On Approval of the Rules for Publishing in the Bulletin Data Concerning Registration of Selection Achievements, Industrial Property Items, Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Appellations of Origin of Goods and Topographies of Integrated Circuits

Updated Unofficial translation

Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 29, 2018 No. 1348. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 14, 2018 No. 17376.

      Unofficial translation

      Footnote. The title - as reworded by Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 692 dated 18.08.2022 (shall be put into effect upon expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      Under sub-paragraph 3) of paragraph 2 of Article 3-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Protection of Selection Achievements”, under sub-paragraph 3) of paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, under sub-paragraph 3) of paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Trademarks, Service Marks, Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin of Goods”, under sub-paragraph 3) of Article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Legal Protection of Topologies of Integrated Circuits”, I HEREBY ORDER:

      Footnote. The Preamble - as reworded by Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 692 dated 18.08.2022 (shall come into effect upon expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      1. To approve the Rules for publishing information relating to the registration of selection achievements, industrial properties, trademarks and appellations of origin of goods, on registered topologies in the bulletin in accordance with the Appendix to this Order.

      2. The Department of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:

      1) ensure state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      2) within ten calendar days of the state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, send it in Kazakh and Russian to the Republican State Enterprise with the Right of Economic Management “Republican Center of Legal Information” for its official publication and inclusion into the Reference Control Bank of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

      3) place this order on the official website of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication.

      3. Control over execution of this order shall be entrusted to the supervising Vice-minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      4. This order shall take effect ten calendar days after its first official publication.

      Minister of Justice
      of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Beketayev

  Approved by
Order № 1348 of the Minister
of Justice of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
as of August 29, 2018

Rules for Publishing in the Bulletin Data Concerning Registration of Selection Achievements, Industrial Property Items, Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Appellations of Origin of Goods and Topographies of Integrated Circuits

      Footnote. The title - as reworded by Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 692 dated 18.08.2022 (shall become effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General provisions

      1. The Rules for Publishing in the Bulletin the Data Concerning Registration of Selection Achievements, Industrial Property Objects, Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Appellations of Origin of Goods and Topologies of Integrated Circuits (hereinafter - the Rules) have been developed under the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter - the Patent Law), “On Trademarks, Service Marks, Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin of Goods” (hereinafter - the Law on Trademarks), “On Protection of Selective Selection Achievements”, “On Legal Protection of Topologies of Integrated Circuits” and establish the procedure for publishing in the bulletin “Onerkassip Menshigi - Industrial Property” (hereinafter referred to as the Bulletin) the data regarding the registration of selective Selection Achievements, industrial property items, trademarks, geographical indications, appellations of origin of goods and topologies of integrated circuits.

      Footnote. Paragraph 1 - as reworded by Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 692 dated 18.08.2022 (shall come into effect upon expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      2. The following terms and definitions are used herein:

      1) a geographical indication is a designation identifying a product originating from the territory of a geographical object, the certain quality, reputation or other features of which are substantially related to its geographical origin. At least one of the stages of production of a commodity, which has a significant impact on the formation of its properties, must be implemented in the territory of a given geographical object;

      2) a commonly known trademark - a designation used as a trademark or a trademark recognised as commonly known by the decision of the competent authority based on the evidence of interested parties;

      3) an integrated microcircuit - a microelectronic device of final or intermediate form designed to fulfil the functions of an electronic circuit, with the elements and connections inseparably formed in the volume and (or) on the surface of the material upon the basis of which the device is manufactured;

      4) an integrated circuit topology is a spatial and geometric arrangement of a complex of elements of an integrated circuit and connections between them fixed on a material medium;

      5) State Registers - a register of recorded items of industrial property, selection achievements, trademarks, geographical indications and appellations of origin of goods, as well as topologies of integrated circuits;

      6) a patentee – the owner of the protection document;

      7) a patent attorney - a capable national of the Republic of Kazakhstan, permanently residing on its territory having higher educational background, experience in the field of protection and defence of intellectual property rights for at least four years or having passed an internship in the Chamber of Patent Attorneys for at least one year, having passed certification and entered in the Register of Patent Attorneys;

      8) an expert organisation - an organisation established by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 756 of July 11, 2002 “On Establishment of the National Institute of Intellectual Property Republican State Enterprise of the Committee for Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in the legal form of a republican state enterprise on the right of economic management, subordinated in its activities to the competent authority;

      9) a trademark, a service mark (hereinafter - trademark) - a designation registered under the Law on Trademarks or protected without registration by virtue of international treaties to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is a party, intended to distinguish goods (services) of certain legal entities or natural persons from homogeneous goods (services) of other legal entities or natural persons;

      10) an appellation of origin of goods - a designation representing or containing a modern or historical, official or unofficial, full or abbreviated name of a country, settlement, locality or other geographical object, including such name or a derivative of such name, which became known as a result of its use in relation to goods, the special qualities thereof being solely or mainly determined by the natural conditions and/or human factors characteristic of the geographical object in question. All stages of manufacturing of products, which have a significant impact on the formation of special properties of the product, must be implemented in the territory of this geographical object;

      11) the owner (right holder) of a trademark or the owner of the right to use a geographical indication and (or) the appellation of origin of goods - a natural person or a legal entity possessing the exclusive right to a trademark or the exclusive right to use a geographical indication and (or) the appellation of origin of goods under the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Trademarks, Service Marks, Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin of Goods”.

      Footnote. Paragraph 2 - as reworded by Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 692 dated 18.08.2022 (shall become effective ten calendar days after the date of its first official publication).

Chapter 2. The order for publishing in the bulletin of information on the registration of inventions, utility models, industrial designs in State Registers

      3. On the basis of the registration in State Registers, the expert organization shall weekly publish in Kazakh and Russian in the official bulletin’s sections “Inventions – Өнертабыстар”, “Utility Models – Пайдалы модельдер”, “Industrial Designs - Өнеркәсiптiк үлгiлер”:

      1) the patent number;

      2) the index (indices) of the heading (headings) of International Patent Classification (hereinafter referred to as IPC), International Classification for Industrial Designs (hereinafter referred to as LOC);

      3) the application’s number and filing date;

      4) the date of the patent’s publication;

      5) the number, filing date and code in accordance with the standard of the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter referred to as the WIPO) of a first-to-file country (the date of receipt of additional materials to the first application), on the basis of which application the invention’s priority was established if, according to the application, an earlier priority date is established than the date of filing the application with the expert organization;

      6) the number of the earlier publication, which is subject to “republication”;

      7) the date of the application’s entering the national phase in accordance with Articles 23 (1) or 40 (1) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (hereinafter referred to as the PCT);

      8) the registration number of the international application and the international filing date established by the receiving office;

      9) the number and date of international publication of the international application; the name of the author (authors), in case the latter do not mind being mentioned as such, the code (codes) of the country of residence (location) of the author in accordance with the WIPO standard;

      10) the patent owner’s personal or business name, the code (codes) of the country of residence (location) of the patent owner in accordance with the WIPO standard;

      11) the name;

      12) the image;

      13) information on the patent attorney;

      14) the formula, the list of essential features of the industrial design.

      The expert organization shall publish in the bulletin information on the issuance of a patent for an invention upon expiration of eighteen months, and information on the issuance of a patent for a utility model and industrial design – upon expiration of twelve months from the application’s filing date. At the applicant’s written request, the expert organization publishes information before the indicated deadline.

      Clause 1. The order for publishing information on making changes relating to the registration of inventions, utility models, industrial designs in State Registers

      4. On the basis of changes made to State Registers, the expert organization shall publish in the “Хабарлама - Notices” section such information as that:

      1) on the correction of obvious and technical errors in the entries of a State Register;

      2) on the registered transfer and (or) granting of the right:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement;

      the name;

      the patent number;

      the registration number;

      the owner;

      the owner’s address;

      the assignee;

      the assignee’s address;

      3) on the registered changes relating to essential conditions of the registered granting of the right:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement;

      the name;

      the patent number;

      the registration number;

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address.

      4) on termination (early termination) of the registered granting of the right:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement;

      the date of early termination of the agreement;

      the name;

      the patent number;

      the registration number

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address.

      5) on cancellation of a patent in connection with its invalidation in whole or in part:

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the filing date;

      the patent name;

      the owner’s name;

      the date of termination;

      the reason for termination.

      6) on termination of a patent at the request of the patent owner:

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the filing date;

      the patent name;

      the owner’s name;

      the date of termination;

      the reason for termination.

      7) on changes in the name of the patent owner and its location addresses:

      the registration number;

      the patent owner’s name and location address.

      Information on making changes relating to the registration of inventions, utility models, industrial designs to State Registers shall be published by the expert organization after sending a notification of making relevant changes.

      Clause 2. The order for publishing information on extension, renewal of patents for an invention, utility models, industrial designs

      5. The expert organization shall weekly publish in Kazakh and Russian in the “Хабарлама - Notices” bulletin’s section information on the extension, termination and renewal of a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design, indicating such data as:

      1) the number of the document of title;

      2) the application’s number;

      3) the date until which the patent has been extended/the date of the patent’s renewal.

      Information on the extension, renewal of patents for an invention, utility models, industrial designs shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

      Clause 3. The order for publishing information on early termination, invalidation and cancellation of a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design

      6. The expert organization shall weekly publish in Kazakh and Russian in the “Хабарлама - Notices” section information on the cancellation of a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design, indicating such data as:

      1) the number of the document of title;

      2) the date of cancellation;

      3) the reason for early termination, invalidation and cancellation.

      On early termination of a patent due to a failure to pay on time:

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the date of early termination;

      the reason for termination.

      Information on the cancellation of a patent for an invention, utility models, industrial designs shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

      Chapter 3. The order for publishing in the bulletin of information relating to the registration of a trademark in State Registers

      7. Pursuant to entering data on the registration in State Registers, the expert organization shall weekly publish in Kazakh and Russian in the official bulletin’s section “Тауар таңбалары - Trademarks” such information as:

      1) the ordinal registration number;

      2) the date of registration;

      3) the registration’s period of validity;

      4) the application’s number;

      5) the filing date of the application;

      6) the name of the owner of the trademark/service marks;

      7) the trademark’s image;

      8) indication of colors;

      9) the list of goods and services in respect of which the trademark is registered;

      10) the first application’s country, number and filing date, if the convention priority was established;

      11) unregistrable elements.

      Information on the registration of trademarks, service marks in the State Register of Trademarks shall be published by the expert organization after sending a certificate of a trademark/service marks.

      Clause 1. The order for publishing information on making changes to the State Register

      8. On the basis of changes made to State Registers, the expert organization shall publish in the “Хабарлама – Notices” section such information as:

      1) on the registered transfer of the right to a protected trademark:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name of the trademark, service mark;

      the registration number;

      the application's number;

      the owner;

      the owner’s address;

      the assignee;

      the assignee’s address;

      2) on the registered granting of the right to use a trademark:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name of the trademark, service mark;

      the registration number;

      the application's number;

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address.

      3) on a pledge agreement:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name of the trademark, service mark;

      the registration number;

      the application's number;

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address.

      4) on a franchise agreement:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name of the trademark, service mark;

      the registration number;

      the application's number;

      the filing date;

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address.

      5) on additional agreements to registered agreements:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name of the trademark, service mark;

      the registration number;

      the application's number;

      the filing date;

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address;

      indication of changes.

      6) on invalidation of the registration of a trademark in whole or in part:

      the name of the trademark, service mark;

      the registration number;

      the application's number;

      the filing date;

      the owner;

      subject matter and reasons for considering invalid in whole or in part.

      7) on termination of the trademark’s registration at the owner’s initiative:

      the name of the trademark, service mark;

      the registration number;

      the application's number;

      the filing date;

      the owner;

      subject matter and reasons for termination.

      8) on extension of validity of the trademark’s registration:

      the registration number;

      the owner’s name;

      the date until which the patent has been extended.

      9) on changes in the name of the owner that is a legal entity in connection with its reorganization (succession) and/or in its location address:

      the registration number;

      the new name of the legal entity and/or address of the owner of the registered trademark.

      10) on changes in the last and first names, patronymic (if any) of the owner that is an individual and/or his/her residence address:

      the registration number;

      11) on reduction of the list of goods (services) in respect of which the trademark is registered, which does not change the registration on the merits:

      the registration number.

      12) on correction of obvious and technical errors, as well as other changes concerning the registration of a trademark:

      the registration number;

      description of the corrected data.

      Changes relating to the registration, except for changes in the mailing address and the representative’s address, shall be sent for publication in the bulletin in the form of a notice.

      Information on making changes to the State Register of Trademarks shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

      Clause 2. The order for publishing information on the extension of validity of a trademark, service mark

      9. The expert organization shall weekly publish in Kazakh and Russian in the “Хабарлама - Notices” section information on the extension of validity of the registration of a trademark, service mark, appellation of origin of goods, indicating such data as:

      1) the registration number;

      2) the owner’s name;

      3) the date until which the patent has been extended.

      Information on the extension of a trademark, service mark shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

Clause 3. The order for publishing information on early termination, invalidation and cancellation of the registration of a trademark, service mark

      10. The expert organization shall weekly publish in Kazakh and Russian in the “Хабарлама - Notices” section information on the cancellation of a trademark, service mark, indicating such data ad:

      1) the registration number (the application’s number, the filing date);

      2) the name;

      3) the owner’s name;

      4) the date of early termination, invalidation and cancellation;

      5) the reason for early termination, invalidation and cancellation.

      Information on the cancellation of a trademark, service mark shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

Chapter 4. Procedure for Publishing in the Bulletin Data Regarding the Registration of Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin of Goods

      Footnote. Chapter 4 - as reworded by Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 692 dated 18.08.2022 (shall be enforced upon expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

      11. Based on the registration in the relevant State Registers, the following data shall be published weekly by the expert organisations in the official bulletin in the sections “Geographiyalyk Nuskamalar –

      Geographical Indications and Tauar Shygarylgan Zherdin Atauy – Appellation of Origin of Goods” in Kazakh and Russian languages:

      1) geographical indications;

      2) the appellation of origin of goods;

      3) the number and date of registration;

      4) the description of special properties of the goods;

      5) the name of the owner and indication of his/her place of residence or location;

      6) the number and date of filing of the application;

      7) the details of the representative (patent attorney).

      These entries shall be preceded by the appropriate Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of (Bibliographic) Data (hereinafter referred to as INID) code as per the WIPO standard and shall be used for publication. The country code shall be entered as per the relevant WIPO standard.

      Data concerning registrations of geographical indications and appellations of origin of goods shall be published by the expert organisation after sending the extracts.

      Paragraph 1: Procedure for publishing data on amendments to the State Registers of Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin of Goods

      12. Based on the amendments made in the State Registers, the following data shall be published weekly in the section “Khabarlama – Notifications” by the expert organisation:

      1) on the annulment of the registration of geographical indications and appellations of origin of goods:

      the geographical indications and (or) appellation of origin of goods;

      the registration number and the date;

      the owner's name;

      the date of termination;

      the ground for termination.

      2) on the termination of the registration of geographical indications and appellations of origin of goods at the owner's initiative:

      the geographical indications and (or) appellation of origin of goods;

      the number and date of registration;

      the owner's name;

      the date of termination;

      the ground for termination.

      3) on the renewal of the registration of geographical indications and appellations of origin of goods:

      the registration number;

      the owner's name;

      the date until which the registration is renewed.

      4) on the change of name of the owner - a legal entity due to its reorganisation (legal succession) and/or change of address of its location:

      the registration number;

      the new owner's name and/or address of the registered geographical indication and (or) appellation of origin of goods.

      5) on the change of the name of the owner - a natural person and/or on the change of his/her residential address:

      the registration number;

      the new name of the owner and/or address of the registered geographical indication and (or) appellation of origin of goods.

      6) on the correction of obvious and technical errors, as well as on other amendments concerning the registration of geographical indications and appellations of origin of goods:

      the registration number;

      the description of the corrected data.

      Data related to the registration of geographical indications and appellations of origin of goods and granting the right to use geographical indications and appellations of origin of goods, as well as subsequent amendments, shall be published by the expert organisation in the Bulletin immediately after their entry in the relevant State Registers. Data concerning the introduction of amendments to the State Register of Geographical Indications, the State Register of Appellations of Origin of Goods shall be published by the expert organisation after sending the relevant notification.

      Paragraph 2: Procedure for publishing data on the extension of the term of validity of the right to use a geographical indication and appellation of origin of goods

      13. Data on the extension of the term of validity of the right to use the geographical indication and appellation of origin of goods shall be published weekly by the expert organisation in the section “Khabarlama – Notifications” in the Kazakh and Russian languages, with the following data indicated:

      1) the registration number;

      2) the owner's name;

      3) the date until which the registration is renewed.

      Data concerning the extension of the term of validity of the right to use a geographical indication and the appellation of origin of goods shall be published by the expert organisation after the relevant notification has been sent to it.

      Paragraph 3: Procedure for publishing data on the termination of the right to use a geographical indication and appellation of origin of goods

      14. Data on the termination of the right to use the geographical indication and appellation of origin of goods shall be published weekly by the expert organisation in the section “Khabarlama – Notifications” in the Kazakh and Russian languages, with the following data indicated:

      1) the registration number (application number, date of submission);

      2) the name;

      3) the owner's name;

      4) the date of termination;

      5) the ground for termination.

      Data concerning the termination of the right to use a geographical indication and appellation of origin of goods shall be published by the expert organisation after sending the relevant notification.

      Paragraph 4. Procedure for publishing data on early termination, annulment and cancellation of the term of validity of the right to use a geographical indication and appellation of origin of goods

      15. Data on cancellation of the term of validity of the right to use a geographical indication and appellation of origin of goods shall be published weekly by the expert organisation in the section “Khabarlama – Notifications” in the Kazakh and Russian languages, with the following data included:

      1) the registration number (application number, date of submission);

      2) the name;

      3) the name of the owner;

      4) the date of early termination, invalidation and cancellation;

      5) ground for early termination, annulment and cancellation.

      Data concerning the annulment of the term of validity of the right to use a geographical indication and the appellation of origin of goods shall be published by the expert organisation after the relevant notification has been sent.

Chapter 5. The order for publishing information relating to well-known trademarks in the bulletin

      16. On the basis of recognition of a designation or a trademark as well-known, relevant information shall be entered into the State Register of Trademarks, which the expert organization shall publish weekly in Kazakh and Russian in the bulletin’s section “Тауар белгісін жалпы жұртқа белгiлi деп тану Tauar belgіsіn zhalpa zhұrtқa belgili depan tanu - Well-known trademarks”, indicating such data as:

      1) the ordinal registration number;

      2) the registration date;

      3) the image of a well-known trademark;

      4) indication of colors;

      5) the name of the owner of the well-known trademark;

      6) the application's number;

      7) the date of filing the application;

      8) the period of registration;

      9) the list of goods and services in respect of which a well-known trademark was registered.

      Information relating to the recognition of a designation or a trademark as well-known shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

      Clause 1. The order for publishing information on the extension of the validity of a well-known trademark

      17. The expert organization shall publish information on the extension of validity of a well-known trademark weekly in Kazakh and Russian in the “Notices” section, indicating such data as:

      1) the registration number;

      2) the owner’s name;

      3) the date until which the registration has been extended.

      Information relating to the extension of validity of a well-known trademark shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

      Clause 2. The order for publishing information on early termination, invalidation and cancellation of the validity of a well-known trademark

      18. The expert organization shall weekly publish information on the termination of validity of a well-known trademark in Kazakh and Russian in the “Notices” section, indicating such data as:

      1) the registration number (the application's number, the filing date);

      2) the name;

      3) the owner’s name;

      4) the date of early termination, invalidation and cancellation;

      5) the reason for early termination, invalidation and cancellation.

      Clause 3. The order for publishing information relating to a selection achievement in the bulletin

      19. On the basis of the registration in the State Register of Selection Achievements, the expert organization shall weekly publish information on the registration in Kazakh and Russian in the bulletin’s section “Селекциалық жетістіктер – Selection Achievement”.

      It is necessary to enter in the official bulletin of selection achievements such data as:

      1) the code or other means of identification of the agency or the organization that carried out the publication;

      2) verbal designation of the type of the document;

      3) the patent number;

      4) the genus, species of plant, animal, the name of variety, breed;

      5) the patent owner’s personal or business name and his/her/its address with the indication of the code of the country of residence or location address in accordance with the WIPO standard;

      6) the name of the author (authors) and the code of the country of his/her (their) residence address in accordance with the WIPO standard;

      7) the registration number and the application’s filing date;

      8) the date of filing the application, on the basis of which the patent was issued;

      9) a set of characteristics included in the description of the variety, breed;

      10) the name of the selection achievement; (genus, species of plant, animal, the name of variety, breed);

      11) the last and first names, patronymic (if any) of the author (authors) and the country code in accordance with the WIPO standard;

      12) the last and first names, patronymic (if any) or the name of the patent owner indicating the country code in accordance with the WIPO standard;

      13) the application’s number, on the basis of which priority is claimed, (32) the date of filing the application, on the basis of which priority is claimed and (33) the code of the country of the first application in accordance with the WIPO standard, on the basis of which the selection achievement priority was established, if the application establishes earlier priority date than the date of filing the application with the expert organization.

      Information relating to the registration of a selection achievement in the official bulletin shall be published by the expert organization after sending the document of title.

      Clause 4. The order for publishing information on making changes to the State Register of Selection Achievements

      20. The State Register registers all changes in the legal status of a patent (including information on registered agreements), additions, clarifications or corrections relating to a patent, on the extension of validity and renewal of the patent, after it is recorded in the State Register, which the expert organization sends for publication in the official bulletin in the form of notices.

      It is necessary to publish in the State Register such changes as:

      1) on correction of obvious and technical errors in the entries of the State Register;

      2) on the registered transfer of the right to a patent;

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name;

      the patent number;

      the registration number;

      the owner;

      the owner’s address;

      the assignee;

      the assignee’s address;

      3) on the registered granting of the right:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name;

      the patent number;

      the registration number;

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address.

      4) on the registered changes relating to essential conditions of the registered license (sublicense) agreement:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name;

      the patent number;

      the registration number;

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address;

      indication of changes.

      5) on termination (early termination) of the registered license (sublicense) agreement:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the date of early termination of the agreement;

      the name;

      the patent number;

      the registration number;

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address.

      6) on patent cancellation:

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the filing date;

      the patent name;

      the owner’s name;

      the date of termination;

      the reason for termination.

      7) on termination of a patent at the patent owner’s request:

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the filing date;

      the patent name;

      the owner’s name;

      the date of termination;

      the reason for termination.

      8) on early termination of a patent due to a failure to pay on time:

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the filing date;

      the patent name;

      the owner’s name;

      the date of termination;

      the reason for termination.

      9) on changes in the name and/or location address, mailing address of the patent owner that is a legal entity:

      the registration number;

      the patent owner’s new name and/or location address.

      10) on changes in the last and first names, patronymic (if any) of the author, patent owner that is an individual and/or the patent owner’s residence address, mailing address:

      the registration number;

      the patent owner’s new name and/or location address.

      11) on extension of the patent’s validity:

      the registration number;

      the owner’s name;

      the date until which the patent has been extended.

      12) on the renewal of a document of title:

      the name of the document of title;

      the date of renewal;

      the name;

      the reason for renewal.

      Information relating to the entry of changes in the State Register of Selection Achievements shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

      Clause 5. The order for publishing information on the extension of the validity of a selection achievement

      21. The expert organization shall publish information on the extension of validity of a selection achievement in Kazakh and Russian in the “Хабарлама - Notices” section, indicating such data as:

      1) the name of the document of title;

      2) the application’s number;

      3) the name;

      4) the date until which the patent has been extended.

      Information relating to the extension of validity of a selection achievement shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

      Clause 6. The order for publishing information on early termination, invalidation and cancellation of the validity of a selection achievement

      22. The expert organization shall weekly publish information on the termination of validity of a selection achievement in Kazakh and Russian in the “Хабарлама - Notices” section, indicating such data as:

      1) the name of the document of title;

      2) the application’s number;

      3) the name;

      4) the date of early termination, invalidation and cancellation of validity;

      5) the reason for early termination, invalidation and cancellation of validity.

      Information relating to early termination, invalidation and cancellation of validity of a selection patent shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

      Clause 7. The order for publishing information on the renewal of a selection achievement

      23. The expert organization shall weekly publish information on the renewal of a selection achievement in Kazakh and Russian in the “Хабарлама - Notices” section, indicating such data as:

      1) the name of the document of title;

      2) the date of renewal;

      3) the name;

      4) the reason for renewal.

      Information relating to the renewal of a selection patent shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

      Clause 8. The order for publishing information on an integrated circuit topology

      24. On the basis of registration in the State Register of Integrated Circuit Topologies, the expert organization shall weekly publish information on registered topologies in Kazakh and Russian in the bulletin’s section “Integrated Circuit Topology - Интегралдық микросхемалар топологиялары”.

      When publishing information on the state registration of an integrated circuit topology, it is necessary to indicate in the official bulletin:

      the name of the integrated circuit together with the registered topology;

      the registration number of the integrated circuit topology (the number of the certificate of state registration of the integrated circuit topology);

      the date of state registration of the integrated circuit topology;

      the number of the application for state registration of the integrated circuit topology;

      information on the right holder (right holders): the full name of the organization, the last and first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual with the indication of the code of the host country, residence address of the right holder (right holders);

      information on the author (authors): the last and first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual with the indication of the code of residence (if the author (authors) did not mind being indicated as such);

      the date of expiration of validity of the exclusive right;

      the abstract.

      Information relating to the registration of an integrated circuit topology shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant document of title.

      Clause 9. On making changes to the State Register of Integrated Circuit Topologies

      25. On the basis of changes made to the State Register of Integrated Circuit Topologies, the expert organization shall publish in the “Хабарлама - Notices” section such data as that:

      1) on the registered transfer of the right to an integrated circuit topology:

      the type of the agreement;

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name of the integrated circuit;

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the owner;

      the author (authors)

      the owner’s address;

      the assignee;

      the assignee’s address.

      2) on the registered granting of the right to use a trademark:

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name of the integrated circuit;

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address.

      3) on additional agreements to the registered agreements:

      the number of the agreement;

      the date of the agreement’s registration;

      the name of the integrated circuit;

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the licensor (sublicensor);

      the licensor’s (sublicensor’s) address;

      the licensee (sublicensee);

      the licensee’s (sublicensee’s) address.

      4) on invalidation, in whole or in part, of the registration of an integrated circuit topology:

      the name of the integrated circuit;

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the filing date;

      the owner;

      the authors;

      subject matter and reasons for termination.

      5) on termination of validity of the registration of an integrated circuit topology:

      the name of the integrated circuit;

      the registration number;

      the application’s number;

      the filing date;

      the owner;

      the authors;

      subject matter and reasons for termination.

      6) on extension of validity of the registration of an integrated circuit topology:

      the registration number;

      the owner’s names;

      the date until which the patent has been extended.

      7) on changes in the name of the owner in connection with its reorganization (succession) and/or in its location address:

      the registration number;

      the new name of the owner of the registered trademark.

      8) on changes in the last and first names, patronymic (if any) of the owner and/or his/her location address:

      the registration number;

      the new name of the owner of the registered trademark and/or location address;

      9) on correction of obvious and technical errors, as well as other changes relating to the registration of a trademark:

      the registration number;

      description of the corrected data.

      Changes relating to the registration, except for changes in the representative’s mailing address, shall be sent for publication in the bulletin in the form of notices.

      Information relating to making changes to the State Register of Integrated Circuit Topologies shall be published by the expert organization after sending a relevant notification.

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