, check for the presence of the same name in the register of registered domestic TV and radio channels, and also, in case of a change in owner, check the provided data of documents confirming the change of owner/transfer of ownership rights.

      If the service recipient does not meet the above requirements, the service provider shall decide to refuse to provide the public service.

      The service recipient shall be sent a notification with a preliminary decision on refusal to provide a public service no later than 3 (three) working days before signing it.

      The service recipient shall submit an objection to the preliminary decision to refuse to provide a public service no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

      Based on the results of consideration of the objection, in case of receipt from the service recipient, the service provider shall issue a certificate of re-registration or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      8. When a service recipient submits applications for a duplicate certificate of registration of a domestic TV and radio channel (if the previously issued certificate of registration of a domestic TV and radio channel was issued in paper form), an employee of the responsible structural unit of the service provider shall review the applications within 8 (eight) working days for the content of the application and also check the provided receipt to ensure that the details are filled out correctly.

      If the service recipient does not meet the above requirements, the service provider shall decide to refuse to provide the public service.

      The service recipient shall be sent a notification with a preliminary decision on refusal to provide a public service no later than 3 (three) working days before signing it.

      The service recipient shall submit an objection to the preliminary decision to refuse to provide a public service no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

      Based on the results of consideration of the objection, if received from the service recipient, the service provider shall issue a duplicate certificate or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      9. The following shall be the grounds for refusal to provide public services:

      1) the service provider has previously issued a certificate of registration of a TV or radio channel with the same name and distribution in the same territory or confusingly similar to the name of a previously created TV or radio channel;

      2) the content of the application does not comply with the requirements of Appendix 4 of these Rules;

      3) the fee for registering a TV or radio channel has not been paid;

      4) in the application for re-registration of a TV and radio channel due to a change of owner, the number and date of the agreement on the transfer of ownership rights to the TV and radio channel to another person are not indicated;

      5) a TV or radio channel with the same name (part of the name) and the same thematic focus, the production of which was previously terminated by the court, has been applied for registration, or a TV or radio channel has been declared that duplicates the name and thematic focus, as well as in the case of applying the owner or editor-in-chief (editor) of a TV or radio channel, the production of which was terminated by a court decision, within three years from the date the court decision entered into legal force;

      6) establishing the unreliability of the documents submitted by the service recipient to receive public service, and (or) the data (information) contained in them;

      7) concerning the service recipient, there is a court decision (sentence) that has entered into legal force to prohibit activities or certain types of activities requiring the receipt of a specific public service.

Chapter 3.
The procedure for appealing decisions, actions (inaction) of central government bodies,
service providers and (or) their officials regarding the provision of public services

      10. Consideration of a complaint against a decision, or action (inaction) of the service provider regarding the provision of public services shall be carried out by an official, a higher authorized body in the field of TV and radio broadcasting, an authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as the Body considering the complaint) in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      The complaint shall be submitted to the service provider and (or) official whose decision, action (inaction) is being appealed.

      The service recipient's complaint received by the service provider, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Public Services,” shall be subject to consideration within 5 (five) working days from the date of its registration.

      A service recipient's complaint received by the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services shall be subject to consideration within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of its registration.

      The service provider, the official whose decision, or action (inaction) is being appealed, no later than 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt of the complaint, shall send it and the administrative file to the body considering the complaint.

      In this case, the service provider, the official whose decision, or action (inaction) is being appealed, shall have the right not to forward the complaint to the body considering the complaint if he, within 3 (three) working days, adopts a favourable administrative act, carries out an administrative action that fully satisfies the requirements specified in the complaint.

      Unless otherwise provided by law, an appeal to the court shall be allowed after a pre-trial appeal.

      Footnote. Paragraph 10 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 04.08.2022 № 302 (shall come into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

  Appendix 1
to the Rules for the provision
of public services
“Registration, re-registration,
issuance of a duplicate certificate
of a domestic TV and radio channel”


      (full name of the body
issuing the certificate of registration
of the domestic TV and radio channel)


      I hereby request you to register the domestic TV, radio channel


      (name of the TV, radio channel)

      Name of the owner of the TV, radio channel


      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) name and legal form of the owner)

      Address of the owner of the TV, radio channel ___________________________________

      (place of residence/location, contact details)

      BIN/IIN __________________________________________________________________

      The thematic focus of a TV, radio channel: ______________________________________

      Average daily volume of own broadcasting: ______________________________________

      Average daily volume of rebroadcasting: ______________________ _________________

      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (signature) name of the applicant)

      I hereby agree to the use of information constituting a secret protected by law contained in information systems

      Place of stamp (if any) “_____” _________________20___

  Appendix 2
to the Rules for the provision
of public services “Registration, re-registration,
issuance of a duplicate certificate
of a domestic TV and radio channel” Form

(full name of the body issuing the certificate
of registration of the domestic TV and radio channel)


      I hereby request you to re-register the domestic TV and radio channel


      (name of the TV, radio channel)

      for the following reason _______________________________________________

      (indicate the reason)

      Name of the owner of the TV and radio channel ____________________________

      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any))


      (if any)/name and organizational and legal form

      of the owner)

      Address of the owner of the TV, radio channel_____________________________

      (place of residence/location, contact details)


      Thematic focus of the TV, radio channel: _________________________________

      Average daily volume of own broadcasting: _______________________________

      Average daily volume of rebroadcasting: __________________________________

      Data of documents confirming the change of owner/transfer ownership rights:

      (indicate the document data, number and date of the document, IIN/BIN and last name,

      first name, patronymic (if any) name and organizational and legal form of the person

      to whom the ownership rights are transferred (to be filled in in case of a change of owner)

      № Document data



      I hereby agree to the use of information constituting a secret protected by law contained in the information systems

      _______ "__" ____ 20 __ (signature)

      ___________________________________ _____________________

      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) (signature)

      name of the applicant)

      Place of stamp "__" _____________ 20___ (if any)

  Appendix 3
to the Rules for the provision of public
services “Registration, re-registration, issuance
of a duplicate certificate of a domestic
TV and radio channel ”



      (full name of the body issuing the certificate
of registration of the domestic TV and radio channel)


      I hereby request you to issue a duplicate certificate of registration of the domestic TV,

      radio channel __________________________________________________________________

      (name of the TV, radio channel)

      in connection with ______________________________________________________________

      (indicate the reason)

      Name of the owner of the TV, radio channel


      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) name and organizational and legal owner form)

      Address of the owner of the TV and radio channel


      (place of residence/location, contact details)


      Attached to the application:



      (Full name (if any) name of the applicant) (signature)

      I hereby agree to the use of information constituting a legally protected secret contained in information systems

      __________ "__" __________ 20__ (signature)

      Place of stamp "__" _____________20___ (if any)

  Appendix 4
to the Rules for the provision of public services
“Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate
certificate of a domestic TV and radio channel”

      Footnote. Appendix 4 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

List of basic requirements for the provision of public services (name of public service) “Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate certificate of a domestic TV and radio channel”


Name of service provider

Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Methods of providing public services

Acceptance of applications and issuance of results is carried out through the “electronic government” web portal: www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz.


Duration of provision of public services

Delivery time is 10 (ten) working days.


Form of provision of public services

Electronic (fully automated)


The result of the provision of public services

The result of the provision of a public service is a certificate of registration, re-registration of a domestic TV and radio channel (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate), a duplicate of the certificate, or a reasoned response to the refusal to provide a public service, in cases and on the grounds provided for by these rules. On the portal, the result of the provision of a public service or a reasoned response about the refusal to provide a public service shall be sent to the “personal account” in the form of an electronic document signed with the digital signature of an authorized person of the service provider.


The amount of fees charged from the service recipient when providing a public service, and the methods of its collection in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The public service shall be provided on a paid basis to individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the Service recipient). The registration fee rates for the provision of public services in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 553 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget” (Tax Code) are:
1) for issuing a certificate of registration of a TV and radio channel: for service recipients creating a TV, radio channel on children's and scientific topics - two monthly calculation indices valid on the date of payment of the fee; for service recipients creating a TV or radio channel on a different topic - five monthly calculation indicators valid on the date of payment of the fee;
2) for issuing a duplicate certificate of registration of a TV and radio channel: for service recipients creating a TV, radio channel on children's and scientific topics - one point six-tenths of the monthly calculation index valid on the date of payment of the fee; for service recipients creating a TV or radio channel on a different topic - four monthly calculation indicators valid on the date of payment of the fee. Re-registration of TV and radio channels is carried out free of charge. Payment shall be made in cash and non-cash through second-tier banks and organizations that carry out certain types of banking operations, and also through the portal, payment can be made through the “electronic government” payment gateway (hereinafter referred to as PGEP).


Work schedule of the service provider and information objects

1) portal - around the clock, except for technical breaks in connection with repair work (when the service recipient contacts after the end of working hours, on weekends and holidays in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the application shall be accepted and the result of the provision of public services shall be is issued on the next working day);
2) service provider - from Monday to Friday inclusive, Astana time from 9:00 to 18:30, with a lunch break from 13:00 to 14:30, except weekends and holidays, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Addresses for the provision of public services shall be posted on the Internet resource of the Ministry: www.qogam.gov.kz, in the “Public Services” section.


List of documents and information required from the service recipient for the provision of public services

1) to register a domestic TV and radio channel, the service recipient shall apply (request) in the form of an electronic document, signed with an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as the Digital signature) of the service recipient, a form of information in accordance with Appendix 5 to these Rules;
2) for re-registration of a domestic TV and radio channel, the service recipient shall submit to the portal: an application (request) in the form of an electronic document, signed by the service recipient’s digital signature;
3) to obtain a duplicate of the certificate of registration of a domestic TV and radio channel (if the previously issued certificate of registration of a domestic TV and radio channel was issued in paper form), the service recipient shall submit an application (request) in the form of an electronic document, signed with the digital signature of the service recipient.


Grounds for refusal to provide public services established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1) the service provider has previously issued a certificate of registration of a TV or radio channel with the same name and distribution in the same territory or confusingly similar to the name of a previously created TV or radio channel;
2) the content of the application and the information form does not comply with the requirements of this list of basic requirements for the provision of public services;
3) the fee for registering a TV and radio channel has not been paid;
4) in the application for re-registration of a TV and radio channel due to a change of owner, the number and date of the agreement on the transfer of ownership rights to the TV and radio channel to another person have not been indicated;
5) a TV or radio channel with the same name (part of the name) and the same thematic focus, the production of which was previously terminated by the court, has been applied for registration, or a TV or radio channel has been declared that duplicates the name and thematic focus, as well as in the case of applying the owner or editor-in-chief (editor) of a TV or radio channel, the production of which was terminated by a court decision, within 3 (three) years from the date the court decision entered into legal force;
6) establishing the unreliability of the documents submitted by the service recipient to receive public service, and (or) the data (information) contained in them;
7) concerning the service recipient, there is a court decision (sentence) that has entered into legal force to prohibit activities or certain types of activities requiring the receipt of a specific public service.


Other requirements taking into account the specifics of the provision of public services

The service recipient shall receive public services in electronic form through the portal, subject to the availability of an electronic signature. The service recipient shall receive information about the procedure and status of the provision of public services in remote access mode through the “personal account” of the portal, as well as a Single Contact Center for the provision of public services. Contact numbers of help desks regarding the provision of public services shall be listed on the Internet resource www.qogam.gov.kz, in the “Public Services” section, a Single Contact Center for the provision of public services: 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

  Appendix 5
to the Rules for the provision of public services
“Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate
certificate of a domestic TV and radio channel”

Information form

      Property rights of the owner of a TV and radio channel to premises and areas with a separate entrance or to rent them:

      (the location of the premises and its characteristics are indicated)

      (area per square meter, cadastral number, type of property right, lease agreement data)

Room type




For the placement and operation of technical means necessary for the functioning of TV and radio broadcasting (studio, hardware, auxiliary)


To accommodate creative staff (editorial)


For administrative and management personnel belong to the owner of the TV and radio channel


      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any)/name and legal form of the owner)

      keep a record and ensure storage of broadcast and rebroadcast TV and radio programs for six months.

      I hereby agree to the use of information constituting a legally protected secret contained in information systems

      __________ “_____” _________ 20 ____

      (signature)___________________________ _____________________

      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) / (signature) name of the applicant)

      Place of stamp “___” _____________ 20___ (if any)

  Appendix 2 to order
dated April 2, 2020 № 101

The Rules
for the provision of the state service “Issuance of a license to engage
in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels”

      Footnote. Rules - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 21.01.2022 № 16 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 1) of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Services” and shall determine the procedure for providing the state service “Issuance of a license to engage in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels.”

      2. The public service “Issuance of a license to engage in activities related to the distribution of TV and radio channels” (hereinafter referred to as the Public service) shall be provided by the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Service provider).

      3. The authorized body shall send information about the changes and (or) additions to these Rules to the operator of the information and communication infrastructure of “electronic government”, the service provider and the Unified Contact Center within three working days from the date of state registration with the justice authorities.

      Footnote. Paragraph 3 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 2. Procedure for the provision of public services

      4. To receive public services, individuals and (or) legal entities engaged in the provision of services in the field of TV and radio broadcasting on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Service recipient) shall send to the service provider through the “electronic government” web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz (hereinafter referred to as the Portal), an application in the form in accordance with Appendices 1 and 2, as well as documents specified in the List of basic requirements for the provision of public services in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Rules.

      The office of the service provider shall receive them, register them and transfer them to the responsible structural unit for execution. When a service recipient applies after the end of working hours, on weekends and holidays, in accordance with labor legislation, applications are accepted and results of the provision of public services are issued on the next working day.

      An employee of the responsible structural unit of the service provider, shall within 2 (two) working days from the moment of registration of documents, check the contents of the application and the completeness of the submitted documents, as well as the provided receipt to ensure that the details are filled out correctly.

      The service provider shall receive information about the identification documents of the service recipient, about state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity, about registration as an individual entrepreneur, and a document confirming payment from the relevant state information systems through the “electronic government” gateway.

      When the service recipient submits an incomplete package of documents and (or) documents with an expired validity period, an employee of the responsible structural unit, shall within the specified time frame, prepare a reasoned refusal to further consider the application in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) of the head or his deputies of the authorized body and send to the applicant in the personal account of the Portal.

      When identifying grounds for refusal to provide a public service, the service provider shall notify the service recipient of the preliminary decision to refuse to provide the public service, as well as the time and place (method) of the hearing to provide the service recipient with the opportunity to express a position on the preliminary decision.

      The service provider shall notify the service recipient of the hearing at least 3 (three) working days before the end of the period for providing the public service. The hearing shall be held no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of notification in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 73 of the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Based on the results of the hearing, the service provider shall issue a license to engage in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      Footnote. Paragraph 4 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      5. If the service recipient provides a full package of documents to obtain a license to engage in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels, an employee of the structural unit of the service provider shall within 11 (eleven) working days review the documents and information form for compliance with qualification requirements by conducting preventive control in accordance with the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Based on the results of preventive control, an employee of the service provider’s structural unit shall issue a license to engage in activities related to the distribution of TV and radio channels.

      If the service recipient does not meet the above requirements, the service provider shall decide to refuse to provide the public service.

      The service recipient shall be sent a notification with a preliminary decision on refusal to provide a public service no later than 3 (three) working days before signing it.

      The service recipient shall submit an objection to the preliminary decision to refuse to provide a public service no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

      Based on the results of consideration of the objection, if received from the service recipient, the service provider shall issue a license to engage in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels, or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      6. Licenses for engaging in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels shall be subject to re-issuance in cases of change in the name of the type and (or) subtype of activity, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of an individual, individual entrepreneur, change in his/her name and address, legal entity in the form of merger, accession, separation or transformation, name and (or) legal address of the legal entity license.

      7. When the service recipient applies for re-issuance of a license, an employee of the service provider’s structural unit shall within 11 (eleven) working days review the documents on the contents of the application and shall also check the provided receipt to ensure that the details are filled out correctly.

      If the service recipient does not meet the above requirements, the service provider shall decide to refuse to provide the public service.

      The service recipient shall be sent a notification with a preliminary decision on refusal to provide a public service no later than 3 (three) working days before signing it.

      The service recipient shall submit an objection to the preliminary decision to refuse to provide a public service no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

      Based on the results of consideration of the objection, if received from the service recipient, the service provider shall issue a license to engage in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels, or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      8. The following shall be the grounds for a refusal to provide a public service:

      1) engaging in a type of activity prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan for this category of subjects;

      2) the license fee for the right to engage in activities related to the distribution of TV and radio channels has not been paid;

      3) concerning the service recipient there is a court decision (sentence) that has entered into legal force, prohibiting him/her from engaging in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels;

      4) the court, based on the recommendation of the bailiff, temporarily prohibits the recipient of the state service from obtaining licenses;

      5) non-compliance with qualification requirements for licensing activities in the field of TV and radio broadcasting and the list of documents confirming compliance with them, approved by order of the Acting Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 20, 2015 № 29 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Normative Legal Acts № 10357).

Chapter 3.
The procedure for appealing decisions, actions (inaction) of central government bodies,
service providers and (or) their officials regarding the provision of public services

      9. Consideration of a complaint against a decision, action (inaction) of the service provider regarding the provision of public services shall be carried out by an official, a higher authorized body in the field of TV and radio broadcasting, an authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as the Body considering the complaint) in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      The complaint shall be submitted to the service provider and (or) official whose decision, action (inaction) is being appealed.

      The service recipient's complaint received by the service provider, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Public Services,” shall be subject to consideration within 5 (five) working days from the date of its registration.

      A service recipient's complaint received by the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services shall be subject to consideration within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of its registration.

      The service provider, the official whose decision, action (inaction) is being appealed, shall no later than 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt of the complaint, send it and the administrative file to the body considering the complaint.

      In this case, the service provider, the official whose decision, action (inaction) is being appealed, shall have the right not to forward the complaint to the body considering the complaint if he/she, within 3 (three) working days, adopts a favorable administrative act, carries out an administrative action that fully satisfies the requirements specified in the complaint.

      Unless otherwise provided by law, an appeal to the court shall be allowed after a pre-trial appeal.

      Footnote. Paragraph 9 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 04.08.2022 № 302 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

  Appendix 1
to the Rules for the provision of public services
“Issuance of a license to engage in activities
related to the distribution of TV and radio channels”


      Application of a legal entity for obtaining (re-issuance) of a license


      (full name of the licensor)

      dated __________________________________________________________

      (full name of the legal entity, business identification number)

      I hereby request you to issue a license to carry out activities


      (indicate the type of activity and (or) subtype(s) of activity)

      Address of the legal entity


      (postal code, region, city, district, settlement, street name, house/building number (stationary premises)

      Email ______________________________________________________

      Telephone numbers ___________________________________________

      Fax ________________________________________________________

      Bank account ________________________________________________

      (account number, name and location of the bank)

      Address(es) of carrying out activities ________________________________________

      (postal) index, region, city, district, settlement, street name, house/building number (stationary premises)

      ________ sheets are attached

      This is to confirm that: all specified data are official contacts, and any information concerning issue or refusing to issue a license is directed to them; the applicant is not prohibited by the court from engaging in the licensed type and (or) subtype of activity; all attached documents are true and valid.

      I hereby agree to the use of information constituting a legally protected secret contained in information systems

      ___________ “__” _______ 20 __ (signature)

      Manager ______________ ________________________


      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any)

      Place of stamp

      Date of completion: “__” _________ 20 __ (if any)

  Appendix 2
to the Rules for the provision of public services
“Issuance of a license to engage in activities related
to the distribution of TV and radio channels”


      Application of an individual for obtaining (re-issuance) of a license

      To ___________________________________________________________

      (full name of the licensor)

      dated _________________________________________________________

      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual, individual identification number)

      I hereby request you to issue a license to carry out activities


      (indicate the type of activity and (or) subtype(s) of activity)

      Address of residence of an individual


      (postal code, region, city, district, settlement, street name, house/building number)

      Email _____________________________________________

      Telephone numbers __________________________________

      Fax _______________________________________________

      Bank account _______________________________________

      (account number, name and location of the bank)

      Address(es) of carrying out activities


      (postal code, region, city, district, settlement, street name, house/building number (stationary premises)

      ________ sheets are attached

      This is to confirm that: all specified data are official contacts, and any information concerning issuance or refusing to issue a license is directed to them; the applicant is not prohibited by the court from engaging in the licensed type and (or) subtype of activity; all attached documents are true and valid.

      I hereby agree to the use of information constituting a legally protected secret contained in information systems

      __________ "__" ____ 20 __ (signature)

      Individual ____________ ______________________________ (signature)

      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any)

      Place of stamp (if any)

      Date of completion: “__” __ 20 _

  Appendix 3
to the Rules for the provision of public services
“Issuance of a license to engage in activities related
to the distribution of TV and radio channels”

      Footnote. Appendix 3 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 04.08.2022 № 302 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).


      Forms of information on compliance with qualification requirements for carrying out

      activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels

      1. Number of employees


      Number of engineering and technical specialists


      work experience in the speciality:

      up to 1 year


      more than a year


Specialist's name

Specialist name

Specialist's surname


№ of higher education diploma

Diploma issue date

Name of the higher education institution

Work experience in speciality

Job title

      2. Obligations to ensure: technical quality of transmission of TV and

      radio channels in accordance with current standards in the field of TV and radio broadcasting: yes/no;

      organization of public notification in case of emergencies: yes/№

      3. Technical details:

      1) name of the network being created:

      terrestrial/cable/satellite/via telecommunications network;

      2) broadcasting coverage area ________________________________________;

      3) network type____________________________________________________;

      name of the standard________________________________________________;

      number of the standard ______________________________________________;

      4) list of distributed TV and radio channels______________________________;

      list by stages of development _________________________________________;

      brief characteristics _________________________________________________;

      5) conditional access system, in case of using ____________________________;

      6) principles of organizing the network management and operation system______


      7) network capacity and/or number of subscribers, including by stages of development:

      MHz volume _______________________________________________________;

      number of subscribers________________________________________________;

      8) interaction with other TV and radio broadcasting and communication networks:

      contract number ___________________ (including the reception of TV channel signals from

      other TV broadcast operators);

      date of conclusion of the contract _______________________________________;

      with whom the contract was concluded (name of legal and individuals)


      9) method of organizing interstation connections, indicating specific technical means:

      using own technical means ____________________________________________;

      via leased channels of other networks ____________________________________;

      contract number _____________________________________________________;

      date of conclusion of the contract _______________________________________;

      with whom the agreement was concluded (name of legal entity and individual)



      10) the method of organizing the connection of the applicant’s network to the networks of other operators:

      contract number _____________________________________________________;

      date of conclusion of the contract _______________________________________;

      with whom the contract was concluded (name of legal and individuals)__________;

      11) name of the equipment for which it is necessary to obtain frequency

      assignments (for terrestrial/cable/satellite networks) _________________________;


      12) source and method of delivery of distributed TV and radio channels to the head office


      studio location _____________________________________________________;

      type of network used ________________________________________________;

      13) availability of a sanitary passport of equipment with frequency assignment

      (in the case of distribution of TV and radio channels using the radio frequency spectrum): number and date of issue


      name of the authority that issued the passport _____________________________;

      passport validity period ______________________________________________;

      14) artificial earth satellites (in the case of using satellite communication channels)

      (for terrestrial/cable/satellite networks):

      name ______________________________________________________________;

      affiliation ___________________________________________________________;

      location ____________________________________________________________;

      service zone _________________________________________________________;

      occupied frequency band _______________________________________________;

      channel speed ________________________________________________________;

      energy characteristics of the satellite system ___________________________.

      4. Preliminary agreements for the retransmission of TV and radio channels with TV and

      radio companies-right holders (for multi-program broadcasting): agreement number


      date of conclusion ___________________________________________________;

      with whom the agreement was concluded (name of the legal entity and individual)


      List of channels specified in the contract _________________________________.

      5. Availability of premises and area for placement and operation of technical equipment:

      Area of the rented premises __________________________________;

      Location of the rented premises _______________________________;

      lease agreement number ______________________________________________;

      date of conclusion of the lease agreement ________________________________;

      with whom the lease agreement was concluded ____________________________.

      6. Availability of premises and area for administrative and management


      Area of rented premises ________________________________________________;

      Location of the rented premises __________________________________________;

      lease agreement number ________________________________________________;

      date of conclusion of the lease agreement __________________________________;

      with whom the lease agreement was concluded ______________________________.

      7. Availability of premises and area to serve the population:

      Area of the rented premises______________________________________________;

      Location of the rented premises __________________________________________;

      lease agreement number ________________________________________________;

      date of conclusion of the lease agreement __________________________________;

      with whom the lease agreement was concluded ______________________________.

  Appendix 4
to the Rules for the provision
of public services “Issuance
  of a license to engage in activities
for the distribution of TV
and radio channels”

      Footnote. Appendix 4 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

List of basic requirements for the provision of public services (name of public service) “Issuance of a license to engage in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels”


Name of the service provider

Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Methods of providing public services

Acceptance of applications and issuance of results is carried out through the “electronic government” web portal: www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz.


Duration of provision of public services

The delivery period is 13 (thirteen) working days.


Form of provision of public services

Electronic (fully automated)


The result of the provision of public services

The result of the provision of a public service is a license to engage in activities related to the distribution of TV and radio channels (hereinafter referred to as the License), or a reasoned response to the refusal to provide a public service, in cases and on the grounds provided for by these rules. On the portal, the result of the provision of a public service or a reasoned response about the refusal to provide a public service shall be sent to the “personal account” in the form of an electronic document signed with the digital signature of an authorized person of the service provider.


The amount of fees charged from the service recipient when providing a public service, and the methods of its collection in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The public service shall be provided on a paid basis to individuals and legal entities. Rates for the provision of public services in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 554 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget” (Tax Code) shall be:
1) for the right to engage in the type of activity of distributing TV and radio channels is 6 (six) monthly calculation indices;
2) for renewal of a license - 10% of the rate when issuing a license.
Payment shall be made in cash and non-cash through second-tier banks and organizations carrying out certain types of banking operations, and also through the portal, payment can be made through the “electronic government” payment gateway.


Work schedule of the service provider and information objects

1) portal - around the clock, except for technical breaks in connection with repair work (when the service recipient contacts after the end of working hours, on weekends and holidays in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the application shall be accepted and the result of the provision of public services shall be issued on the next working day);
2) service provider - from Monday to Friday inclusive, Astana time from 9:00 to 18:30, with a lunch break from 13:00 to 14:30, except weekends and holidays, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Addresses for the provision of public services shall be posted on the Internet resource of the Ministry: www.qogam.gov.kz, in the “Public Services” section.


List of documents and information required from the service recipient for the provision of public services

1) to obtain a license: application (request) in the form of an electronic document certified by the digital signature of the service recipient; the form of information specified in Appendix 3 to these Rules; an electronic copy of the scheme for organizing public notification in case of emergency situations (compiled in free form); an electronic copy of the TV and radio broadcasting grid organization diagram (for terrestrial/cable/satellite networks) (compiled in any form); an electronic copy of the transmission plan used in the network of transmitting and receiving satellite stations provided by the satellite operator (in the case of using satellite communication channels); an electronic copy of the list of used measuring instruments and testing equipment indicating metrological characteristics; an electronic copy of certificates confirming the verification or metrological certification of measuring instruments and testing equipment (in the case of providing services using a telecommunications network, the presence of measuring instruments and testing equipment is not required);
2) for renewal of a license (within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of replacement of documents in cases of change: the name of the type and (or) subtype of activity; last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of an individual; individual entrepreneur, change of its name and address; legal entity in the form of merger, accession, separation or transformation; name and (or) legal address of the legal entity): application (request) for re-issuance of a license in the form of an electronic document certified by the digital signature of the service recipient.


Grounds for refusal to provide public services established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1) engaging in a type of activity prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan for this category of subjects;
2) the license fee for the right to engage in activities related to the distribution of TV and radio channels has not been paid;
3) concerning the service recipient there is a court decision (sentence) that has entered into legal force, prohibiting him from engaging in activities for the distribution of TV and radio channels;
4) the court, based on the recommendation of the bailiff, temporarily prohibits the recipient of the state service from obtaining licenses;
5) as in the rules, the qualification requirements established by the order of the acting Minister for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 20, 2015 № 29, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 2, 2015 № 10357 “On approval of the qualification requirements for licensing activities in the field of TV and radio broadcasting and the list of documents confirming compliance with them.”


Other requirements taking into account the specifics of the provision of public services

The service recipient shall receive public services in electronic form through the portal, subject to the availability of an electronic signature. The service recipient shall receive information about the procedure and status of the provision of public services in remote access mode through the “personal account” of the portal, as well as a Single Contact Center for the provision of public services. Contact numbers of help desks regarding the provision of public services are listed on the Internet resource www.qogam.gov.kz, in the “Public Services” section, a Single Contact Center for the provision of public services: 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

  Appendix 3 to order
dated April 2, 2020 № 101

The Rules
for the provision of public services “Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate certificate
of a foreign TV and radio channel distributed on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

      Footnote. Rules - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 21.01.2022 № 16 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 1) of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Services” and shall determine the procedure for providing the state service “Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate certificate of a foreign TV and radio channel distributed on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

      2. The public service “Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate certificate of a foreign TV and radio channel distributed on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter referred to as the Public service) shall be provided by the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Service provider).

      3. The authorized body shall send information about the changes and (or) additions to these Rules to the operator of the information and communication infrastructure of “electronic government”, the service provider and the Unified Contact Center within three working days from the date of state registration with the justice authorities.

      Footnote. Paragraph 3 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 2. Procedure for the provision of public services

      4. To receive public services, individuals and (or) legal entities engaged in the provision of services in the field of TV and radio broadcasting on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Service recipient) shall send to the service provider through the “electronic government” web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz (hereinafter referred to as the Portal), an application in the form in accordance with Appendix 1, as well as documents specified in the List of basic requirements for the provision of public services in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Rules.

      The office of the service provider shall receive, register and transfer them to the responsible structural unit for execution. When a service recipient applies after the end of working hours, on weekends and holidays, in accordance with labor legislation, applications shall be accepted and results of the provision of public services shall be issued on the next working day.

      An employee of the responsible structural unit of the service provider, from the moment of registration of documents, shall check the completeness of the submitted documents.

      The service provider shall receive information about the identification documents of the service recipient, about state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity, about registration as an individual entrepreneur, and a document confirming payment from the relevant state information systems through the “electronic government” gateway.

      When the service recipient submits an incomplete package of documents and (or) documents with an expired validity period, an employee of the responsible structural unit, shall within the specified time frame, prepare a reasoned refusal to further consider the application in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) of the head or his deputies of the authorized body and sends to the applicant in the personal account of the Portal.

      When identifying grounds for a refusal to provide a public service, the service provider shall notify the service recipient of the preliminary decision to refuse to provide the public service, as well as the time and place (method) of the hearing to provide the service recipient with the opportunity to express a position on the preliminary decision.

      The service provider shall notify the service recipient of the hearing at least 3 (three) working days before the end of the period for providing the public service. The hearing shall be held no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of notification in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 73 of the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Based on the results of the hearing, the service provider shall issue a certificate of registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate of a foreign TV and radio channel distributed on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.”

      Footnote. Paragraph 4 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      5. If the service recipient provides a full package of documents to obtain a certificate of registration, an employee of the structural unit of the service provider, shall within 15 (fifteen) calendar days, review the documents for the content of the application, conduct an examination of the products of foreign TV and radio channels, and also check the provided receipt for accuracy filling in the details, and based on the results, generates a certificate of registration.

      If the service recipient does not meet the above requirements, the service provider shall decide to refuse to provide the public service.

      The service recipient shall be sent a notification with a preliminary decision on refusal to provide a public service no later than 3 (three) working days before signing it.

      The service recipient shall submit an objection to the preliminary decision to refuse to provide a public service no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

      Based on the results of consideration of the objection, if received from the service recipient, the service provider shall issue a certificate of registration or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      6. Re-registration of a foreign TV and radio channel shall be carried out in cases of change of owner or change in the organizational and legal form of a legal entity, name, main thematic focus of a TV, radio channel, creation of a new legal entity or branch (representative office) that has passed the state registration procedure of legal entities and registration of branches and representative offices on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      7. When submitting a service recipient application for re-registration of the certificate, an employee of the structural unit of the service provider shall review the documents within 15 (fifteen) calendar days on the content of the application and the documents attached to the application.

      If the service recipient does not meet the above requirements, the service provider shall decide to refuse to provide the public service.

      The service recipient shall be sent a notification with a preliminary decision on refusal to provide a public service no later than 3 (three) working days before signing it.

      The service recipient shall submit an objection to the preliminary decision to refuse to provide a public service no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

      Based on the results of consideration of the objection, in case of receipt from the service recipient, the service provider shall issue a certificate of registration for re-registration or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      8. When a service recipient submits an application for a duplicate certificate of registration of a foreign TV and radio channel distributed on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (if the previously issued certificate of registration of a foreign TV and radio channel was issued in paper form) employee of the responsible structural unit of the service provider shall review the contents of the application within 15 (fifteen) calendar days, and also checks the provided receipt to ensure that the details are filled out correctly.

      If the service recipient does not meet the above requirements, the service provider shall decide to refuse to provide the public service.

      The service recipient shall be sent a notification with a preliminary decision on refusal to provide a public service no later than 3 (three) working days before signing it.

      The service recipient shall submit an objection to the preliminary decision to refuse to provide a public service no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

      Based on the results of consideration of the objection, if received from the service recipient, the service provider shall issue a duplicate certificate or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      9. The following shall be the grounds for refusal to provide public services:

      1) the content of the application does not comply with the requirements of Appendix 2 of these Rules;

      2) the fee for registering a TV or radio channel has not been paid;

      3) materials from a foreign TV or radio channel contain propaganda or agitation for a violent change in the constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, undermining the security of the state, war, propaganda of extremism or terrorism, the cult of cruelty and violence, social, racial, national, religious, class and clan superiority, information aimed at inciting interethnic and interfaith hatred, as well as film and video products of a pornographic and special sexual-erotic nature, as well as information promoting suicide;

      4) based on the results of the religious studies examination, there is a negative conclusion;

      5) concerning the products of a foreign TV and radio channel, there is a court decision imposing a ban on its distribution on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      6) establishing the unreliability of the documents submitted by the service recipient to receive public service, and (or) the data (information) contained in them;

      7) a certificate of state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity or accounting registration (re-registration) of a branch (representative office) has not been submitted;

      8) concerning the service recipient, there is a court decision (sentence) that has entered into legal force to prohibit activities or certain types of activities requiring the receipt of a specific public service.

Chapter 3.
The procedure for appealing decisions, actions (inaction) of central government bodies,
service providers and (or) their officials regarding the provision of public services

      10. Consideration of a complaint against a decision, action (inaction) of the service provider regarding the provision of public services shall be carried out by an official, a higher authorized body in the field of TV and radio broadcasting, an authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as the Body considering the complaint) in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      The complaint shall be submitted to the service provider and (or) official whose decision, action (inaction) is being appealed.

      The service recipient's complaint received by the service provider, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Public Services,” shall be subject to consideration within 5 (five) working days from the date of its registration.

      A service recipient's complaint received by the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services shall be subject to consideration within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of its registration.

      The service provider, the official whose decision, action (inaction) is being appealed, shall no later than 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt of the complaint, send it and the administrative file to the body considering the complaint.

      In this case, the service provider, the official whose decision, action (inaction) is being appealed, shall have the right not to forward the complaint to the body considering the complaint if he/she, within 3 (three) working days, adopts a favorable administrative act, carries out an administrative action that fully satisfies the requirements specified in the complaint.

      Unless otherwise provided by law, an appeal to the court shall be allowed after a pre-trial appeal.

      Footnote. Paragraph 10 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 04.08.2022 № 302 (shall come into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

  Appendix 1
to the Rules for the provision
of public services “Registration,
re-registration, issuance of a duplicate
certificate of a foreign TV and
radio channel distributed on the territory
of the Republic of Kazakhstan”


(full name of the body issuing the certificate
of registration of a TV and foreign radio channel)
(full name (if any) of the head of the body
issuing the certificate of registration
of a TV and foreign radio channel)


      I hereby request you to register (re-register, issue a duplicate) a foreign TV and radio channel


      (in case of re-registration and issuance of a duplicate, the reason is indicated)

      Name of the owner of the TV, radio channel


      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), place of residence/location, organizational and legal form, telephone, email address)

      Language (languages) of TV and radio programs ________________________

      Broadcasting grid of the TV and radio channel ____________________ (for the next month)

      The main thematic focus of the TV and radio channel _______________

      Editor-in-chief/editor of the TV and radio channel __________________

      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any))

      The legal address of the TV and radio company


      (postcode, city, district, street, house, telephone, email address)

      Obligation to comply with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan TV and radio company


      Attached to the application:


      2.______________________________ __________________

      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) name of the applicant) (signature)

      Place of stamp “__” _____________20 ___ (if any)

  Appendix 2
to the Rules for the provision
of public services “Registration,
re-registration, issuance of a duplicate
certificate of a foreign TV and
radio channel distributed on the territory
of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

      Footnote. Appendix 2 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

List of basic requirements for the provision of public services (name of public service) “Registration, re-registration, issuance of a duplicate certificate of a foreign TV and radio channel distributed on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan”


Name of the service provider

Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Methods of providing public services

The application shall be accepted and the result of the provision of public services shall be issued through the “electronic government” web portal


Duration of provision of public services

The delivery period is 15 (fifteen) calendar days.


Form of provision of public services

Electronic (fully automated)


The result of the provision of public services

The result of the provision of a public service is a certificate of registration, re-registration of a foreign TV and radio channel distributed on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate), a duplicate of the certificate or a reasoned response to the refusal to provide a public service, in cases and on the grounds provided for by these rules. On the portal, the result of the provision of a public service or a reasoned response about the refusal to provide a public service shall be sent to the “personal account” in the form of an electronic document signed with the digital signature of an authorized person of the service provider.


The amount of fees charged from the service recipient when providing a public service, and the methods of its collection in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The public service shall be provided on a paid basis to individuals and legal entities. The registration fee rates for the provision of public services in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 553 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget” (Tax Code) are:
1) for issuing a certificate of registration of a TV and radio channel: for service recipients creating a TV, radio channel on children's and scientific topics - two monthly calculation indices valid on the date of payment of the fee; for service recipients creating a TV and radio channel on a different topic - five monthly calculation indices valid on the date of payment of the fee;
2) for issuing a duplicate certificate of registration of a TV and radio channel: for service recipients creating a TV, radio channel on children's and scientific topics - one point six-tenths of the monthly calculation index valid on the date of payment of the fee; for service recipients creating a TV and radio channel on a different topic - four monthly calculation indicators valid on the date of payment of the fee. Re-registration of TV and radio channels shall be carried out free of charge. Payment shall be made in cash and non-cash through second-tier banks and organizations carrying out certain types of banking operations, and also through the portal, payment may be made through the “electronic government” payment gateway.


Work schedule of the service provider and information objects

1) service provider - from Monday to Friday, Astana time from 9.00 to 18.30, with a lunch break from 13.00 to 14.30, except weekends and holidays, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Holidays in the Republic” Kazakhstan". The application shall be accepted and the result of the provision of public services is issued from 9.00 to 17.30 with a lunch break from 13.00 to 14.30. The public service shall be provided on a first-come, first-served basis, without prior registration and expedited service.
portal - around the clock, except for technical breaks due to repair work (when the service recipient contacts after the end of working hours, on weekends and holidays in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the application shall be accepted and the result of the provision of public services shall be issued on the next working day). Addresses for the provision of public services shall be posted on the Internet resource of the Ministry: www.qogam.gov.kz, in the “Public Services” section.


List of documents and information required from the service recipient for the provision of public services

1) a request in the form of an electronic document attaching the broadcast schedule of a TV or radio channel (for the next month), signed with the digital signature of the service recipient; for individuals - an electronic copy of the identity document of a foreign individual - the owner of a TV or radio channel; an electronic copy of a document confirming the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity; for legal entities - an electronic copy of a legalized extract from the trade register or another legalized document certifying that the founder, a foreign legal entity, is a legal entity under the laws of a foreign state;
2) For re-registration: a request in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) of the service recipient; for individuals - an electronic copy of the identity document of a foreign individual - the owner of a TV or radio channel; an electronic copy of a document confirming the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity; for legal entities - an electronic copy of a legalized extract from the trade register or another legalized document certifying that the founder, a foreign legal entity, is a legal entity under the laws of a foreign state.
3) To receive a duplicate: a request in the form of an electronic document, signed with an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) of the service recipient; for individuals - an electronic copy of the identity document of a foreign individual who is the owner of a TV or radio channel; an electronic copy of a document confirming the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity; for legal entities - an electronic copy of a legalized extract from the trade register or another legalized document certifying that the founder, a foreign legal entity, is a legal entity under the laws of a foreign state. Documents provided in a foreign language must be translated into Kazakh and (or) Russian and notarized.


Grounds for refusal to provide public services established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1) the content of the application does not comply with the requirements of this list of basic requirements for the provision of public services;
2) the fee for registering a TV or radio channel has not been paid;
3) materials of a foreign TV or radio channel contain propaganda or agitation for a violent change in the constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, undermining the security of the state, war, propaganda of extremism or terrorism, the cult of cruelty and violence, social, racial, national, religious, class and family superiority, information aimed at inciting interethnic and interfaith hatred, as well as film and video products of a pornographic and special sexual-erotic nature, as well as information promoting suicide;
4) based on the results of the religious studies examination, there is a negative conclusion;
5) concerning the products of a foreign TV and radio channel, there is a court decision imposing a ban on its distribution on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6) establishing the unreliability of the documents submitted by the service recipient to receive public service, and (or) the data (information) contained in them;
7) there is no certificate of state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity or accounting registration (re-registration) of a branch (representative office);
8) in relation to the service recipient, there is a court decision (sentence) that has entered into legal force to prohibit activities or certain types of activities requiring the receipt of a specific public service.


Other requirements taking into account the specifics of the provision of public services

The service recipient shall receive information about the procedure and status of the provision of public services in remote access mode through a Single Contact Center for the provision of public services. Contact numbers of help desks regarding the provision of public services are listed on the Internet resource www.qogam.gov.kz, in the “Public Services” section, a Single Contact Center for the provision of public services: 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

  Appendix 4 to order
№ 101 dated April 2, 2020

The Rules for the provision of the public service
“Registration or re-registration of periodicals, news agencies and online publications”

      Footnote. Rules - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 21.01.2022 № 16 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. These Rules have been developed in accordance with subparagraph 1) of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Services” and shall determine the procedure for providing the state service “Registration or re-registration of periodicals, news agencies and online publications.”

      2. The public service “Registration or re-registration of periodicals, news agencies and online publications” (hereinafter referred to as the Public service) shall be provided by the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Service provider).

      3. The authorized body shall send information about the changes and (or) additions to these Rules to the operator of the information and communication infrastructure of “electronic government”, the service provider and the Unified Contact Center within three working days from the date of state registration with the justice authorities.

      Footnote. Paragraph 3 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 2. Procedure for the provision of public services

      4. To receive public services, individuals and (or) legal entities engaged in the provision of services in the field of mass media on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Service recipient) shall send to the service provider through the “electronic government” web portal www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz (hereinafter referred to as the Portal), an application in the form in accordance with Appendices 1 and 2, as well as documents specified in the List of basic requirements for the provision of public services in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Rules.

      The office of the service provider shall receive them, register them and transfer them to the responsible structural unit for execution. When a service recipient applies after the end of working hours, on weekends and holidays, in accordance with labor legislation, applications shall be accepted and results of the provision of public services shall be issued on the next working day.

      An employee of the responsible structural unit of the service provider, shall within 2 (two) working days from the moment of registration of documents, check the completeness of the submitted documents.

      The service provider shall receive information about the identification documents of the service recipient, about state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity, about registration as an individual entrepreneur, and a document confirming payment from the relevant state information systems through the “electronic government” gateway.

      When the service recipient submits an incomplete package of documents and (or) documents with an expired validity period, an employee of the responsible structural unit, shall within the specified time frame, prepare a reasoned refusal to further consider the application in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) of the head or his deputies of the authorized body and sends to the applicant in the personal account of the Portal.

      When identifying grounds for a refusal to provide a public service, the service provider shall notify the service recipient of the preliminary decision to refuse to provide the public service, as well as the time and place (method) of the hearing to provide the service recipient with the opportunity to express a position on the preliminary decision.

      The service provider shall notify the service recipient of the hearing at least 3 (three) working days before the end of the period for providing the public service. The hearing shall be held no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of notification in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 73 of the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      Based on the results of the hearing, the service provider shall issue a certificate of registration or re-registration of periodicals, news agencies and online publications, or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.”

      Footnote. Paragraph 4 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      5. If the service recipient provides a full package of documents to obtain a certificate of registration, an employee of the structural unit of the service provider, shall within 8 (eight) working days, review the documents for the content of the application, check for the presence of the same name in the register of periodicals and news agencies registered and online publications, and also check the provided receipt to ensure that the details are filled out correctly, and based on the results, generates a certificate of registration.

      If the service recipient does not meet the above requirements, the service provider shall decide to refuse to provide the public service.

      The service recipient shall be sent a notification with a preliminary decision on refusal to provide a public service no later than 3 (three) working days before signing it.

      The service recipient shall submit an objection to the preliminary decision to refuse to provide a public service no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

      Based on the results of consideration of the objection, if received from the service recipient, the service provider shall issue a certificate of registration or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      6. A printed periodical, news agency and online publication shall be subject to re-registration in cases of change of owner or change of its name, as well as the name, language of the publication or materials and messages, distribution area, main thematic focus and frequency of publication.

      7. When the service recipient submits an application for re-registration of the certificate, an employee of the structural unit of the service provider shall review the documents for the contents of the application for 8 (eight) working days, check for the presence of the same name in the register of periodicals, news agencies and online publications registered, as well as in case of changes the owner check the provided data of documents confirming the change of owner/transfer of ownership rights.

      If the service recipient does not meet the above requirements, the service provider shall decide to refuse to provide the public service.

      The service recipient shall be sent a notification with a preliminary decision on refusal to provide a public service no later than 3 (three) working days before signing it.

      The service recipient shall submit an objection to the preliminary decision to refuse to provide a public service no later than 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

      Based on the results of consideration of the objection, in case of receipt from the service recipient, the service provider shall issue a certificate of registration for re-registration or a reasoned refusal to provide a public service.

      8. The following shall be the grounds for refusal to provide public services:

      1) a previously issued certificate of registration for a periodically printed publication, news agency or online publication with the same name and distribution in the same territory or confusingly similar to the name of a previously created periodical printed publication, news agency or online publication;

      2) the content of the application does not comply with the requirements of Appendix 3 of these Rules;

      3) the fee for registering a periodical, news agency or online publication has not been paid;

      4) the application for re-registration of a periodical printed publication, news agency or online publication due to a change of owner does not indicate the number and date of the agreement confirming the transfer of ownership rights to the periodical printed publication or news agency to another person;

      5) when registering, a periodically printed publication, news agency or online publication with the same name (part of the name) and the same thematic focus, the publication of which was previously terminated by the court, was declared, or a periodically printed publication, news agency or online publication duplicated the name and thematic focus, as well as in the case of an application being submitted by the owner or editor-in-chief (editor) of a periodically printed publication, news agency or online publication, the publication of which was terminated by a court decision, within three years from the date the court decision entered into legal force;

      6) concerning the service recipient, there is a court decision (sentence) that has entered into legal force to prohibit activities or certain types of activities requiring the receipt of a specific public service.

Chapter 3.
The procedure for appealing decisions, actions (inaction) of central government bodies,
service providers and (or) their officials regarding the provision of public services

      9. Consideration of a complaint against a decision, action (inaction) of a service provider regarding the provision of public services shall be carried out by an official, a higher authorized body that carries out state regulation in the field of information, an authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services (hereinafter referred to as the Body considering complaint) in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      The complaint shall be submitted to the service provider and (or) official whose decision, action (inaction) is being appealed.

      The service recipient's complaint received by the service provider, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Public Services,” shall be subject to consideration within 5 (five) working days from the date of its registration.

      A service recipient's complaint received by the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services shall be subject to consideration within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of its registration.

      The service provider, the official whose decision, action (inaction) is being appealed, shall no later than 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt of the complaint, send it and the administrative file to the body considering the complaint.

      In this case, the service provider, the official whose decision, action (inaction) is being appealed, shall have the right not to forward the complaint to the body considering the complaint if he/she, within 3 (three) working days, adopts a favorable administrative act, carries out an administrative action that fully satisfies the requirements specified in the complaint.

      Unless otherwise provided by law, an appeal to the court shall be allowed after a pre-trial appeal.

      Footnote. Paragraph 9 - as amended by the order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 04.08.2022 № 302 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

  Appendix 1
to the Rules for the provision
of public services
“Registration or re-registration
of periodicals, news
agencies and online publications”
(full name of the body issuing a certificate
of registration or re-registration of periodicals,
news agencies and online publications)
(Last name, first name and patronymic (if any)
of the head of the body issuing a certificate
of registration or re-registration of periodicals,
news agencies and online publications)


      I hereby request you to register or re-register a periodical printed publication, news agency or online publication


      (name, type of periodical printed publication, news agency or online publication)


      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), name and legal form)

      BIN /IIN___________________________________________________________________________________

      Address of the owner__________________________________________________________________________

      (place of residence/location, contact details)

      Name of the periodical printed publication, news agency or online publication


      Language of the periodical printed publication, information agency or online publication



      Thematic focus

      Territory of distribution________________________________________________________________________

      Editorial address _____________________________________________________________________________

      surname, first name and patronymic (if any) of the editor-in-chief

      Place of stamp (if any) ____________ (signature)

      “___” ____________ 20 _

  Appendix 2
to the Rules for the provision
of public services
“Registration or re-registration
of periodicals, news
agencies and online publications”
(full name of the body issuing a certificate
of registration or re-registration of periodicals,
news agencies and online publications)
(Last name, first name and patronymic (if any)
of the head of the body issuing a certificate
of registration or re-registration of periodicals,
news agencies and online publications)


      I hereby request you to re-register the periodical printed publication, news agency and online publication


      (name, type of periodical printed publication or information agency and online publications) in connection with the change



      (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), name and legal form) BIN/IIN


      Address of owner __________________________________________________

      (place of residence/location, contact information)

      Name of periodical printed publication, news agency or online publication


      Language of periodical printed publication, news agency or online publication_____



      Thematic focus_____________________________________________________

      Territory of distribution______________________________________________

      Editorial address____________________________________________________

      Last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the editor-in-chief

      Place of stamp (if any) ______________________________ (signature)

      “___” ____________ 20 _

  Appendix 3
to the Rules for the provision
of public services “Registration
or re-registration of periodicals,
news agencies and online

      Footnote. Appendix 3 - as amended by the order of the acting Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30.12.2022 № 570 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

List of basic requirements for the provision of public services (name of public service) “Registration or re-registration of periodicals, news agencies and online publications”


Name of the service provider

Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Methods of providing public services

Acceptance of applications and issuance of results is carried out through the “electronic government” web portal: www.egov.kz, www.elicense.kz.


Duration of provision of public services

Delivery time is 10 (ten) working days.


Form of provision of public services

Electronic (fully automated)


The result of the provision of public services

The result of the provision of a public service is a certificate of registration or re-registration of periodicals, news agencies and online publications (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate) or a reasoned response to the refusal to provide a public service, in cases and on the grounds provided for by these rules. On the portal, the result of the provision of a public service or a reasoned response about the refusal to provide a public service shall be sent to the “personal account” in the form of an electronic document signed with the digital signature of an authorized person of the service provider.


The amount of fees charged from the service recipient when providing a public service, and the methods of its collection in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The public service shall be provided on a paid basis to individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the Service recipient). The registration fee rates for the provision of public services in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 553 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget” (Tax Code) are:
1) for issuing a certificate of registration of a periodically printed publication, news agency and online publication: for service recipients creating a periodically printed publication, news agency and online publication on children's and scientific topics - two monthly calculation indices valid on the date of payment of the fee; for service recipients creating a periodically printed publication, news agency and online publication of other topics - five monthly calculation indices valid on the date of payment of the fee;
2) for issuing a duplicate certificate of registration of a periodically printed publication, news agency and online publication: for service recipients creating a periodically printed publication, news agency and online publication on children's and scientific topics - one point six-tenths of the monthly calculation index valid on the date of payment collection; for service recipients creating a periodically printed publication, news agency and online publication of other topics - four monthly calculation indicators valid on the date of payment of the fee. Re-registration of periodicals, news agencies and online publications is free of charge. Payment shall be made in cash and non-cash through second-tier banks and organizations carrying out certain types of banking operations.


Work schedule of the service provider and information objects

1) portal - around the clock, except for technical breaks in connection with repair work (when the service recipient contacts after the end of working hours, on weekends and holidays in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the application shall be accepted and the result of the provision of public services shall be issued on the next working day);
2) service provider - from Monday to Friday inclusive, Astana time from 9:00 to 18:30, with a lunch break from 13:00 to 14:30, except weekends and holidays, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Addresses for the provision of public services are posted on the Internet resource of the Ministry: www.qogam.gov.kz, in the “Public Services” section, public services are carried out on the next working day). Addresses for the provision of public services are posted on the Internet resource of the Ministry: www.qogam.gov.kz, in the “Public Services” section.


List of documents and information required from the service recipient for the provision of public services

1) to register periodicals, news agencies and online publications, the service recipient shall submit a request in the form of an electronic document, signed with the service recipient’s digital signature (according to Appendix 1 to this list of basic requirements for the provision of public services);
2) for re-registration of a periodically printed publication, news agency and online publication (in connection with a change of owner, or a change in the organizational and legal form, name, name of the periodically printed publication and news agency, the main thematic focus and frequency of publication, as well as the territory of distribution) the service recipient shall submit: a request in the form of an electronic document, signed with the digital signature of the service recipient (according to Appendix 2 to this list of basic requirements for the provision of public services);
an electronic copy of the document, an extract from the agreement, confirming the transfer of ownership rights to a periodical printed publication, news agency and online publication to another person.


Grounds for refusal to provide public services established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1) the service provider previously issued a certificate of registration for a periodically printed publication, news agency or online publication with the same name and distribution in the same territory or confusingly similar to the name of a previously created periodical printed publication, news agency or online publication;
2) the content of the application does not comply with the requirements of this list of basic requirements for the provision of public services;
3) the fee for registering a periodical, news agency or online publication has not been paid;
4) the application for re-registration of a periodical printed publication, news agency or online publication due to a change of owner does not indicate the number and date of the agreement confirming the transfer of ownership rights to the periodical printed publication or news agency to another person;
5) when registering, a periodically printed publication, news agency or online publication with the same name (part of the name) and the same thematic focus, the publication of which was previously terminated by the court, was declared, or a periodically printed publication, news agency or online publication duplicated the name and thematic focus, as well as in the case of an application being submitted by the owner or editor-in-chief (editor) of a periodically printed publication, news agency or online publication, the publication of which was terminated by a court decision, within three years from the date the court decision entered into legal force;
6) concerning the service recipient, there is a court decision (sentence) that has entered into legal force to prohibit activities or certain types of activities requiring the receipt of a specific public service.


Other requirements taking into account the specifics of the provision of public services

The service recipient shall receive public services in electronic form through the portal, subject to the availability of an electronic signature. The service recipient shall receive information about the procedure and status of the provision of public services in remote access mode through the “personal account” of the portal, as well as a Single Contact Center for the provision of public services. Contact numbers of help desks regarding the provision of public services are listed on the Internet resource www.qogam.gov.kz, in the “Public Services” section, a Single Contact Center for the provision of public services: 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

  Appendix 5 to the order
of April 2, 2020 № 101

The Rules for the provision of public services
“Registration, re-registration of foreign periodicals distributed
on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

      Footnote. Appendix 5 was excluded by order of the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25.02.2022 № 50 (shall come into effect ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

  Annex 6 to order
dated April 2, 2020 № 101

The list of orders recognized as invalid

      1. The order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 28, 2015 № 505 "On approval of standards for public services in the field of information" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 11301, published on July 2, 2015 in the information and legal system "Adіlet").

      2. The order № 655 of the Acting Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 28, 2015 "On approval of regulations for state services in the field of information" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 11580, published on July 22, 2015 in the information and legal system "Adіlet").

      3. The order of the Acting Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 26, 2016 № 82 "On introduction of amendments and additions to the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 28, 2015 № 505" On approval of public services standards in the field of information " (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 13347, published on March 15, 2016 in the information and legal system "Adіlet").

      4. The order of the Acting Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 17, 2016 № 198 "On introduction of amendments to the order of the Acting Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 28, 2015 № 655 "On approval of regulations of the public services in the field of information by the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 13477, published on April 7, 2016 in the information and legal system "Adіlet").

      5. The order of the Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 24, 2017 № 104 "On introduction of amendments to the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 28, 2015 № 505" On approval of public services standards in the field of information " (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 15124, published on May 29, 2017 in the Reference Control Bank of the NAP of the Republic of Kazakhstan in electronic form).

      6. The order of the Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 13, 2017 № 221 "On introduction of amendments and additions to the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 28, 2015 № 655 "On approval of regulations of the public services in the field of information by the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 15329, published on July 25, 2017 in the Reference Control Bank of the NAP of the Republic of Kazakhstan in electronic form).

      7. The order of the Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 24, 2018 № 534 "On introduction of amendments to the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 28, 2015 № 505 "On approval of regulations of the public services in the field of information" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 18022, published on January 3, 2019 in the Reference Control Bank of the NAP of the Republic of Kazakhstan in electronic form).

      8. The order of the Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 17, 2019 № 67 "On introduction of amendments to the order of the Acting Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 28, 2015 № 655 "On approval of regulations of the public services in the field of information" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 18563, published on May 17, 2019 in the Reference Control Bank of the NAP of the Republic of Kazakhstan in electronic form).

      9. The order of the Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 4, 2019 № 203 "On introduction of amendments to the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 28, 2015 № 505 "On approval of regulations of the public services in the field of information" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 18989, published on July 12, 2019 in the Reference Control Bank of the NAP of the Republic of Kazakhstan in electronic form).

      10. The order of the Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 2, 2019 № 322 "On introduction of amendments to the Order of the Acting Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 28, 2015 № 655 "On approval of regulations of the public services in the field of information" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts № 19353, published on September 9, 2019 in the Reference Control Bank of the NAP of the Republic of Kazakhstan in electronic form).